Pain flared through my temples, a groan made it's way through my clenched teeth. I knew I shouldn't have come with my friend to the shopping district, I knew and yet I still did it. I was so stupid! The elegant sapphire reflected off of my murky white orbs, electric blue irises faded to the palest of blues.

A voice was calling my name, trying to break me from my reverie. With a gasp I dropped the pendent and ran from the shop, the elegant gold chain snapping when it hit the ground, a once priceless antique destroyed, with the memories of the past bound to it.

I ran as fast as I could and yet I couldn't escape the memories of the murdered woman who had once worn that. What was her name? Who was she? Why was she murdered? I hated those questions, I hated even more the answers that I would no doubt find. I was cursed with this ability, cursed to see time as it has once been, is, and shall be.

The cobblestone streets crunched underfoot as I ran through the old town. The large broken fort of St. Augustine looming over me. I froze feet skidding. Oh no! I can't go there! I can't! I thought frantically as I turned and ran.

A sob burned my throat, pain within my nose warned me of oncoming tears. The lifeless green of the woman flashed through my mind, panic sinking its claws through me. I was no longer myself, but the woman.

Sprinting as fast as she could, she tried to escape her stalker. She knew he meant nothing but harm. The shimmering gold chain felt tight upon her throat, the heavy precious sapphire burning her bosom. The corset made it hard for her to breath as she ran; her hands clutched the silken fabric of her burgundy dress, keeping it from tearing.

A man shouted from behind, a hand clamped down on her shoulder and through her against a wall. A dagger sank into her chest, just between her breast. A gasp left her crimson lips as she slid to the ground.

I sank against the wall of an alley, Pain exploding in my chest, but it was not my own. A choked noise left me as my heart fluttered weakly and gave out. The cobblestones rushed to meet my face, then darkness.

When I came to it was dark and I sat up, my cloths damp and smelling strongly of the salt from the ocean. Coughing I felt my chest, no punctures or signs of being stabbed. Leaning back against the ancient wall I closed my eyes as fatigue swept my body. It was just a vision...just a vision. I thought breathlessly.

I hated this. Every time I touched something I had to worry about absorbing the past memories of the object. The same went for people. If I touched them, I saw and felt everything they saw and felt. It was horrible. Looking up in the darkness I saw a figure at the end of the alleyway, the dark frame made its way toward me slowly. My heart beat quickly in response. Adrenaline coursing through me, causing my pupils to dilate.

The street light swept over the figure bestowing me the image of my best friend Catherine. A sob made its way up my throat as she crouched down beside me. Her fiery curly hair stuck out in every direction, her warm honey eyes help a mix of fury, sympathy and concern.

"Where da hell ha' ya been?" She growled in her deep southern drawl. I shook my head and looked away.

"You wouldn't understand Kitty." I murmured, trying to keep my electric blue eyes away from hers.

"Oh I wouldn't Clare? Try me!" She snarled back, her hands grasping my arms harshly and shaking me. If I told her I was a mutant then there was a chance she would reject me, I couldn't take that chance. Not after what happened. Maybe if things had ended differently I would explain, but they didn't. So, I just shook my head.

She shoved my harshly against the wall and stood up in a tizzy. Her honey eyes held fury, her face stoney. The fiery red curls framed her pale face just so, in the lighting she looked like a demonic creature ready to tear me apart. I looked away, unable to look upon her.

Looking in the other direction I suddenly saw those green eyes, soft copper hair, the gold chain with the blue sapphire. Gasping I quickly looked back at Catherine, but she was gone. Hanging my head I stared at the ground in dismay. It was better this way, she leaving me like this. I was a mutant, I would only bring her trouble.

Walking slowly from the ally, I let my shoulders sag and walked away into the evening air. Clenching my fist I turned and looked at a shop that held fine garments, it was closed for the night. Looking around I walked over and hesitantly focused my eyes on the door.

Suddenly my eyes started to glow iridescent blue, the door glowed the same color, then exploded. The only part of my ability I could control, was the ability to manipulate electricity, to make the object of my center of attention super charged. By doing so, I essentially disintegrated it...or left a super charged ticking time bomb.

Walking into the shop I felt the glass crunch under my boots. Wood splinters crackling, nothing more than burning coals now, were the only sound other than waves in the distance that could be heard. Stalking through the ruined doorway I grabbed a pair of leather purple gloves that ran up to my forearm.

Slipping them on I flexed my fingers, the leather must have been new for they were a little hard to bend. No worries, they'll wear in. Turning I stocked back out of the shop and down the road. I knew stealing was bad, but I couldn't take seeing visions every time I touched something. I was twenty years old, the visions started when I was eighteen. The electricity started earlier.

Looking up at the sky I scowled. I had effectively ran off my best friend. My last tie to my old life. It wasn't that I was a masochist or something...but...I just couldn't take the pain of rejection again, and with the little episode of earlier it was bound to happen sooner or later that Catherine would figure it out. She wasn't stupid. So, it was better to end it now and go back to her apartment, go back to working the crummy part time job of a waitress. Go back to being...alone.


So what do ya'll think? Give me a shout out and let me know!

~D.R. Out