Jack and Kim

Of wondrous love

Chapter 1


So, Jack Delaer. Hot, funny, sweet, popular, and aggravating. I've liked him forever, and he knows that, but he still dates Lindsey Johnson. I can see why though. She hot and popular and I'm just a lonely, boring, not pretty, not popular, outcast. I'm not completely boring though, I teach lyrical and take karate but, of course, Jack doesn't care about that. He likes girls who are cheerleaders, and have tons of friends, and that's not me. We do go to the same Dojo, and he teaches hip-hop at the same dance studio. I can see him right from my window while he is dancing, and I always wonder if he looks at me while I dance. Well, enough about that. We should probably get to what happened at school today.

So, I start by walking up to the steps in front of our school and everyone immediately stares at me in my combat boots, white skinny jeans, and black flowered t-shirt. Laughs and whispers. Normal day in the life of Kim Crawford. I try to ignore all of them as I walk to my locker. On the way to my locker I see Jack and Bella, and, ugh, they're swallowing each other. Why can't they just do that somewhere else? I get my books and walk straight to biology.


Kim Crawford. I hate her. Okay that's a lie. I love her. She is amazing, and she is a great dancer and karate student. But she doesn't know that of course. I can't ever stop staring at her; I think it's kind of hilarious. Her eyes are like warm chocolate, and her hair is perfect, all blonde and wavy. Lindsey Johnson, my "girlfriend", looks almost exactly like her, except Kim is a lot prettier. To explain the quotes around girlfriend, I don't like Lindsey AT ALL. But she thinks I do so she acts like were dating. Fun.

The day started normal. Got dressed, ate breakfast, and walked out the door to my car. I get a text from Lindsey "I want you to pick me up, NOW" Yay, I think. After me and Lindsey get to school we walk inside. I stare at the door while I wait for Kim to come in. I get out my biology book to pass the time when all the sudden Lindsey is trying to swallow me. When I finally get her off I almost ask "What was that?" when I see Kim walk by. Of course! Leave it to Lindsey to make me look like an idiot in front of Kim! I try to forget it when I walk to biology.

When I get in I see Kim. Wow, she looks really hot today. I tune out the rest of the world as I sit down next to her. Oh, I forgot, we are lab partners. She doesn't talk to me unless necessary so the rest of the day is boring, wait, there was one part at lunch. Kim walked in with her friends and got into the lunch line. I knew something was up when Lindsey got that evil look in her eyes. "What are you going to do?" I asked. "You'll see." She said deviously. I watched as she went over to the line, got in right next to Kim, and slipped her hand right underneath Kim's tray. Next thing I know Kim is covered in today's special, chili soup, mash potatoes with gravy, and root beer. I had to laugh; everyone thought I would so, yea. Kim ran out crying and all her friends followed. I wanted to follow too but, it just wouldn't work. Now the rest of the day is boring, so I will skip to what happened today after school at the dance studio.


After I was lunched by Lindsey today, I ran home. My parents abandoned me, but no one knows so I just have my house to myself. Jerry, Milton, Mika, and Julie, my best friends, follow me. "Why didn't you just sock her in the face?" Mika asks. "Because," I reply. "I would get expelled before she did." We turn on music and my favorite song comes on, I need your love, by Calvin Harris. It's the song I'm dancing to in our next recital for dance. We all get up and dance for like two hours. It's about 2:57 when I realize I'll be late to the dance studio if I don't leave now. I grab my dance bag and run to the studio, it's only across the street so it's not that bad.

When I get there I see Jack talking to the director of the recital, she calls me over. "I've chosen my two best teenage teachers, one female, and one male, to do a duet to the song Stay, by Rihanna. You're familiar. Yes?" We both nod and she continues. "Jack, Kim, I have chosen you." "What?" Jack asks. "You both have amazing abilities in the dancing styles of lyrical, so I have chosen you to do this number. You have to create the choreography, and you will both be relived from your teaching duties until after the recital but the times that you would have been teaching you will now use to practice and create your dance. Your room to practice is room 213. Have fun!" And then she's gone. "Since when do you take lyrical?" I ask Jack. "I've been taking it since I was three but, that doesn't matter. Lets get to work."