ML54: What's up people. It's ML54 trying out a new franchise since I've recently started to watch the series. I'll be honest, I never really got it until I watched it and now I love the series.

Pinkie: YAY! He's a member of the heard now!

ML54: *Sweatdrops* Yeah well. This is my first My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic fanfiction and it will be a crossover with Yugioh, but no Yugioh characters will be mentioned. Also, if you bronies and pegasisters want to give me an OC for this fic, it'd help me out a lot. I've only watched the first seven episodes so far...I'd also like to know if I got the personalities right and everything. As I said, I'm very new to MLP. So, I don't own MLP or Yugioh.

New Game To Equestria

It was a strange few months for the pony world of Equestria, especially with the introduction of a new card game designed by a Unicorn known as Paint Stroke. He was a dark blue Unicorn with a blonde mane and a paint brush cutie mark on his hide.

The cards had been a hit, a fun new game that all the ponies of Ponyville can play, even the Mane Six.

Speaking of them, they were all in Sugarcube Corner, sitting round a table that a blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail, with a rainbow and cloud cutie mark and an orange Earth Pony with a blonde mane and tail, brown hat and apple cutie mark sat opposite, holding cars in their front hooves.

These two were known as Rainbow Dash and Applejack, respectively.

(Rainbow Dash lp.2300 Hand:2 Deck:27)

(Applejack lp.1900 Hand:3 Deck:28)

"See, told you I'd win!" Rainbow cheered, sticking her tongue out at her friend. On Rainbow's field, Windaar, Sage of Gusto's card was seen on it's own. (Windaar lv.6 atk:2000 def:1000)

Applejack's field was bare, but her turn was just beginning. "Shouldn' coun' ya chicks before they hatch, Sugarcube." The orange pony replied, picking up a card.

(Rainbow Dash lp.2300 Hand:2 Deck:27)

(Applejack lp.1900 Hand:4 Deck:27)

"Specially since Ah'm playin' tha spell card, Double Summon. Now Ah can summon both ma Naturia Beetle an' Naturia Butterfly." (Naturia Beetle lv.4 atk:600 def:1800) (Naturia Butterfly lv.3 atk:500 def:1200)

"Neither of those will beat Windaar." Rainbow, cockily, replied. Applejack shook her head and played another card.

"Nope, but tha spell, Mini Guts, should help. It let's me offer up ma Butterfly ta drop y'all monster's points ta zero."

"Say what!" The Pegasus replied, shocked, reading the card's description. Sure enough, what it said matched what Applejack said about it and Windaar's points were dropped to zero while the Earth Pony put Naturia Butterfly in the graveyard.

"Also, since a spell was just used, ma Beetle's attack and defence points are flipped." (Windaar lv.6 atk:2000-0 def:1000) (Naturia Beetle lv.4 atk:600-1800 def:1800-600)

"So now Ah'll attack y'all monster an' take it down!" Rainbow, begrudgingly, put her card in the graveyard pile.

(Rainbow Dash lp.500 Hand:2 Deck:27)

(Applejack lp.1900 Hand:0 Deck:27)

"An' just so y'all know, since tha monster effected by Mini Guts was destroyed, y'all take damage equal ta y'all monsters original points, sorry Rainbow, Ah win." Just for clarification, Rainbow read the card again and admitted that she lost, glaring at the ground.

(Rainbow Dash lp.0 Hand:2 Deck:27)LOSE

(Applejack lp.1900 Hand:0 Deck:27)WIN

"Good job Darling!" Rarity, the white Unicorn with the purple mane, with the three diamond cutie mark congratulated her friend.

"You did good too, Rainbow..." Fluttershy, the yellow Pegasus with the pink mane and tail and three butterfly cutie mark consoled her longest friend from flight school. Rainbow huffed a bit, she hated losing at anything, despite knowing that this was just a friendly.

"Oh yeah, tha' means tha' y'all have ta help me an' Big Mac paint tha new fence as well, Rainbow!" Oh yeah, it wasn't a friendly. Rainbow rolled her eyes, but glared at Twilight Sparkle, the purple Unicorn with a dark blue mane and tail, highlighted by a pinkish-red streak of hair and a star with sparkles cutie mark, knowing that the book loving Unicorn had something to do with reminding her.

The Unicorn caught the look and started whistling and looking as innocent as she could to try and shift her tomboyish friend's accusing gaze away from her. To no success.

The tension was broken, however, when a pink Earth Pony with a darker pink mane and tail and three balloon cutie mark slammed a tray of cakes on the table in the space between their cards. "WHAT DID I MISS?! WHO WON?! THAT'S A CUTE MONSTER! BUT IT'S A BUG, EW! BUT IT'S SO ADORABLE!"

"Pinkie! Breathe! Breathe!" Pinkie Pie did as she was told and took several deep breaths, before resuming.

"Who won, who won, who won, who wants cake, who won?!" Applejack smiled at her friend's antics picking a cake off of the tray, making sure it wasn't hot first. It wouldn't be the first time the eccentric mare had brought them the cakes straight out of the oven. She cringed a little at the memory of the burn on her hoof, it was murder!

"Ta answer y'all questions in order, me, me, me, yes an' me." Rainbow glared at her as Applejack took a bite out of the muffin. "Nice new cakes there, PP." Pinkie Pie grinned.

"YUP! It's a new party game! Stalliongrad Roulette!" The others gulped at what the pink pony might mean by that. "I made six cakes five of them were made from normal sugar like usual but one was made with hot sauce and peppers instead of sugar cool huh!" She continued, explaining the whole concept with one breath, like usual.

"U-um..." Fluttershy stuttered, quivering a little in fear. "I-I'm not v-very hungry r-right now. B-but thanks f-for the offer...sorry." She backed out, not wanting to burn her tongue off with what hot sauce Pinkie might have picked.

Without warning, Rainbow snatched one of the cakes and bit into it, not really being able to resist a challenge if she could beat someone. She knew in her head that she couldn't lose, but was still relieved that her tongue wasn't frying in her mouth. "Myour murn mwilight."

Twilight nodded, a bit disgusted that Rainbow was talking with her mouth full, deciding to suck it up and take one since Rainbow, undoubtedly, would call her a chicken if she didn't. Rainbow wouldn't do so with Fluttershy though, since the two were friends since they were little fillies and they all knew how sensitive the yellow Pegasus was.

She bit into it and found herself actually sighing with relief when a sweet sense overtook her taste buds rather than a spicy one. After finishing her mouth full, all eyes turned to Rarity. She, suddenly aware of everyone watching her, sighed.

"Fine, but if I can't taste after this, I'm taking your sugar away from you Pinkie!" Just as she said this, she snatched and bit into the middle one of the remaining three. She swallowed the sweet cake, amazed with her luck and grinned at Pinkie Pie. "Your turn Pinkie, dear."

"Okay!" She took one and shoved the thing in her mouth, getting a lot of the frosting in her face fur. She grinned, widely, licking her lips. "Delicious!"

The group of six stared down at the remaining cake, all knowing that that was the one that would cause a scorching feeling to overtake their senses.

After a brief silence, Rainbow pushed the cake towards Applejack. "Well, since you went first, the cycle goes back to you AJ." Applejack, nonchalantly, pushed it back towards Rainbow Dash.

"Ah think y'all find, Sugarcube, tha' y'all initiated tha game. Ah took one before tha game was announced. So tha cycle, Ah'm afraid, falls back ta y'all." Rainbow pushed the cake back towards her.

"Then you haven't taken a turn yet, so take your turn." AJ, once again, pushed the cake back, it nearly toppling over as it slid in front of Rainbow.

"Ah don' need ta take a turn if Ah ain't playin'." Rainbow glared and slid it over to her before they heard a voice over by the entrance.

"Applejack!" A big red Earth Pony called out, approaching the table. He bore a big green apple cutie mark, blonde-orange tail and mane and a brown, wooden collar round his neck. He stood at least a head taller than most other equestrians, hence the name Big Macintosh. He was seen with three cans of new white paint hooked onto a saddle he had strapped onto his back.

"Y'all ready ta git tha fence painted?" Applejack answered her brother.

"Eeyup." He nodded, and turned to the last cake. Seeing that the other's didn't want it, he shrugged and took it.

The orange mare, startled, tried to warn the big horse. "No don..." But it was too late.

Big Mac's eyes widened, tears starting to form with the intense heat that had overcome him. "HOT!" He rushed past the mane six and straight for the colt bathroom.

Applejack turned to Pinkie Pie, having been startled by a reaction like that. At rodeos that her and her brother had been to before, he had some hot food, even entered a contest or two, but never had they EVER caused him to react like THAT! "What in tha name o' Celestia did ya put in tha'?!"

Pinkie Pie shrugged. "Just some hot sauce, phantom peppers, jalapeƱos, chilli peppers...I forgot the rest." The others shuddered, looking to where Big Mac had rushed off to.

"Remind me NEVER to play Stalliongrad Roulette." Twilight mentioned, shuddering at the thought of something so hot it would make even the quietest pony in all of Ponyville cry out like that.

"AHH! This is SO boring!" Rainbow complained, throwing her paint brush into the tin of paint. She was with Applejack on one side of the fence while Big Mac was on the other. It was a picket fence, much to the Pegasus's initial relief, but it was still quite a job.

AJ shot her a confused look. "We've only bin doin' this for ten minutes. How could y'all be bored already?"

"Well, for one, painting is stupid! Two, I have better things to do! And three, we're painting it WHITE! Why can't it be a cooler colour, like blue?" She continued. Applejack rolled her eyes, finishing another picket, moving onto the next.

"'Cause white is tha colour tha' would stand out tha mos' in a field o' grass...Look, why don' y'all jus' leave if this is so borin'?" Oh how Rainbow would love to just fly away and forget about this whole bet thing, but her stupid pride wouldn't let her break her promise. Damn being the Element of Loyalty!

After another ten minutes of painting, complaining and sighing, Applejack put her brush down and ran a hoof over her face in frustration. "Look, why don' y'all see if'n Big Mac needs any help on his side?" "An' let me have a few minutes quiet!" She added, silently, noticing that the bigger pony was much further ahead, him having started at the other end of the fence.

Rainbow sighed and picked up her paint tin. "Fine...Can't be much worse than this." She, taking the opportunity, flew over to the red pony. She preferred to be in the air than on the ground, so needed to stretch her stiff wings a bit.

Applejack smiled at the silence and got back to the job at hand.

As it turned out, Big Macintosh had actually got MORE done than the other two had done combined. Rainbow Dash, looked over the fence and the big pony in surprise. "How?"

Big Mac shrugged, not even stopping to answer her properly. She glared at him and prodded his shoulder, wanting to know how to get this done faster so she could practice her flying. "Don't just shrug at me! How did you get this all done so quickly?!"

He turned to her, knowing that she's not going to stop bothering him until he answers, and replied. "Ah like ta make a game outta it."

"What sort of game?" She inquired, having been confused by his short answer.

"Ah'm beating ya an' AJ at it right now. It's 'who can git tha mos' pickets painted?'" He finished getting back to it. She glared harder, he did not just say what she thought he said, did he?

"No way! I could get the rest of this fence painted before you even get to the next picket!" Big Mac rolled his eyes and, just to show her the error of her words, moved onto the next picket. She gritted her teeth and picked up the paint brush, extending her wings out to full length.

She then took to the air and lowered so she barely hovered off the ground. She then proceeded to fly across and swipe the fence with the brush, painting it as she flew along. "I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner!"

Applejack was whistling to herself before a rush of air went past and she had to grab her hat, less it fly away. She looked in the direction the blue blur past and sighed as she saw Rainbow Dash try to get the fence done by flying.

After about twenty minutes of this, the cyan Pegasus rushing up and down the fence, occasionally having to dunk the brush into the the tin of paint, the fence was a complete stark white. She grinned and hovered in front of Big Mac, who was frowning at her.

"I win...What's that look for?" She cut herself off, seeing his disapproving look. He pointed a hoof at the white pony with Applejack's hat...wait...

"Do Ah look like a picket fence ta ya, Dash?!" Whoops, that WAS the orange pony. Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck with one of her hooves sheepishly.

"Sorry about that AJ, guess I got carried away." The farm girl pony had to take a deep breath to try to calm down a bit, before she started gagging at the paint fumes and shaking her head.

"At least tha fence is done. Ah'm goin' ta take a bath!" She stomped in frustration and turned to leave. "Mac, if Fluttershy comes by lead her straight ta tha chicken coop, okay?"

"Eeyup." Big Mac replied, glaring a bit more at Rainbow as Applejack left. As nonchalantly as she could, the Pegasus tried to change the subject.

"Why's Fluttershy coming to see the chickens?" The red stallion left the question hanging for a few seconds before sighing a bit.

"A few o' them are feeling under tha weather, she's just comin' by ta make sure it's nuttin' too bad." He then left for the house, knowing that's where any of their visitors would go to to find them...well MOST of their visitors anyway.

"So when's Shy suppose to be here?" The Pegasus asked, wanting to talk to the big red horse more. It's not often you get him talking and she feels this is some kind of record right here.

"Ah don' know. Don' have a watch." He shrugged, opening the door and finding Applebloom and her friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle there, drawing stuff on the floor. Applebloom was a yellow Earth pony with a red mane and tail, wearing a pink bow in her mane. Scootaloo was an orange Pegasus with a purple mane and tail. Sweetie Belle was a white Unicorn with a purple and pink mane and tail.

None of the three bore a cutie mark since they were still quite young. But they wouldn't give up, hence why they made their own group the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Rainbow Dash rose an eyebrow. "What are they up to?"

"They're tryin' ta git their cutie marks in art." Big Mac answered, going to the kitchen. She shrugged and went to sit by the three kids. Scootaloo looked up and her eyes sparkled a bit, seeing Rainbow there. The Pegasus sighed in her head.


"RAINBOW DASH'S HERE!" Went off the cry of Scootaloo, the cyan pony's biggest fan. She smiled a bit as the smaller Pegasus ran up to her, treading all over Sweetie Belle's drawing of her sister. Applebloom looked confused though.

"Ah though' y'all were paintin' tha fence?" Rainbow grinned back.

"Yeah, we finished that. I painted the most pickets though!"

"An' Applejack too." Big Mac added from the kitchen. Remembering the sight of her sister, Applebloom started laughing.

"So tha's why AJ came in lookin' like a ghost!" Sweetie Belle, still crestfallen at her ruined picture, looked up at her friend in confusion before sighing in relief.

"Oh good, I though I was the only one who saw that!"

"I didn't know you'd still be here Rainbow." Fluttershy said, surprised to see her friend in the Apple family home, expecting Applejack or Applebloom to answer the door. But standing before her was the cyan Pegasus herself.

Rainbow shrugged. "I got paint on AJ, so I'm just hanging around to make sure she's okay. Big Mac! Fluttershy's here!"

The red Earth Pony walked past her and stood next to Fluttershy. "Keep it down, Miss Rainbow!" Big Mac hissed, quietly to the loud blue Pegasus. "Granny's sleepin'!" He was talking about the old green Earth Pony with the white mane and tail, apple patterned bandanna and a pie cutie mark.

"Alight, geez." Rainbow replied, mock lowering her voice. Fluttershy seemed a bit quieter now that Big Mac was around, which is a common trait for the yellow Pegasus. Hence her name, Fluttershy. She wasn't very social with ponies who don't hang out with her as often as the rest of the Elements of Harmony do.

"Sorry Miss Fluttershy, ma sister needed a wash cause somepony painted her like she were a canvas." He glared at Rainbow again, but she rolled her eyes at him. He's been glaring at her for the best part of half an hour. The guy really needs to lighten up, in her opinion.

"Oh...i-it's n-no...problem..." Fluttershy managed to spit out, not used to hearing the Earth Pony talking so much. Rainbow grinned.

"I know, he knows more words than just Applejack, eeyup and nope." He glared a bit more Rainbow's way, before turning away from her.

"Ah talk when Ah need ta, no use wastin' words when they ain't needed." He replied, motioning for the quiet Pegasus to follow him. "Ah'll show ya ta tha chickens Miss Fluttershy."

"Just...Fluttershy i-is f-fine..." She replied following after him.

Rainbow stood at the doorway before she noticed the three fillies next to her. "What the? Where did all of you come from?"

Applebloom smiled widely, giggling a bit, causing confusion to show on Rainbow's face. "Big Mac and Fluttershy like each other!"

"It's SO cute!" Sweetie Belle joined in, them having noticed something she missed.

"Now hold off there Crusaders." The adult stopped them, causing the three innocent faces to look up at her. "Don't you go around throwing accusations like that. You don't know that. How would you like it if I said that you liked Snails, Applebloom?"

Applebloom scuffed the floor a bit with her hoof, pouting a bit. "Good point..."

"Hey!" Big Mac suddenly yelled, causing the four to look up and run to where the two had walked off to. That's when they saw the red colt in front of Fluttershy, who was hiding behind him from another Pegasus.

"Oh great, it's Flappy Zoom." Rainbow sighed, irritably. This Pegasus was new to the area and was grey in colour, having a black and white tail and mane. He bore a race track cutie mark.

"Oh come on now, Fluttershy. I only asked for a date, no need to be all scared." Big Mac looked to Fluttershy, who was shaking her head and Rainbow Dash, who was glaring at this stallion. "Hey move it, lummox! I want to talk to my girl!"

"Y'all girl?" Big Mac replied, a hint of anger in his voice. "Ah wasn' aware tha' she were an object, she don' belon' ta nopony!"

"Look, just get out of the way and this doesn't need to get ugly!" He shouted back, stepping forward a bit more. In response, the red Earth Pony shielded the frightened mare even more.

"Tha way Ah see it, y'all are on our land withou' our permission, which is tresspassin', so unless y'all want me ta call tha cops, Ah suggest y'all walk away!" The grey Pegasus glared harder, stepping forward even more.

"She isn't your marefriend, so you have no right in telling anypony to back off..."

"How about you two duel?!" Rainbow shouted without really thinking. Fluttershy and Big Mac looked at her like she had just lost her mind but Zoom grinned.

"I like the sound of that! I win, I get to go on a date with the pretty young mare, you win and you get to, how about that?" Before Big Mac could decline, knowing that there was no way he'd be willing to risk something like that, Rainbow stuffed her hoof in his mouth and agreed for him.

"Good, I also get to try something out for my company and Paint Stroke." He threw the wooden board with fourteen slots, seven on each row, to Big Mac. Who had caught it with his teeth. "That there's a duel plank. You play your cards on that and Paint Stroke says images of the monsters become real in front of your eyes."

"Cool!" Applebloom cheered, not very aware of the situation at hand.

"Fine, le's git this over wit'..." Big Mac replied, unhooking one of his saddle bags and setting it on the ground, fetching his deck out, placing a few on the opposite zone of his deck.

"I'll start off then!" Just as the Pegasus said this, Applejack had galloped over with her mane still a little damp with her trusty hat on, confused by all the commotion.

"Wha' did Ah miss?"

(Big Macintosh lp.8000 hand:5 deck:35)

(Flappy Zoom lp.8000 hand:6 deck:34)

"I summon my Marauding Captain!" Just as the guy had put the card on the board, a soft glow was cast out of the card and, in a glow of light, a beaten warrior stood, drawing a sword. (Marauding Captain lv.3 atk:1200 def:400)

"How in tarnation did tha' happen?!" Applejack exclaimed, having seen a card image appear in front of her.

"Just a little Unicorn magic, my boss assures. His own magic in each of these planks. But, back to the duel, thanks to my Captain I can summon another monster like Command Knight!" Then, in another glow, appeared a female warrior in red armour drew her sword. (Command Knight lv.4 atk:1200-1600 def:1900) (Marauding Captain lv.3 atk:1200-1600 def:400)

"An' while she's in play, all Warrior-type monsters gain four hundred attack points. Ah've seen Warrior cards before, they ain't tha' impressive." He glared at the red pony and put another card down.

"You'll soon see how dangerous your situation really is. I place a card face-down and end my turn." Wordlessly, Big Mac drew a card.

(Big Macintosh lp.8000 hand:6 deck:34)

(Flappy Zoom lp.8000 hand:3 deck:34)

"Ah summon ma Gem-Armadillo!" Then, as soon as the soft glow around the card stopped, and an orange, legless armadillo like monster burst out of the ground and bared it's claws, ready. (Gem-Armadillo lv.4 atk:1700 def:500) "An' his ability let's me add a Gem-Knight monster ta ma hand, an' Ah choose Gem-Knigh' Garnet."

"Now Ah activate Double Summon so Ah can summon Gem-Knigh' Garnet!" Then a red, crystalline warrior with fire protruding on his fist burst out of the ground. (Gem-Knight Garnet lv.4 atk:1900 def:0)

"Wow...His monsters are pretty..." Fluttershy mumbled out, unaware that Rainbow Dash had heard her and had nudged Applebloom.

"Maybe I stand corrected." The little filly grinned ear to ear and giggled with her friends.

"Now Ah can take ou' both y'all monsters, bu' firs' Ah'll use Night Beam. This destroys ya face-down an' doesn't allow ya ta make any response ta it." Zoom cursed under his breath as Rising Energy was shown before a stream of yellow energy shattered it. "Now Garnet, attack his Captain! Blazin' Knuckle!"

The Gem-Knight nodded and charged forward, swinging his fist back, igniting it in even more flames, before socking the beaten captain in the mouth, him shattering into dust.

(Big Macintosh lp.8000 hand:2 deck:34)

(Flappy Zoom lp.7700 hand:3 deck:34)

"Now Gem-Armadillo will take ou' ya Command Knigh'!" The armadillo dove and burrowed into the ground, disappearing for a brief moment, before it burst out and uppercutted the red armoured warrior, destroying her in the process.

(Big Macintosh lp.8000 hand:2 deck:34)

(Flappy Zoom lp.7600 hand:3 deck:34)

"Ah'll end wit' one card face-down an' tha continuous spell Mirage O' Nightmare!" Just as the card appeared, several mummies and ghosts surrounded Big Mac, causing Fluttershy to yelp and hide behind her two friends.

"Any reason for that card?" Zoom asked. Big Mac tutted.

"Well now, durin' y'all standby phase, Ah git ta draw four cards, bu' then durin' ma standby phase Ah hafta ditch four. Ah end ma turn."

"Finally! My draw!" Big Mac grinned.

"An' mine too, thanks ta Mirage O' Nightmare!" He replied, drawing four card. Zoom smirked at him, seeing the mummies and ghosts stroking the cards he drew.

"Whatever, just don't forget to discard four during your turn!" Big Mac pretended to ponder that idea.

"Actually Ah was kinda thinkin' tha' Ah wouldn'." Just as he said this, his face-down popped up. "Go Emergency Provisions, now Ah can ditch Mirage an' gain one thousand life points!" The mummies and ghost groaned in pain as they were dissipated and a glow around Big Mac was seen.

(Big Macintosh lp.9000 hand:4 deck:30)

(Flappy Zoom lp.7600 hand:4 deck:33)

"Your brother's good, AJ. Now he doesn't have to pay the after effects of Mirage Of Nightmare since it's no longer on the field and got some more points and cards to boot." Applejack nodded at Rainbow Dash, a bit shell shocked.

"Tell me abou' it. Ah didn' even know he played, much less had a deck o' his own."

"I play The Warrior Returning Alive! And, as the name suggests, I can take back my Marauding Captain and add him to my hand, but he isn't staying there long cause I can now summon him!" Once again, the battered warrior took to the field, along with a fully black armoured warrior with two long swords. "And with him, I summon Dark Blade!" (Marauding Captain lv.3 atk:1200 def:400) (Dark Blade lv.4 atk:1800 def:1500)

"Now I activate The A. Forces! This spell gives my Warriors two hundred points for every Warrior I've got on the field, which is two." (Marauding Captain lv.3 atk:1200-1600 def:400) (Dark Blade lv.4 atk:1800-2200 def:1500)

"Now I equip Marauding Captain with Divine Sword-Phoenix Blade, giving him three-hundred more points!" Just as this was said, the captain grabbed a new sword that appeared in front of him, grinning menacingly. (Marauding Captain lv.3 atk:1600-1900 def:400) "Now he'll take out your Armadillo!"

Gem Armadillo didn't have the chance to counter as he was chopped in half by the Warrior.

(Big Macintosh lp.8800 hand:4 deck:30)

(Flappy Zoom lp.7600 hand:0 deck:33)

"Now Dark Blade will slice and dice your Gem-Knight!" The dark warrior charged forward, towards the red armoured monster.

"Not so fast there, cowboy! Ah active tha ability of ma Gem-Merchan'!" Big Mac countered, sending said card to the grave. "Now ma Garnet will gain one thousand points ta both scores!" A silhouette of the small oval monster with a hat and arms appeared, causing a glow to surround Gem-Knight Garnet, causing his fist to erupt more flames. (Gem-Knight Garnet lv.4 atk:1900-2900 def:0-1000)

Once Dark Blade swung his sword, the Pyro type monster limboed under it, before kicking Dark Blade in the knee, causing said Warrior to stumble back before the Gem-Knight punched him in the stomach, destroying him. (Marauding Captain lv.3 atk:1900-1700 def:400)

(Big Macintosh lp.8800 hand:3 deck:30)

(Flappy Zoom lp.6900 hand:0 deck:33)

"Fine! I end my turn!" Big Mac grinned, seeing the cards in his hand.

"Ma turn then!" After seeing his next card, he knew he'd win.(Gem-Knight Garnet lv.4 atk:2900-1900 def:1000-0)

(Big Macintosh lp.8800 hand:4 deck:29)

(Flappy Zoom lp.6900 hand:0 deck:33)

"Ah activate tha spell card, Gem-Knigh' Fusion! This lets me fuse ma weaker Gem-Knigh's together ta create stronger ones! So Ah fuse, from ma hand, Gem-Knigh' Sapphire an' Gem-Knigh' Tourmaline ta create Gem-Knigh' Topaz!"

As he said this, a spiralling vortex appeared behind him and an ice blue crystalline warrior with a big watery crystalline shield and an electric yellow crystalline warrior with electrical surges running through his arms appeared, before being warped by the vortex.

Then, out of the vortex, appeared another yellow, crystalline warrior with two, yellow blades jutting from each of his arms and a black cape descending from his back appeared. (Gem-Knight Topaz lv.6 atk:1800 def:1800)

"Cool..." Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo said, awestruck by the new monster and it's glistening, topaz coat of armour that shone in the sunlight, refracting the rays around him.

"Now Ah'll equip him wit' Fusion Weapon!" As Big Mac said this, one of Topaz's blades morphed into a red, laser like weapon. "Now a fusion monster level six or below gains one thousand, five hundred attack an' defence points!"

"What?!" As Zoom said this, Gem-Knight Topaz cried out in pride. (Gem-Knight Topaz lv.6 atk:1800-3300 def:1800-3300)

"Now he's gonna destroy y'all Captain! Go Topaz Slash!" Topaz nodded and rushed right into the Captain. The warrior tried to raise his sword in defence, but the Gem-Knight just moved his arms under the Captains and sliced the unfortunate warrior in half.

(Big Macintosh lp.8800 hand:0 deck:29)

(Flappy Zoom lp.5300 hand:0 deck:33)

"Also, since he jus' beat a monster in battle, y'all take damage equal ta y'all monster's points!" Topaz turned enough for one of the refracted rays of light to shine into Flappy's eyes, causing him to flinch away.

(Big Macintosh lp.8800 hand:0 deck:29)

(Flappy Zoom lp.3600 hand:0 deck:33)

"Also, Gem-Knigh' Topaz is allowed ta attack twice per round! Topaz Slash!" Flappy inched back as Topaz rushed forward and slashed his side.

(Big Macintosh lp.8800 hand:0 deck:29)

(Flappy Zoom lp.300 hand:0 deck:33)

"Now Garnet will finish this up! Blazin' Knuckle!" Garnet nodded and threw a punch right into the Pegasus's jaw, dropping his points to zero.

(Big Macintosh lp.8800 hand:0 deck:29)WIN

(Flappy Zoom lp.0 hand:0 deck:33)LOSE

As soon as the game finished, both of Big Mac's monsters faded from the field as said colt walked towards the defeated stallion. "Alright, y'all lost. Now, if'n ya know what's good for ya, y'all leave Sweet Apple Acres. An' if Ah see ya harassin' ma little sister's friend again, y'all better run."

Zoom, realising just who he's dealing with, just sucked it up and left. "Fine!" He rushed off as fast as he could, which was pretty fast considering what his name was and what his cutie mark represented.

"Tha' was so cool!" Applebloom cheered, diffusing any tension that was starting to form. She jumped up and hugged her brother. "An' y'all cards are pretty!"

"Awe shucks, it weren' tha' impressive." Big Mac replied, modestly.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo grinned at each other, though and started to hop around him. "Big Mac's got a marefriend! Big Mac's got a marefriend!" They chanted, remembering the stakes of the duel. Fluttershy blushed and hid behind Rainbow, glaring at her since she was the one who made the bet. Rainbow grinned sheepishly. Big Mac was also trying to hide a blush and Applejack just looked confused.

"When did y'all get a marefriend, big bro? Is it anyone Ah know?" Big Mac shook his head at her.

"Ah don' have a marefriend. Rainbow was tha one who made tha' stupid bet, Ah was just tryin' ta git him off our land an' ta stop harassin' y'all friend." He turned to Fluttershy, who was trying to avoid looking at him. "Don' feel inclined ta do anythin' about this if y'all don' wan' to."

"R-r-r-r-r-r-...right...Th-thank you..." She replied, slowly walking next to Applejack. "Well...le-let's ch-check those chickens."

"Alrigh'. But y'all explainin' wha' happened while we're walkin'."

ML54: Please review, but don't flame me...

Rainbow: Wus.