Disclaimer: I do not own The Walking Dead

It's been four weeks since summer started and I hadn't gotten my camera until today. There hadn't been much to capture until I went into the woods a little more up the mountain. I didn't know my way around and I was lost. I've only been out here for no more than an hour and I've taken about twenty pictures of my surroundings. I had been scared about being alone in here until I saw a boy wondering around that was about my age. He couldn't be over sixteen.

I was trying to be as quiet as I could following him taking a couple pictures. He was silent going through the trees as if he'd lived and been out here all his life.

Once he climbed over the fallen down tree I waited a moment then did the same. When I got on top I looked around. He was gone just like that. I turned around and yelped falling onto the ground. Some how he had snuck right behind me while I was getting up.

"Are ya following me?" He asked in a deep southern accent which was really common around here.

"No." I replied still on the ground.

"Are ya sure? I could hear ya behind me for 'bout a mile." He said jumping down by me.

"I-I was lost." I stuttered

"Come on." He muttered

"What?" I asked looking up into his blue eyes.

"Let's go." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

"Ouch." I winced lifting my leg up a bit.

"Ya hurt?" He asked looking at me strange

"My ankle." I replied

He suddenly picked me up walking over to a patch of grass and set me down. He knelt beside me and began trying to push up my pant leg to see my ankle. I jerked my leg away in pain. When he saw my pants were too tight he pulled out a knife. I started shake as he got closer.

"I ain't gonna hurt ya." He mumbled pulling my leg over to him again.

"Promise?" I whimpered

"Sure. Whatever. Stop movin." He groaned

I listened to what he said and then he began carefully sliding the tip of the knife into the leg of my jeans. I stared at him as he turned it upward cutting the fabric. After pulling the cut part up he started feeling it. I tried to not whimper to much at the pain.

"Ugh. Fuck. Ya need to be careful. Ya fuckin sprained it. It's getting dark don't think yer gonna be able to get home tonight." He sighed.

"Where am I supposed to go? Are you just going to leave me here? I'm going to be in so much trouble." I asked tearing up

"I ain't leavin yer ass no where." He snapped

"Who are you anyways?" I muttered

"Daryl Dixon." He said lifting me back up.

"I'm Carol, sorry for all this." I said

"Yeah." He replied carrying me through a the remainder of the trees.

The trip there was silent and I could tell Daryl was getting tired of holding me. When a cabin came into view he set me down and started pulling me to it.

"What ya got there Darylina?" a voice said from the window.

Once I got a closer view I saw it was a man in his late twenties. Daryl had just growled in response to him. When we got to the porch he jerked me up and threw me over his shoulder walking inside of the house and straight to a small room. He finally set me down again on a bed then quickly left the room.

"I found 'er in the woods." Daryl said in a hushed voice outside of the room to someone.

I began looking around the empty room until the other man come in. "Ain't you a pretty little thing. Why were ya out in those woods all alone?" He asked

"Get outta my room Merle." Daryl growled

"Ain't like yer gonna bang her." Merle replied winking at me.

"Get the fuck out." Daryl snapped.

Once Merle walked away Daryl grabbed a sleeping bag and laid it onto the ground. "You don't have to sleep on the ground." I said quietly.

He looked over at me and nodded. I pulled open the blanket getting in and scooting over to give him room. When he turned off the light he slowly got in the bed keeping as much distance in between us as possible. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

It was pitch black outside a very dim light shining from the stars. There was a boy standing at the edge of the forest. He had a scary but comforting feeling about him. I was urged to go to him. As I got near the boy he would get farther away and stop as if waiting for me to follow him. Without realizing it I was led to a dead tree. The tree had a gray tone and was surrounded by a grassy clearing. The grass was knee length and dead. As I turned to go back after the boy disappearing he was behind me. I could only see his back and when he turned I tried to let out a scream but couldn't. His eyes were consumed by darkness. It was the same boy that I had met earlier that day. His mouth was cut to have a permanent smile. He tilted his head looking at me. When he began leaning toward me I started whimpering and crying wanting to back up and get away, but was already pushed against the tree. His hand went up by my face as he ran his bloodied fingers along my cheeks. Suddenly he backed away and I started to run. When I looked back he was there chasing me. I came along a cabin and ran inside. I came along a room and went in. As I shut the door I saw a girl and boy. The boy was trying to comfort the girl who was crying. Getting closer I realized who they were. It was Daryl and me. I backed up falling over something and hitting my head. Everything went black.

"Shh, it's okay." Daryl said making me look at him.

"I need to go home." I sobbed trying to get up.

"It's still dark." He protested.

"I don't care. Please, take me home." I whimpered breathing heavy.

"Okay." He sighed getting up.

He quickly walked over to Merle who was on the couch watching T.v.

"Let me use the truck." Daryl muttered

"Ya gotta be jokin. Ya find a good lookin' girl in the woods and ya don't even fuck 'er?" Merle laughed throwing the keys at Daryl.

"Fuck off." Daryl growled grabbing my hand pulling me out the door.

"Sorry." he mumbled opening the truck door for me.

I quickly hopped in and buckled my seat belt. When Daryl started the truck he looked over to me, "What way?"

"Left." I said with a small frown.

Other than telling him directions the ride was quiet. It was a comfortable quiet though. He lived pretty close to me. It's not like it mattered though. I had no idea if I'd ever see or talk to him again. I took a quick glance at him once we got on my street. "It's the white house at the end of the street." I sighed.

Once he parked in front of my house I wished I would've stayed at his home. My parents would be pissed off. "Thank you. For helping with my ankle and driving me home this late." I smiled.

"Wasn't a problem." He nodded

He turned his head towards me right as I was about to place a kiss on his cheek and our lips touched. I had almost pulled away when I could feel him tense, but then he leaned into the accidental kiss. As we broke apart I knew my cheeks had to be as red as Daryl's were. I nervously backed up a bit. "S-Sorry." I stuttered

"It's fine." He said looking down.

"Do you want to uhh, meet up some time. We could hang out?" I asked blushing

"How bout tomorrow?" He replies with a small smirk and a red face.

"Yeah, that would be nice. I'll come by your house tomorrow then." I said smiling.

He nodded in return. I smiled again and placed my hand on his thigh giving him a small kiss on the lips. I quickly got out of the door and ran inside. Once I got inside I hear Daryl drive away.

"Who was that guy?" my step dad asked.

"Daryl Dixon." I replied confused

"Of course it was a Dixon." He said getting up and shaking his head.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I muttered

"You think I didn't notice you prancing inside after you gave it away? Your mother sure did raise a good one. Did you like fucking with the Dixon's? Bet it was all three of 'em." He laughed walking up to me.

"I didn't sleep with anyone. We are just friends." I yelped

"Oh sure. I bet you like to give it up don't you? Good thing your momma isn't home." He said trapping me with his arms against the door."

"Let me go." I cried

I began trembling when he put started kissing along my neck. He moved on of his hands to my stomach pushing it into my pants.

"Please, don't." I sobbed trying to get away.

As he started to try and get his hand deeper I dropped to the ground crying. I quickly crawled past his legs and raced up the stairs to my room. Once I got in I locked the door. He began banging on the door when I reached my closet grabbing a couple pairs of clothes and putting it into my back pack. "YOU LITTLE SLUT! TELL ANYONE SHIT AND I'LL KILL YOU I SWEAR!" He yelled trying to get in.

When I got my clothes packed I grabbed my jacket and climbed out the window. I threw my bag onto the trampoline first then jumped onto it from the my short roof. As soon as I got to the ground I ran to the street. It was still dark outside when I began walking. It was silent outside when I heard the rumbling of a truck coming near me. The truck slowed down beside but I kept walking. "Where ya headin little one?" a familiar voice said.

I spun around to see the older Dixon with a big grin on his face. "I don't know. I ran away." I shrugged.

"Hop in. I'll take ya back to my place." He laughed driving a bit closer and opening the door.

"Thanks." I said getting in and looking down in my lap.

"Are ya okay?" He asked looking at me.

"I'm fine." I said wiping the tears on my face away

As we drove to his and Daryl's house down the street he glanced at me every few seconds seeing if I was okay. When we pulled into his drive way I followed him inside. He went straight to the one couch and I went to the other. After a couple minutes I fell asleep.

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