Chapter 1

It was dark. I was falling, sinking into the dark. I was being pulled down by a force that I couldn't control, everything was black. I could just barely make out soft noises, muffled voices. I couldn't breathe; I knew that I wasn't going to make it out alive. I was going to die.

I had never believed it when people said that they could see their whole lives pass before their eyes. But now I knew that it was true. I could almost see it as if I were right there. I remembered all of the good times, and the bad times as well. I remembered the times when I felt so alone, and the times that I couldn't have felt more alive, and loved.

I had already tried so hard to get out, but the more that I tried the further I sunk. By the time that I was able to hear them come it was too late, I knew it, I'm sure that they knew it. I really was going to die.

I guess that it seemed fitting, me going this way, drowning in tar. It was the way that I had lost my entire family. I had finally found a new family, but I suppose that it was the right time for me to leave them. I wanted to stay; I wanted it more than anything. I had finally found a family who cared about me, someone who wanted me, but most importantly I found someone who I loved more than anything in the world.

I was starting to lose consciousness; I didn't have any air left. There was no more hope for me, I had to let go. I had to stop trying and face the truth.

I had never thought that dying could be so terrifying, yet peaceful at the same time. Then everything stopped.


I was being lifted, raised out of the dark. I was slowly lifted out of a thick black pool of tar. My head emerged to a dark sky, a sky with so many suns that I could never count them all. I took a quick intake of breath, letting the cool night air fill my lungs and give me life.

I was lifted out of the tar by an unseen force, then slowly lowered and placed on the solid ground. The very first thing that I noticed was the moon. It was large, and it seemed to be looking at me. Then I heard a voice, it was merely a whisper but I could tell that it was directed towards me. The moon was speaking to me, so I listened.


Who am I? I'm guy, the spirit of tomorrow. How do I know that? Well, the moon told me so.

WreckItRalphFan: I'm not sure if this idea has used before, but I had to get it out of my head and onto the paper! :) This is the shortest chapter that I have ever written for any of my stories, but I think that overall it turned out okay. I am going to try to incorporate some Guy/Eep romance in later chapters, I just love those two! The cover art is done by me, if you get a chance I would really appreciate if you check me out on DeviantART. :D

I could really use your support on this one, I'm not sure how well the plot will go over, so if I get at least two reviews I will begin chapter two. I would really appreciate any and all reviews! Thanks for taking the time to read it!