It had been 30 years since their wedding day, and since then Tony and Loki Stark had been happily married. Although Tony never took the golden apple when Loki offered it to him, for many Years, Tony continued to fight with the Avengers and Loki too until in his late fifties he was forced out of that work and into his main job as joint CEO of Stark industries. He had since retired and passed on the company to Pepper and Rhodey's son because obviously he and Loki couldn't produce kids and they didn't want to adopt. Well, they had Loki's kids but Tony doubted that a wolf or a giant snake would want a boring job running a Midgardian company.
He had retired, much to his dismay, over an injury while flying and now had to use a stick to walk everywhere. But it had fallen and he hated bending over.

"Loki! Loki! Where's that son of a- LOKI!"
"Yes my love?" Loki called from the adjacent room. A few moments later he appeared at the door.
Loki had not aged. He was still as beautiful as ever, and still loved his husband dearly. It pained his every time he saw Tony, that he would grow old while he would not, and that their time together was quickly diminishing.
Loki still begged him to take the immortal fruit. Life was not as it was, and as much as he still loved his Anthony, he longed for his old youthful self.

"My cane fell." He stated without any command or further information added.
Loki sighed softly, and with a smile came to where Tony stood. He picked up the walking stick and kissed his husband on his temple, where wrinkles had spread from the corner of his eye.

"Thanks." He said then winced. "Damn my back again..."

"There's only so much magic can heal my darling, but if you like I can try and ease the pain."

"Mmh, please do." Tony said then started to hobble into the living room.

Loki followed him, placing a helpful hand on his back as they walked, allowing magic to seep from his fingertips. "Anthony, it will only require a little more magic to make you immortal. It is not to late for me to steal a golden apple from the orchard on Asgard. Tony, please."

Tony sighed then, with Loki's help, sat down in his armchair. "What good would it do now? Even if I were to agree, I'd still be stuck like this forever y'know."

Loki sat on the arm and pulled Tony's head into his chest. "I would rather an old haggard you than no you at all. I don't care how old you are, I still love you Anthony. And when you die, which may in fact be very soon, I will be left with nothing. I can't go back to my life before I met you, and what will I have left? You have no idea how selfish you still are." Loki said all this softly, not wanting an argument. Loki tried to persuade Tony most days, but usually he just pretended to be asleep or complained that it would take the Tony Stark out of him. Whenever they argued about it, Loki was left feeling upset, and Tony looking more old and tired than before.

Tony sighed heavily, sinking into the chair and Loki's embrace then leant forward and coughed violently. "Lokes, we've been over this a million times. I'm sorry but..." he trailed off as he saw Loki's expression. "Babe?"

Loki looked at him with sad eyes and an accepting smile.
"I just... I wish there was some way I could have made myself mortal. I wanted to grow old with you Anthony, but if we're going to do that, it has to be the long way. Please. It's not too late."

"I thought your daughter was the goddess of death or something like that?" Tony said as he yawned. In his old age, he tended to tire more easily. "When I die, surely, knowing you, you'd go to her and get her to resurrect me?" he paused. "Actually don't do that, I don't wanna be a zombie. Although you gotta admit I'd make a handsome one." He added with a wink.

Loki smiled. Even after all these years, he was still his Anthony. He was still the same.
"You wouldn't be a zombie as such. And even Hela could not allow a soul to leave Niflheim. She and I have discussed this before." Loki ran a hand through his husband's thinning hair and kissed his head gently.

Tony chuckled softly. "Ok, that's... Good then." he patted Loki's knee.

Loki sat up and looked at Tony, shocked. "Sometimes, I don't think you realise how hard this is for me. Don't you think I sometimes wish I never knew you, so I'd never have to feel how painful this is? But then I think of you, all alone, and I hate myself for wishing that. Do you have any idea how lost I'll feel? You're the only thing I have." Tony could see the beginnings of a tear in Loki's eye. "Every morning I have to wake up and look at you, and..." The tear escaped, running down Loki's face screaming. "Why must you do this to me?" Loki didn't expect an answer; he wasn't fighting anymore. He was wrapping his arm round Anthony's shoulder and resting his head on his. From this awkward position, he spoke again. "Now can we talk about something a little less morbid?"

Tony stayed silent for a moment. He hated when this topic came and how depressed it left him and Loki afterwards. If he could reverse time to just after they had married then he would do it in a heartbeat. But now, in this age, it was a horrid thought: spending eternity as an old man. The only good thing to come out of it would be that he would be with Loki constantly, although he would feel bad tying Loki, in all his youth and handsomeness to a wrinkly old man.

"Look, I'm sorry. Despite what you may think, I'm not doing this to hurt you."

"I know you're not love." Loki kissed his head again. Loki happily noticed that Tony smelt the same as he always used to, albeit with a little less Whiskey. Tony had cut down when Loki had told him if he kept poisoning his liver, one day it would poison him. "I'm sorry, for getting upset with you."

Tony sighed deeply again then kissed Loki's hand. "That's okay."
"I'd prefer if we could speak of something less morbid now."
Tony chuckled humourlessly then patted Loki's knee again. "Okay. Hey, have you seen Thor and Steve recently?"
"We saw them two days ago Love."
"...oh. Well it feels like longer."
"We could go up to visit tomorrow if you wish. But for today..." Loki whispered into his ear. "We could go back to bed..."

Tony grinned widely, his eyes sparkling with a light of the youth he once had then raised an eyebrow to him. "Sure you still want to do it with an old man like me?" he said as he stood up.
Loki looked sad. "I still desire you Anthony."

Tony smiled then pulled Loki into a kiss. "Lets make it good then."
Loki turned Tony's head and pulled their lips together. "I love you Anthony." He mumbled, pulling him up and practically carrying him to the bedroom.
"I love you too Lokes." He murmured back, snuggling into Loki's arms as he was carried through to their room, where Loki placed him down before climbing onto the bed next to him.
These days, they kept as much of their clothes on as they could, each not wanting to upset the other with reminders of their bodies' age difference. Loki now preferred to be beneath Tony, to let Tony set his own pace, and to be more gentle on his body. He always pretended that it was because he always felt Tony was more dominant, but he sensed Tony saw through the lie.
Loki cupped his husband's cheek and slowly kissed his softened lips.

Tony kissed back then said softly, "I want you in me this time."
"No. Darling, I'll hurt you."
He reached up to cup Loki's cheek with his soft, wrinkled hand and smiled sadly. "You won't. Please."
"You don't know that."
"Loki please!" Tony looked up at him with pleading eyes. "I need this... I don't care if you think you're hurting me, you could never hurt me."

When had Loki become so weak? So weak that he would cave at the slightest hint of pleading in Tony's voice. Loki wanted to do everything he possibly could to make him happy. Loki spoiled him, granted his every wish. But Loki also wanted to protect his love and he hated how little they coincided. Protect him, or make him happy?

But Loki just looked into his man's eyes and they answered it for him. "I'll be gentle."
And Loki remembered all the times when he would pound Tony into the mattress; hear the bed banging against the wall, Tony kissing him fiercely, then Tony fucking him from behind. He remembered how Tony's hand once felt on his cock, the kisses on his neck, their naked bodies pressed against each other, the passionate kisses and battles for dominance.
He remembered when they met, and the battle of New York. Remembered the Chitauri, Thanos, the void. He tried to remember Asgard, his old life, his childhood. But that light had turned to grey, his old lovers merged into nothing, his family and friends faded to dust. But the one shining light above them all; his Anthony; his one beacon of hope; his only tether to this world.
Lying old and wrinkled on his bed was still Anthony, and he would take him now, while he was still here. There would be no careful bubble wrapping. Tony still wanted him, and Loki was going to give himself while he still could.

"Thank you." Tony whispered softly, then shifted on the bed so Loki would have better access. "I love you."
"Me too my love." Tony's trousers and pants were removed first, then Loki's own. Loki decided to prepare Tony with magic, so it might hurt him less, and then pumped them both to get them ready.

"Mmmh!" Tony moaned pleasantly, shutting his eyes and smiling at the feeling. "Magic eh? Not going old school?"
"Ehehehe. Maybe I've grown impatient." Loki raised an eyebrow and smiled at his love.

When he felt they were both sufficiently hard, he lined himself up and lowered his lips to his husband's. "know that I love you more dearly than anything my dear Anthony. I still love you as I did on our wedding day, and I will as such until I draw my last breath." It was as he kissed him that he pushed slowly in.
Tony had been smiling but as he felt Loki push into him, he winced slightly and gasped. Loki gave him a troubled look but Tony gave him a reassuring smile and a wink to say he was okay.
"Tony, I don't think we should- I don't need to- " Loki stopped and took a breath. "We don't need to have sex. I could just lie here with you." Loki gave him one of his genuine smiles, reserved only for the man be loved, and stroked Tony's cheek with his hand. "I'm quite happy to. In fact, I think I'd quite like that."

"No, please continue. I'm okay, honestly!" Tony smirked, showing Loki that he was okay with it. "You know what it feels like when it gets in, now just move already!" He grumbled and pulled a face.

Loki kept their mouths pressed together as he moved himself backwards and forwards. It wouldn't be long until Tony would orgasm, but he sped it up by pumping his cock anyway.

Tony moaned into Loki's mouth, using the strength he had left to try and elevate his hips so Loki could move harder. He felt a smile play at his lips, well more like a grin as they were parted to kiss Loki, feeling happier than he had in a while, and as he lay there it almost felt as if all his aches and pains were fading with each thrust into him.

Loki tried to be gentle, but he found it increasingly difficult. With his eyes closed, feeling his Anthony beneath him, in this familiar act... He felt like he did when they first fell in love. Life was young and vibrant, their love full of passion and lust. Loki let himself get swallowed into these memories, feeling a younger man beneath him.

Tony didn't miss the sudden change in pace and that thought made him happy. It felt nice to be treated as his lover for once instead of the fragile old man. Not that he minded the care Loki had been giving him, but in this moment he felt truly at peace. He felt his orgasm welling up inside of him and knew it wouldn't be long now.

Loki's soft moans sounded more feminine than usual, he was feeling sensitive to Tony's touch, and it didn't help with the man's hands running slowly up and down his sides. It had been too long since they'd done this, and Loki could feel himself coming undone.
"L-Loki! I think I'm, gonna cum!" Tony moaned as he felt his pending orgasm rising to its peak. At that moment, he felt no pain at all, his body felt light and he felt his heart rate decrease slowly. His time was up. "Loki... I love-" His release cut him off as his seed spurted all over them, then after it all left him, his body lay limp on the bed. The light left his half lidded eyes but his face froze in a smile, happy that his last moments were with Loki intimately, and that his last words to him were of love.

"Tony?" When there was no reply, Loki put a hand to his forehead. "Anthony please, you're scaring me. Anthony?" Loki put trembling fingers to Tony's neck to feel his pulse. Nothing.

Filling with rage, and his eyes filling with tears, Loki summoned magic to his fingertips, sending it coursing through Tony's body. "Tony don't you fucking dare do this to me." His voice wasn't as strong as he'd have liked it to be. he felt his body tremble before the tears began to fall. Silent and heavy, like the most peaceful waterfall. Loki stared unblinking at what was now just a body. "Tony..." It came out like a whimper, and it was a while later that Loki noticed the noise came from him. He felt detached. "Jarvis? You there?"
"I am sir." Jarvis replied, sounding sad. It almost sounded as if he sighed.

"Is he... Is he really..?"
"I'm afraid so."
"What do I..." Loki's saliva felt thick, he was having difficulty breathing. "What do I do?"
"Sir and I have discussed this. I believe there is a letter for you, in his shirt pocket."
Loki immediately searched for the letter, opening it quickly and mentally thanking Tony for not leaving a video. He didn't think he'd be able to cope with that. Through the tears, he was having trouble reading Tony's messy script. "Jarvis, please... Would you read it to me?"

"Of course." Jarvis said then began to read the letter in Tony's voice. Loki felt the tears flow faster when he heard his voice again, must be something new Tony installed before he... but Loki listened carefully regardless.

My dearest Loki,

Wow this letter already sounds cliché doesn't it?

I can't thank you enough for always being there and loving me even as my stubborn self refused to take a golden apple and age considerably. I didn't deserve someone like you.

You didn't know this but I knew my time was coming. I felt it more while we were having sex, which is why, if I presume my future self will do, I asked to bottom. As I grew older, you let me top to make sure that my age didn't get me down about feeling submissive to someone who looked younger. And I thank you for that Babe. When my time came, I knew that I wanted to die a sweet death bottoming to you; to have the very last things I see, feel and hear to be you above me in an intimate position.

I am sorry at how stubborn I was, you honestly don't know how sorry I felt towards the end and I hope you can forgive me as I leave you.

Please my love, don't grieve for me, as I'm sure I'm in a better place now.

Live the rest of your life to the fullest, and I hope I don't see you soon, as I can't bear to think of you dying yourself.

All the best for the rest of your life,

Your loving husband,

Anthony (Tony) Edward Stark


Ps) In case you didn't know, a sweet death is where you die during sex.

P.p.s) I love you Loki, I always have and I always will.

At the bottom of the page, Loki felt a few small dots where the paper was slightly soggy, as if a fear tears had escaped Tony's eyes while he wrote this.

"He must've written this just now..."

Loki took a moment to look down at him, his smile slowly fading into a grimace. "I hate you. I hate you for doing this to me and I hate you for smiling, and I hate you for being so SELFISH!" He punctuated it with a fist to Tony's chest.
Feeling the snap of a rib, Loki's face immediately changed. "Anthony, I am so sorry." He quickly used his magic to heal it with all the care he would was he alive. Then he remembered Tony's friends. They couldn't see him like this.

Loki took a damp flannel from the bathroom, stripped Tony, and then went to wipe the cum from his chest. Loki moved like a drone, detached, not entirely aware of the situation. Next he dressed Tony in his favourite suit, and made the bed beneath him.
Then Loki cleaned himself up with magic and instructed Jarvis to contact Thor and Steve.
Slowly, Loki positioned himself beside Tony, and closed his eyes so that he may be sleeping. And, for the last time, he curled around his husband and drifted off to sleep.

If we suceeded in making anyone cry, I think you owe us a review. If not, they you are a coldhearted mother fucker and we need to work harder.

-Doctor Dark