Claire POV:
Claire was still in shock the next day and didn't know how to interact with Alicia and avoided her all throughout breakfast and on the way back to school. Kristen was the first one to notice Claire's strange behavior. During Honors Physics, Kristen confront Claire. "Claire what's going on? You were really quiet and awkward this morning?" Kristen asked. Claire sighed, "Last night, I overheard something Leesh said to Mass…"Claire said before continuing. There was no point in hiding secrets, especially between best friends. "Kris, Leesh said she was pregnant the summer she went to Spain." Claire said. Kristen stared at her, "Are you sure? I mean that would explain why Alicia was an emotional mess when she came back, but wow." Kristen couldn't find her words to express her stunned emotion. "We need to hear this from Alicia herself." Kristen finally said after regaining her composure. Claire nodded and took out her iPhone 6+.
Claire: Emergency GLU meeting the park after school
Kristen: Done (:
Massie: Done ^-^
Alicia: And DONE! (;
After school, the whole PC met up in front of the fountain. Claire and Kristen sat at the edge of the fountain. Massie and Alicia sat criss crossed on top of a blanket on the grass. "Why did you want an emergency GLU meeting Claire?" Alicia asked. Claire cleared her throat. Kristen nudged Claire's arm in support. "I overheard your conversation with Massie last night, Leesh." Claire said. Alicia paled and Massie quickly patted her back. "Claire and I still love you Leesh. We just want to understand what happen and how you could keep a secret from us?" Alicia sighed and began to tear up. Claire and Kristen immediately rushed and hugged their alpha. "Leesh, it's okay. Me and Kris will not judge you. Hey, look at us, we've seen you at your worse and we still stuck by your side and we will stick by your side, but please be honest with us." Claire soothed Alicia. Alicia calmed down.
"Remember how big of a mess I was when Josh dumped me before sophomore year started? Then I told you girls about this amazing guy I met on the plane ride over to Spain. His name was Damien and I had fallen for him, hard." Alicia started. Kristen and Claire held Alicia's hand and Massie encouraged Alicia on with a smile. "We were so in love. His family did not approve of me though, they said I was too American for him." Alicia chuckled. "I gave him everything a month in, and I was blessed with a gift from above. I was scared and happy at the same time. We were ecstatic. We were going to name him David and we had all these plans for the future. I was really happy." Alicia said with a sad gleam to her eyes. "His parents had other plans though. We were trying to get on a flight straight to New York, but once his parents got wind of it, they sent out these scary guards to chase us and prevent him from leaving. One bad turn and we…"Alicia gasped while tears poured down. "The car tipped over, I made it out… alive, but I was the only survivor." Alicia started sobbing. "His family humiliated me at his funeral. His mother absolutely abhors me. Apparently Derrick knew who Damien was and went to the funeral. He found out about everything and understood me. When he asked me what I wanted to do next, the first thing I could think of was go to Massie. She knew about Damien. So I took the first flight to London. I was then told that she was in France, so I took another flight to France." "Here's where I come in." Massie chimed in. "Alicia was a mess. She needed help, so I told her to stay with me for the rest of the summer as a form of therapy. She had awful nightmares and would have public meltdowns. Towards the end of summer, she started to worry about starting school again as alpha, and how she didn't know if she would be able to handle it. I told her that it'll be alright and that Derrick will be there to help her." By the end of the story, Claire and Kristen were balling their eyes out. The PC embraced Alicia. "You are so strong." Kristen told her. Alicia smiled, "I love you all!" The clique burst with laughter.
Unbeknownst to them, a certain redhead with a vendetta was recording it all… She gave a devilish smile and forwarded it to the OCDiva.
The assembly held the next day was to announce the theme and candidates for Homecoming. "The winning theme for this year's homecoming dance is… Masquerade Ball!" Principal Burns announced. A mix of boo's and yays erupted from the crowd. The PC were sitting in the middle of the bleachers and had a whole row to themselves. Of course the Briarwood Boys accompanied them. "And now for the nominations! For Junior Homecoming King, we have… Josh Hotz, Cameron Fisher, Chris Plovert, andddd Derrick Harrington! Congratulation boys!" The whole school erupted in cheers. "Now for the ladies! Please give it up for… Alicia Rivera, Dylan Marvil, Claire Lyons andddd Daniella Campbell! Congratulations ladies!" Alicia was in complete shock, she was running against a former enemy and a nobody was competing. She turned to give Kristen and Massie an apologetic look. "Don't worry about it Leesh, Kristen and I went to the office and asked to remove us from the nomination." Massie explained. "Why did you guys not want to be nominated?" Claire asked. "Because Kristen and I do not have serious boyfriends who are running for Homecoming King." Massie added. Suddenly everyone's phones erupted with pings of the new OCDiva gossip alert. "I'll read it! I'll try to mimic my best OCDiva voice." Josh said. "Go for it Hotz." Chris said.
Congratulations to all the nominated! Here is my treat for thee. Olivia caught visiting the G. Hope there isn't anything icky or worse a life form!
"Hey Kemp, didn't you get with that?" The BB chuckled while the girls looked away with disgust.
BTW New girl D, don't get your hopes up for being nominated and don't think you can win. We all know Former Queen M and Sporty K resigned from the nomination list. The battle between Queen A and Superstar D is just getting started and now I present you with the major gossip bomb and scandal of the year.
"You guys resigned?" Derrick said stunned. "Yes! Why is that so hard to believe?" Massie rolled her eyes. "What surprises me is how fast she found out." Kristen added. "Whatever, continue on babe, I want to know what the huge bomb is..." Alicia said.
I present you with the major scandal of the year, Queen A was never faithful to her King J. To add more fuel to the fire, she is banned from the city of Barcelona because the pretty girl couldn't say no. Want to know all the deets, simply wait and see…
Love you lots,
Josh POV
Josh finished the sentence and his eyes grew big. "Alicia, what is this crap?!" Josh said. Alicia took away his phone, "it's nothing, you're not seriously going to believe her!" Alicia said defensively. Derrick chimed in, "Yeah Josh, don't doubt Leesh over measly gossip." Josh was still seeing red. He knew there wasn't enough proof but Derrick went to Barcelona over the summer Sophomore year right around the same time Alicia was there. Now that he thought about it, Derrick came to Alicia's defense awfully quick. "Why did you defend her so fast?! Are you the bastard who's sleeping with her?" Josh yelled as he stood up.
The whole auditorium was dead silent as they anticipated what was going to happen next. Alicia stood up from her seat and slapped Josh. The auditorium gasped and couldn't tear their eyes away from the scene. Alicia spoke up with a death glare, "How dare you accuse me of being unfaithful after your stint in Cabo!" Alicia said sternly. Josh paled. "We were on break then!" Josh retorted but Alicia wasn't having it. "How about your almost encounter with Olivia at my party!" Alicia said. Josh was speechless. How the hell did Alicia know all of this? He turned towards Claire. "Don't even dare to look at Claire's way for doing the right thing." Alicia threatened. Josh was speechless. Then he realized that the whole school was watching. "I'm leaving before any of us do something we regret." Josh said and stormed off outside. Derrick chased after him. "Josh wait up." Josh turned around, "What's going on man? I'm really confused!" Josh said letting his anger subside. "Look, I don't know what's going with the PC or Alicia, but I do know that we were, are, and never will get together man. You know that my heart is still set with Mass, even after all these years." Derrick said. Josh knew what Derrick said was true. He had to detain Derrick from ever sending anything embarrassing to Massie when he got drunk. "I'm sorry. I really screwed up with Leesh then didn't I?" Josh said realizing his mistake. "Oh man, how long do you think it'll take Leesh to forgive me?" Josh asked suddenly regretting his actions. Derrick chuckled, "I'm sure she'll forgive you before the dance. After all, you're the king and queen." Derrick said. Josh chuckled at how predictable Alicia is, but for some reason, he couldn't shake off the feeling that Derrick wasn't telling something. Josh then wondered how Alicia knew about Cabo, since Cam was the only person who knew.
Claire POV
Alicia was freaking out. "Massie, what does this OCDiva know?" "Leesh relax, I'm sure she has nothing on us so don't stress about it. I'll take care of it." Massie assured her. Claire was in awe of Massie, she was stress-free and knew just how to assure Alicia. Had it been her, she would probably freak out with Alicia and hope for the best. Claire felt a sudden tug on her hand. She looked up to see Chris signal her to leave. Claire followed him to the costume storage room. Claire then noticed something was off with Chris. "What happened to your eye?" She asked as she saw faint blue black bruise. "I thought I covered it well with make up." Chris said sheepishly. Claire immediately inspected his eye. "What happened?" She asked in a stern tone. Chris shrugged it off, "Cam was drunk last night. Things were said. I'm alright though." Chris assured Claire. Claire didn't know how to process these news. Did it mean that Cam still loved her? Her heart started to race at that thought, but the moment she locked eyes with Chris, all of that didn't matter. She leaned in and kissed his black eye softly. When Chris smiled back at her, Claire began to realize that she was falling hard.
Cam POV:
Cam tried really hard not to glance at his ex's way. Especially when Plovert took her to the costume storage room. Cam recalled last night and immediately regretted his actions. He had no right to hit Chris, especially after he told him that his feelings for Claire were genuine. It didn't help that he was also under the influence of alcohol.
"Cam, I want to be upfront with you, but I think Claire could be the one." Chris told him seriously. Cam just laughed. "Since when were you in love with her." Cam asked him. Chris glanced down and mumbled, "Since freshmen year, after I broke up with Dylan." Cam had fire in his eyes and before he knew it, his fist collided with his face. "You two faced traitor. You mean to tell me, that you were in love with her when she was still with me!" Cam yelled. Chris stood there then met his eyes with determination. Cam was taken aback at his sudden change, "Yes. Hit me until you feel better." Chris told him. Cam could not believe what Chris was saying, in a way it made him feel worse about himself. So Cam did what Cam does best, he walked away.
Kristen POV:
The whole cafeteria could not stop talking about the scene that happened earlier today. Kristen could hear glimpses of everyone's conversations. "Alicia should just shut up. She's lucky Josh is even with her at all." "Josh must be soo hurt." "Who knew Claire was such a snitch!"
"Earth to Kristen!" Daniel said whilst grabbing her attention. "Oh hey!" Kristen said immediately lifting her spirit. "That was crazy back there, wasn't it?" Daniel said trying to make small talk. "Yeah. You're lucky you're in the in circle." Kristen said flirtatiously. "Why is that?" Daniel asked. "Because instead of being a speculator, you became a part of the spectacle." Kristen said. Daniel looked at her confused, "What do you mean by that?" Kristen smiled, "Listen to everyone talking then you'll know what I mean." Kristen winked. She linked arms with Daniel, "Now listen." Kristen said while using her eyes to point to the speculators. "No way, is Daniel really getting together with her." "They make such a perfect couple, the beauty with brains, and the broad with a heart. I ship this." "Daniel can do so much better." "Pshh, Kristen can do better." Kristen looked up and smiled at Daniel's reaction. He was beyond surprised and amused. She released his arm, "See what I mean." He just nodded. "I have to go, but we can definitely go for some ice cream after practice." Kristen said. Daniel grinned, "See you after school."
Daniel POV:
Daniel never considered himself as part of the inner circle. But listening to everyone, made him feel strange. He never noticed just how popular he had become until that moment. "Daniel and Kristen, I don't think Alicia would approve of that." "I'm happy for her, she deserves happiness after what Kemp did." This drew Daniel's attention. He had no idea that Kristen and Kemp were a thing. He listened more intently. " What did Kemp do?" A freshmen asked. Another sophomore piped up, "He didn't do anything, it was Kristen who gave her v-card to Dempsey when he came to visit from the Bahamas." Daniel wasn't one to judge someone, least of all Kristen who was nice to him the whole time he was here. He suddenly heard Massie's name in the sea of conversations, "Had Massie accepted her nomination, she and Derrick would win animously." "I heard they were each other's first loves." "How romantic." "How did they meet?" "Let's bet, I say they'll get together by homecoming dance." Daniel checked out from listening in to others. He did not know that Massie and Derrick had history, but he was going to find out if there were still feelings, that way he'd save himself from falling too hard.