(Mandy, Billy, Nergal Jr, and Grim wake up in a strange room that looks like a graveyard)
Grim- Where are we?
Phantom (From corner)- In my head
All (except Phantom)- What!?
(Phantom runs up to window)
Phantom (Shouting)- Hello to all you beautiful people out there. For those of you who don't know, my name is Phantom. And I am the one who writes this story, and other things. And currently I'm in my demented sub-concoius, more spacifictally the Grim Adeventures Room.
Nergal Jr- But why are we here
Phantom (Pouting)- Thats what Finn asked. And your here because I get bored and lonley. So I DON'T own Grim Adventure's of Billy and Mandy, just so you know.
Chapter 1, A Deal with The Reaper
It had been 5 years since Billy and Mandy had first won Grim in the limbo battle in Limbo.
And over the years Billy had grown into his looks (meaning small nose and abs) and decided to get smarter, he was now averaging a C- in all of his classes (Amazing right). Billy was also the star football player and dating the head cheerleader, Mindy.
Mandy on the other had grew out her hair, and now mixed up her style. Some say she looked punk or Goth, to Mandy; she was original in her own way.
In this time, Mandy and Billy had grown apart, barely even speaking anymore. Grim was still around, but not a lot. Like I said, Billy was extremely popular; lots of friends, never alone. Mandy was a loner; didn't even eat lunch in the cafeteria, she ate on the roof. But enough with this, time for the story.
Mandy was walking home from school one day when she heard the screeching of car tires. Without thinking the 15 year old looked at her outfit; a dark purple tank top, black skirt, black and purple knee socks, red fingerless gloves, and dark blue converse, and her blonde hair braided. Perfect, another reason to be made fun off.
The car pulled up to her, the driver none other than Mindy, in that skimpy little cheer leader outfit.
"Hey freak, how you going," Mindy said while batting her eyelids.
Mandy rolled her eyes, "You know, perfect, I just love talking to you Mindy, it makes my day worth living."
Mindy smirked, "Come on now Man-dy, I know you're just jealous." Mindy finished by flipping her hair.
Mandy scowled, "Yes Mindy, I'm jealous. Not. Now go home to your little boy-toy. I'm sure Billy would love to see you in that 'cheerleader outfit'."
Mindy scowled but before driving out shouted at Mandy, "SO WHAT MANDY, YOU ARE JUST A LOW-LIFE FREAK WHO NO ONE WILL EVER LIKE!"
Mandy ran off, holding back tears, Mindy smirked and drove to Billy's house. When Mandy got to her house she flew through the doors and up to her room, thankful her parents weren't home.
She looked at herself in her mirror, her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks were red and tear stained. After in more look in the mirror she noticed a figure in the corner of the room.
"Hello Grim," She managed out.
The skeleton stepped out from the corner into the dim light, "Hello Mandy, I would ask how your doing. But by the looks of things not so well."
Mandy just stood there, "What gave it away Grim? The teary eyes, or overloaded emotions?"
Grim frowned, "Neither. Whenever I visited Billy he always talked about everything, everything except you, Mandy. What happened between you too?"
Mandy held back more tears, "When 8th grade hit he had to choose. Between me and popularity, he chose popularity in the end. And when Nergal Jr left to go back home, I grew alone. From everyone in society, even my family."
Grim smirked, "So you want to escape from it all?"
Mandy grew curious, "What did you have in mind?"
Grim took a step forward, "You see in my age I want someone to replace me. Mandy I want you for the job. Do you accept?" The reaper held out his hand.
Mandy didn't move, "So you want me to become the new Grim Reaper?"
Grim nodded and pushed his hand forward more, Mandy smirked, "Grim, you have yourself a deal."
Mandy grabbed Grim's hand and a bright light consumed the house
Phantom (Laying on top of coffin and picking at a flower)- So what did you guys think?
Mandy- I'm the Grim Reaper, cool.
Billy- Hey Phantom?
Phantom (Still picking at flower)- Yes Billy-Boy?
Billy- Could you give me something to eat?
Phantom (Evil Grin)- Sure Bill, IF, you can catch it.
(Phantom types something on keyboard, and a giant ice-cream cone apperes, Billy rushes at it, but it grows legs and runs away. Billy chases, Grim, Phantom, and Nergal Jr double over in laughter)
Mandy- Idiots, but I like this story idea so I command you to review.