So here's my first translate fanfiction .. Well I'm working on it right now to translate , it's gonna be a little bit longer but I'll do my best to do it faster .

This one is not a big story , just a little between Dominion and the events after the Finale .. Don't get me wrong , I really love those last episodes but I always felt like something missing , they should added it , so I've got the idea .. I rewrote from Dominion to the Finale , same words , same actions but there's something more , something different that will make the whole story different that in the show itself :) and then I wrote anything from my imagination after the finale .

Well I'm done talking ! Enjoy and I'm waiting for the first reviews ^_^

" Being a hero's wife means never accept defeat " .

Lois Lane has just said those words while she was holding a gun , threatening Tess Mercer with it , her friend and now the new Watchtower .

She was nervous and Tess knew she would not shot . She was upset because her fiancé Clark Kent has just being sent in the phantom zone with his friend Oliver Queen and there were just some tiny chances that the two of them could come back because it was too much longer since they were trapped in there .

And as it wasn't enough , Tess made a countdown and the portal will explode if Clark and Oliver weren't coming back .

Tess had explained to Lois that it was one of Clark's idea and if he didn't tell her , it was because he didn't want to put her in some kind of danger , knowing she could be tempted to following him or she could be hurt but obviously she was hurt in a way .

She felt really sad knowing that Clark didn't put her in confidence . She was his fiancée , the woman he will spend the rest of his life , so she completely has the right to know . She wanted to say that to him so badly but she also understood than her man's overprotected mind , had stroke again .

Lois refused to let her go and giving up on her fiancé in this cold and sinister place .

She wanted to find a way to cancel the countdown because there were no ways he was going to end up there . For the young reporter she was , this wasn't a solution . Maybe it was selfish but she refused to be a widow before being married .

She sighed and tried to calm down the rage which was in her . She blowed , closing her eyes and put down the gun .

She turned around , crossing her arms , tears in her eyes and watched through the window , the beauty of the city .

Tess stayed behind her and knew she wasn't risking anything but when Lois was angry , it was better to stay quiet .

Anyway , she started to say something tho

- Lois … I don't wanna give you false hopes but .. But .. I can try to cancel the countdown … In that way , the portal will stay open even if we're getting a risk to have zonards but at least we'll have more chance to make Clark and Oliver back .

Lois looked at Tess by her reflection in the window … She could see how much she meant her words . Lois felt a little bad for being so angry at her , she was now in their team and was just helping .

She relaxed and put a hand in her mouth , making a face and turned around again .

- Lois ? Are you okay ? You're so pale ?

Lois shook her head

- it's okay ! Just a few seconds of black hole .

- Don't make you sick that way . I promise you to do everything I have in my hands to make them back .

Lois was able to smile a little and nodded . Tess was feeling better to see that her friend wasn't ready to walk in the lion's den .

She got back in front of her scenes .

Lois felt another black hole shaking her and reach the couch to sit and looked at Tess .

- is that so hard to cancel it ?

Tess replied without stopping looked at her screen .

- indeed ! I scheduled this system since a while and it supposed to stop by itself . Everything was establish for it being in ' automatic mode ' and cancel everything and put it in 'manual mode' is not gonna be a piece of cake but I'll do all my best .

She looked at the countdown , saying it was only few hours left before it explode .

She sighed

- I hope I could make them back before the end of the time .

She turned back to face Lois and looked at her , really sorry for her . Lois looked at the screens and felt a frog in her throat . She crossed her legs in ' Buddha ' mode on the couch and tried to not think about the man she loves .. She tried to force herself to believe that he will come back to her , he was strong and he will make it .

But the operation wasn't a good success and at the end of the day , Tess had to do a lot of things to blocked the portal . She couldn't cancel the countdown but she was able to put it at zero so they just had only eight hours to start again the operation .

Tess knew it wasn't enough to find another solution . She needed to know much more about the working and dig everywhere in the computers , see if anything could help her .

So , the countdown was just suspended , not cancelled but at least the portal was still here .

Lois couldn't stop walking all along the tour and at the end of this day , she was very tired . She cannot stop freaking out and Tess has noticed it , even if she also noticed than her friend seems really exhausted , more than she was usually .

She was barely able to imagine what if was to wait in the fear , hoping the man you love will be back to you .

She joined Lois , who was still on the couch . She put a hand in her tight .

- you can go home if you want to . You need to rest , I'm gonna stay here and looking for a solution . I'll let you a message if I've got a result .

- are you sure ? I want to stay here ..

- no ! Go home and have some rest . Grab something to eat and sleep a bit , you're really out !

Lois thanked her and got up , stumbling a bit , that made Tess even more suspicious . A lot of questions crossed her mind when Lois came out the tower .

She shook her head , it wasn't the time to overthink . She drunk some water , and goes back to work .

- it's between you and me little countdown . Trust me , I'm gonna deactivated you .