Night after night, he watched as the hunter and the wolf traced the similar tracks but never crossed paths. "This won't do," the watcher thought to himself. "How much better it would be if they were forced to meet." He decided to remedy the situation and set about his goal at once. He settled on old trick, because the simplest magic was often the most potent. With a wink to the moon above, he laid the trap and waited for it to spring.
Chapter 1
Allison didn't notice that anything was wrong at first. She was too distracted by the phone buzzing on the nightstand. She couldn't remember setting it on vibrate, but her head ached, so she was grateful she had turned the ringer off. She tried to remember the night before. She didn't think she'd been drinking, but the blank in her memory pointed to the opposite conclusion.
Eyes closed, she reached for the phone and pressed the talk button.
"Hello?" God, she even sounded terrible today. Maybe she'd caught something.
"You need to get to a mirror, right now." A girl's voice came on the line.
Allison's eyes popped open. She was certain she hadn't given anyone other than her father her new cell number. No one else knew she was back at Beacon hills. Unless you counted Derek Hale, which she didn't. She glanced at the caller ID. The number looked familiar, but she had trouble placing it.
"Who is this?" She sat up in the bed, pushing the covers away.
"Trust me. Just get to a mirror." The girl sounded irritated. "There's one in the bathroom."
"A little bossy aren't we, Ms. stranger-on-the-phone?" Allison cleared her throat, trying to get her voice to come back.
"Just do it."
"Fine." Allison walked into the bathroom that adjoined the bedroom.
"Are you looking yet?"
"Yeah, I'm..." The words died on Allison's lips. There, looking back at her, was Scott McCall, holding a phone to his right ear. But that was impossible. He didn't even know she was back in town. No one else was even here, just her. Which meant that...
Allison reached up to touch her face and watched, fascinated as Scott in the mirror did the same.
She held out her hand in front of her. It was larger, the skin smooth and brown. That was not her hand-it was Scott's. Except, it was hers. She put her hand down. Obediently, mirror Scott did the same.
"Scott?" She whispered into the phone.
"Good, so you looked," said Scott with her voice. It dawned on Allison that the number on the caller ID was her new number.
"How did this happen?"
"I don't know. I'm trying to figure it out."
"Oh, my god," Allison said. She walked out into the bedroom, really taking in her surroundings.
Scott's bedroom looked almost the same as the last time she was over. She and Scott had made out on that very bed. Well, they'd done more than that if she was being truthful. Allison flushed at the memory of the way Scott's hands touched her that night. She remembered how good it felt to press her lips against his, to slip her tongue inside his mouth while his hands did things her dad definitely wouldn't approve of. Suddenly, she became aware of a strange sensation radiating from between her legs. Another thought struck her and Allison glanced down.
She shrieked. "Oh, my god! I have a..."
"I'm coming over," interrupted Scott. "Just sit tight and stay calm."
"What do I tell your father?"
"About where I'm going. Last time I checked, he likes to know where you're headed."
"I don't know!" Allison started pacing the room. She ran a hand through Scott's-no, her hair. The shortness of it unnerved her. "I can't think about that right now!"
"Ok, I'll figure something out."
"How can you be so calm about this?"
"Allison, I'm a werewolf. Weird's kinda my new normal. And I'm sure it's not permanent."
She hadn't thought about that. She wasn't just a boy now-she was a werewolf. What if Scott was wrong and she was stuck like this forever? She'd never be able to go home; her father would never accept she was a werewolf, never mind accept that she was now Scott McCall.
"This is bad. This is really, really..." Suddenly there was a sound like a gunshot and Allison jolted. It sounded like it came from downstairs.
"Allison?" Scott's voice was hesitant. "Is everything ok?"
"I heard a noise!"
"What'd it sound like?"
"Like a gun going off." Allison assumed a fighting stance.
"That's the front door. Stiles was gonna come over. He'll be upstairs in a sec."
"That's the door?"
"Your hearing is more powerful now. Things sound...magnified. And try to stay calm."
"Stop telling me to be calm!"
The door to the bedroom burst open and Stiles came running in. His hair was longer than Allison remembered and he wore a T-shirt and shorts. He looked a lot more relaxed than the Stiles she knew from last spring.
"Yo, dude!" Stiles sat down on the chair next to Scott's desk. He leaned back and crossed his arms behind his head. "Who are you arguing with? And why aren't you dressed? We're supposed to meet Isaac at the mall soon."
"It's Allison," Allison said.
"What?" Stiles sat up. "She's back? You're fighting with Allison?"
"Yes," Allison said and then she shook her head. "I mean no." She began pacing again, phone still pressed to her ear. "I mean, I'm Allison."
"You know, Scott, just when I thought you'd gotten over the whole break-up thing you come up with something like this."
"He doesn't believe you, does he?" Scott said.
"No," answered Allison. "He doesn't."
"Give the phone to Stiles."
Allison held the phone out to Stiles. "Scott wants to talk to you."
Stiles rolled his eyes and grabbed the phone.
"Hello?" He leaned back again in his chair. "Hey, Allison." Stiles paused. "Yeah, I don't know what you and Scott are up to, but I'm not buying..."
Suddenly the blood drained from Stiles's face. "You swore we would never speak of that!" He looked back at Allison, eyes wide. "Yeah. Ok." He handed the phone back to her. "He wants to talk to you."
Allison took the phone back.
"What'd you say to him?"
"I just reminded him about Mrs. Beecham's house."
"Ok. That makes no sense." Allison walked over to the bed and sat down. "When can you get here?"
"I'm on my way. Remember, stay calm."
Scott hung up the phone and began dressing as quickly as he could. Even though Allison was smaller than he was, his limbs seemed heavy and his movements awkward. It didn't go too badly, except that he got slowed down when he tried to put on one of Allison's many, many bras.
"Screw it," he muttered and threw the offending item on the floor. He didn't have time to mess around with lingerie.
He'd seen a lot of strange things happen since becoming a werewolf, but this was probably the strangest. He decided to stop worrying about the why until he could get to Allison. He had to make sure she didn't freak out and shift without him there. She knew a lot about hunting werewolves, be she didn't have a clue how to be one. She could hurt someone and right now Stiles was the closest target if she lost control.
Scott put on the nearest shoes he could find and grabbed Allison's purse from off her desk chair. He searched to contents to make sure that her keys and wallet were all in there. They were, along with about a thousand other items, including a miniature crossbow.
"Right," he muttered. He tossed the cell phone into the bag and walked over to the door.
Even though he'd spent months with her, Scott really had no idea how to act like Allison. He wondered what would happen if her dad discovered the truth. Surely he wouldn't shoot Scott in Allison's body? He pushed the thought aside. He had to deal with the situation at hand. He took a deep breath and opened the door.
It took him a moment to realize that Allison and her father had moved into a different house than the one he remembered. Instinctively, Scott breathed in through his nose, trying to find out if Mr. Argent was home. He cursed when he remembered that Allison's sense of smell was human, and therefore not much use in that department. He closed his eyes and tried to listen. He couldn't pick up anything that helped him determine if he was alone.
"Great, just great," Scott mumbled, annoyed at having to fly blind. He'd forgotten how dependent he'd become on his new abilities, especially since he'd begun tapping into his wolf side more often.
Resigned to his limited senses, Scott walked down the hall and down the stairs. He appreciated how Allison's lighter body managed not to create much noise as he padded down the wooden steps. It explained how she still managed to sneak up on him every now and then. Scott breathed a sigh of relief as he reached the bottom of the stairs. Only a few more feet and he'd be home free. He crossed the hall and his hand was on the knob when a voice came from behind him.
"Allison, where are you going?"
Scott winced before he remembered that Allison probably wouldn't do that. He turned around and tried to smile.
"Hi...Dad," he said, the word foreign on his tongue. "I'm just, uh, heading out to the library."
"Doing more research for your English paper?"
Scott racked his brain. Allison was already researching a paper for English? Did he miss something or was she just being studious? Scott cursed inwardly-just when he thought he'd caught up with his schoolwork it seemed he'd fallen behind again.
"Actually, I have a paper due when school starts. For economics. Coach, uh, Mr. Finstock assigned it over the summer." This was true. Scott did have an economics paper due when school started up again. It was one of Coach's conditions to allow Scott to join the cross-country team.
Mr. Argent looked Scott up and down. Scott saw a puzzled expression cross the hunter's stony face and he tried not to panic. The last time he'd been this close to Allison's dad, they'd been hauling Jackson's body into the back of Argent's SUV. The same SUV Argent had used to run Scott down in the parking lot during the winter formal.
After what seemed an eternity, the hunter smiled.
"Ok, honey. Have fun and don't study too hard. Call me if you're going to be out for dinner."
"Will do," Scott said and he pulled open the door and walked outside. Once he was safely inside Allison's car, he relaxed into the seat. His heart was pounding and he had to catch his breath.
After a minute he started the car and pulled out the driveway. The sooner he was himself again, the better.