Wow, it has been FOREVER since I updated this story. Really, really sorry about that. But anyway, gonna be updating all day. Btw, this story has maybe about 2 or 3 chapters left. So, enjoy!

"Wait a minute, Nel's married? Why didn't anyone tell me?" I question. Grimmjow just shrugs his shoulders and smiles back at me.

"I dunno. It never really came up in a conversation. But this is Pinky, Nel's husband and good friend of mine. Pinky, this is Ichigo…my man candy." I sigh and grip the bridge of my nose.

"Grimm, can't I just be Ichigo when you introduce me?"

"What? I said Ichigo my man candy so technically I did use your name."

"You know what I meant, Grimm."

Just then Szayel laughs joyfully, gripping his sides as he does so.

"My goodness you two are quiet interesting together. Nel said he was perfect for you, Grimmjow, but I had no idea." He states as a dusty pink brushes over Grimmjow's cheeks.

"Shut up…" Szayel walks over to me and offers his hand, which I take. He pulls me up and shakes my hand.

"It is truly a pleasure to get to meet you." After he's done shaking my hand, he bows forward. I repeat the action to him. He directs his attention to Grimmjow who is still sitting on the bed.

"Now, I have some urgent matters to speak with you about Grimmjow."

"Oh, then ill excuse myself." I say as I make my way to the door.

"Hold up, Ichi. Szayel, is this about my father?" Szayel watches me carefully before nodding back at Grimmjow.

"Yes, it is. I just thought maybe it'd be better if we spoke alone." Grimmjow waved Szayel off.

"Nah it's cool. Ichigo already knows about all that stuff." Szayel seems surprised as he adjusts his glasses.

"He already knows about your mother and father? I had no idea you were so serious Grimmjow…" He says just above a whisper. Grimmjow waves me back on the bed and I sit there awkwardly until Szayel begins to speak.

"Well, since he already knows the deal it'll make things easier. I'll be frank with you Grimmjow. Your father wants you in France….tomorrow."

I felt my entire body get stiff and I felt Grimmjow jump up next to me. He looked beyond angry, angrier than I had ever seen him. He gripped Szayel's collar and brought him to his face. Szayel didn't seem to be scared in the least.

"What the fuck did you say? I was told by Neliel that I had the rest of the school year to finish up here and go to France. So what the hell is he going on about now?!" I step up to Grimmjow, gently pulling him away.

"Hey, let him go…" I whisper to him.

"Grimmjow, I apologize. I've tried to reason with him but it seems there is nothing more I can do…considering his circumstances." Grimmjow seemed confused.

"What circumstances are you talkin' about?" Szayel made a face that I couldn't make out what it meant. He sighed as he gripped Grimmjow's wrist.

"Your father, Grimmjow, has become rather ill in the short amount of time when he sent Nel here. He truly wants you to be happy, he does. But he fears he won't have much time left which is why he's been hackling you about running the company recently. He told me when I was at his bed side that the doctor told him he had 2 to 3 years left in him, apparently he was already supposed to be dead. He has literally been working himself to death, not wanting you to pick up his slack. I'm sorry you're the last to find out Grimmjow."

Grimmjow looked defeated. Utterly defeated. I was so used to the happy, bouncing, bubbly, bothersome Grimmjow that I had met before, that it almost seemed unreal that he was here the way he was. I had no clue how to comfort him right now, especially right now in his time of need.

"Szayel, my father's sick? W-When? How?"

"Well, it seems to be heart failure. That, combined with stress and over working himself. He was on his way to the grave, naturally." Grimmjow let go of Szayel as I placed a comforting hand on his back.

Szayel sighed before he began to speak again. "Your father pulled some strings and you will have your diploma by tomorrow. Your principal understood enough to let you walk with your class, you'll just have to continue your classes in France. Your father's jet leaves tomorrow at 4pm. Bring what you need and the rest will be shipped out there when you've settled in. I'll uh, leave you two alone to talk amongst yourselves." He says as he bows and turns to leave.

The silence between Grimmjow and I was unsettling. I found myself faltering as I tried to hold his hand. He look so…young and vulnerable. I take a deep breath and put on a smile. A fake one of course.

"C'mon Grimmjow it's not that bad. France is a pretty cool place and Nel-"

"Stop it."

"Huh? W-What are you going on about?" I question as I chuckle nervously.

"My father is dying and it's not that bad? I've started a life here with my family, my friends, people whom I've come to love and it's not that fucking bad?! Do you know what that's like?! To have your world ripped out from up under you?!"

I stood motionless as Grimmjow yelled at me out of anger and desperation. Anyone could obviously see he was holding back tears and it hurt me more to see him this way. I reach up and hold him close.

"No, I don't know what that's like. I barely have anything in common with you on a personal level but I know you're strong. So believe me when I say it's going to be alright. You'll make it. Just be happy your father is okay now, that he has enough strength to talk with you and teach you things while he's still here rather than having him gone in one fucking instant. You can always make new friends and keep the old ones too. So, yes it's not that bad. And yeah, it fucking sucks but….but-"

"I'm sorry Ichigo, I didn't mean to take it out on you. I know I should be happy but fuck…it's not fair. None of it is." I continue to hold him and he lightly embraces me back.

"I know but I'm here for you. I'll always be in your corner when you need someone to kick your ass back in gear." He chuckles as he presses his lips to my neck.

"I seriously don't know where I would be if I hadn't been failing Art." I snort at the comment.

"In jail for your reckless driving."

"Reckless huh? I'll show ya' reckless." I blush at the comment.

"You can't seriously mean to- we just did it a little while ago!"

"We didn't do anything. I just fingered ya' a little bit, now I get to have some fun." He tells me as he wiggles his eyebrows. I blush even further as he nibbles on my neck and makes his way further down. I groan at the action. He snickers at me. I growl as I flip him over and push him to the bed, making me land on top of him. I stare down at him as worry stretches across my features. He unfortunately notices as he reaches up to caress my cheek.


"I know. I just don't want you to leave yet…I thought I'd have more time with you. On top of that there's Rukia and…"

"Hey, I said not to worry about it." He tells me as he lean forward to kiss me. We pull away after some time.

"I'll think of something…"

The Next Day, Tutoring

"Alright guys, you've been doing well so just keep to yourselves or whatever. If you have work from your failing class, do it. If not, just find something quiet to do…Nnoitora. Class ends at 3:30 today…" I say as I sit on the teacher's desk. I notice Renji looking around and then back at me.

"Yo Ichi, where's that blue haired asswipe?"

"Grimmjow? Oh, he had to catch a plane to France. His father's is sick so he starts his training when he gets there. He told me to tell you guys when he made it to the airport. He said he wanted to wait until he was there for me to tell you because he said and I quote 'I don't want you guys turning into pussies before I go.'" They stare blankly at me as I explained the situation.

"That asshole." Starrk muttered from his sleep. Ulquiorra was the first to comment back.

"Well are you really surprised? It's Grimmjow we're talking about. And you know he's not good at goodbyes, he did it partly for himself rather than for us." He stated.

"Yeah, it seems like it. I'm gonna miss that fucker. I gotta remember to call him when he lands." I smile sadly as they speak fondly of Grimmjow.

"Hey Ichi? Why aren't you there?" Renji asked suddenly. He looked surprisingly angry.

"Why aren't I where, Renji?"

"At the airport! I can see it on your face you want to be there so go! I know you guys are together so you can stop the act, Shuhei told me everything." I frown.

"I'm not acting about anything! I just didn't want to hurt you anymore than I already did. I was trying to find a way to break it to you gently."

"I'm not some flower, Ichigo! You know me better than that and I know you better than that. So, I know you really want to be there with him when he takes off." I stare down to the floor.

"What good would it do? He's already at the airport and he'll be getting on the plane soon. And let's say I do make it in time to see him off, then what? I can't stop him. How selfish would that be? And besides, we already said our goodbye yesterday. So, I'll just be here when he gets back-"

"Fuck that! How do you think he feels?! He obviously cares for you! He probably wants you there with him, regardless if you want to be there or not. He needs you Ichigo."

"I want to see him off. B-But I don't have a ride. And a taxi is too slow. W-What do I do?! Shit, I knew I should've went." I panic as I stare at the clock

"You can take my car. It's the blue Ford Fusion in the student parking lot. The license plate says Lone Wolf." Starrk managed to yawn out as he gave me his lazy smirk. He tossed me his keys and I looked at him dumbfounded.

"S-Starrk, I-"

"Just go. Lilinette'll be mad about having to walk home but it's for a good cause. Tell Grimmjow I said see ya'!" I nod as I run towards the door.

"Okay, class is dismissed!"

I hastily park Starrk's car as I sprint inside the airport. I catch the eye of airport security as I sprint passed the gates. I was completely oblivious to the tons of security guards chasing after me as I ran to where Grimmjow would be. Passing one last gate, I hear them warn me to not step any further. I ignore them as I push past one guard and run into the gate Grimmjow's jet would be.

"Ichigo?" I hear someone say. I turn slightly to see Szayel. He seems surprised as he sees the endless amounts of security. I run pass the check-out woman as she tried to stop me.

"Um sir! You can't go beyond this point without a ticket! Sir!" she yelled

I make it outside as I hear the engine of the jet. I waste no time looking around for Grimmjow, until I finally see a head of blue hair. I scream at the top of my lungs hoping by some miracle he'll hear me over the sounds of the roaring engine.

"Grimmjow! Grimmjow! Please listen to me! Grimmjow!" I watch as his head twitches and looks over. He looks amazed as I offer a smile as he gets up quickly. I run towards the opening door and hug him before he's even out of the jet.

"I-I couldn't let you go with saying goodbye properly."

"But we said goodbye yesterday."

"Let me finish! I'll miss you and even if you're gone for 2 years or 5 years, I'll be waiting for you. I know you'll make something happen with Rukia and I know you'll still keep in touch with me. I have faith in us so I'll stay strong. I wish your father well and I hope you continue to stand by his side. I like you a lot so don't fuck me over, alright!?" I finish. Grimmjow tips his head back and laughs loudly and I smile alongside him.

"Well, it's not love but it's a start. I'll be back soon Ichi. Promise." He tells me as he flicks the necklace around my neck. He kisses me gently and I press back desperately. I reluctantly pulled away as he smiled at me.

"I'll be back soon."

Boy, it has been a long time. Happy early Valentine's Day!