****Thank you for reading! From this point on I'm taking the story in my own direction…hope you like it! Also a HUGE thank you to my Beta and pretty much writing mentor Acherubis! You're amazing! Please enjoy and all comments are welcome!*********

White hot heat, then nothing.

No fear. No pain. It's was all erased in a single blast. Aleria's eyes opened. She was lying on her back in what smelled like a field of wildflowers. She rose and looked around. Why did this place look so familiar? Poppies, like on the coasts of Highever. She smiled as she remembered laying in a field like this in her younger days. Her thoughts drifted to things of the past, her wonderful family, her friends, and her first love. She mused in the comfort of happy memories but soon was interrupted by a familiar voice.


Aleria's stomach fluttered as she snapped her head around in the direction the voice was coming from.

She stared at the man for a moment, completely dumbfounded.

"Papa?!" She clamored her way to him as fast her body would let her and fell into his arms.

"Is it really you? Where's mother? Is she well? I've missed you so! I had the most terrible dream!"

Bryce Cousland laughed as he patted her head. "I have missed you as well, my darling. Everyone is fine and they send their love." His face suddenly turned sad, he did not relish what he had to tell her. "Pup, you were not dreaming."

Aleria looked at him confused ...then flashes of reality came flooding into her mind and she remembered...

Marching to Denerium, fighting to the top of Fort Drakon, coming face to face with the Archdemon…

She focused on the swirling thoughts in her head.

Then she saw it: The dragon had been badly injured, but so had most everyone else. Sticky, warm blood poured from a wound in Aleria's right side. She ripped a piece of cloth from her tunic and pressed it on the wound to slow the bleeding. She heard the dragon shriek in pain, then saw Alistair hack at its front leg, bringing it to its knees. She knew she didn't have much time.

"Wynne!" Aleria shouted frantically, "Paralyze him! Move him back and keep him there! Now!"

Wynne nodded. She had told her this might be a possibility and she reluctantly agreed for the good of Fereldon. Aleria watched with a heavy heart as Alistair was knocked back away from the archdemon and frozen in place. She quickly ran to him and locked eyes on him. She knew he would be angry but in case the ritual didn't work this is how it had to be. She reached up and touched his blood covered face.

"Please forgive me. If I never see you again, know that I love you with everything I am, and I meant it when I said I would die for you."

A tear slipped down Alistair's frozen cheek as she planted one last kiss on his lips. She took a deep breath as she ran head long for the ArchDemon, cut through a genlock and snatching his long sword as she passed. Then, in one quick movement, she slid beneath the belly of the beast and sliced it from neck to chest, flaying it open. The dragon shrieked in pain, thrashing about, flailing its massive wings, almost crushing her in the process. She feverishly scrambled away from the dying dragon, away from its sharp claws and equally sharp jaws that snapped at her in a last, desperate attempt to take her down with it. The mammoth body only missed her by a few inches when it finally collapsed on the blood-spattered roof. After a moment of gathering her breath, Aleria walked up to the head of the beast and positioned her sword to pierce its skull then slammed the blade deep.

Immediately, a powerful force began pressing against her. She shook violently as her body was rocked by the tremendous force passing through her. She seized and could not let go of the sword. She could not scream though the pain was immense, then finally a surge of power hit her like a bomb. White hot heat.

Aleria looked up teary eyed at her father. "I'm dead aren't I?" she whispered.

"No pup, you are teetering between the fade and life." He responded sadly.

"Oh, so...will you wait here with me until my body decides whether or not I'm dead?"
she asked.

Bryce half smiled at her. "Actually pup, The Maker has sent me here to give you a choice. You can stay here and be united with us or you may go back."

Aleria's eyes grew wide. "What? The Maker sent you and He's giving me a choice? Wow that's new."
she quipped.

Bryce chuckled. "You are more special than you know. The Maker made it known to me that if you stay, many lives will be lost; but if you go, many lives will be saved. Darling, if you return your life will not become any easier, living will still be hard." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know this is not an easy decision, pup."

Aleria considered for a moment, she knew what she had to do." As much as I would love to see you all and spend time with you again...I cannot be selfish. Tell the Maker I will return." She said with much difficulty.

Bryce smiled broadly. "That's my fierce girl. I'm so proud of you." He wrapped her in a tight embrace. "Now before you go there is someone else who wishes to speak with you." He kissed her forehead. "I love you my dearest daughter and I will continue to watch over you."

"I love you." She whispered quietly as her she watched her father disappear.

Aleria sat back down in the field of flowers and enjoyed the warmth that radiated all around her. She wondered to herself who could want to speak with her. Duncan? Or, Maker it could be Fergus...she had always hoped that somehow he had survived. Her thoughts swirled in her mind as she laid there.

"A copper for your thoughts?" a sultry voice whispered above. She opened her eyes slowly and focused on the man standing above her. His hair was down and lay in soft waves across his bronzed shoulders. Aleria jumped to her feet. "Zevran? What are you doing here? Are you unconscious as well?"
Zevran chuckled sadly. "No mi amora."

Aleria's countenance dropped dramatically and tears welled up and spilled over. "No..no you're not dead. You're not. You can't be. I'm dreaming...I have to be. Please, Zevran tell me this is a nightmare!" She cried frantically. Zevran grabbed her and pulled her tightly to him.

"I'm afraid I cannot, my dear." he stroked her hair gently.

"I, I'm sorry Zevran. I should have taken you with me! I should have protected you! I should have..."
Aleria cried into his shoulder.

"Shh...You could have done nothing but gotten yourself killed as well. I am not angry, actually quite the opposite." He smiled softly at her.

"Zevran, I'm going to miss you so much...I don't know what I'm going to do without you..." she sobbed

Zevran tilted her head up to meet his eyes. "You will live and live well. You will find someone who will be as loyal to you as I am, who loves you as I do, and is an even better lover than I am...well that may be setting the bar a little too high." He smirked at her.

Aleria chuckled. "You are...wonderful. Thank you for absolutely everything you've done for me."

"No mi amora, thank you for setting me free." Zevran kissed her passionately.

"Will you stay with me for a while?" She asked hopeful.

"I will stay as long as you are here." He kissed her again. "Ah, this…this is what I will miss. I'm afraid you have ruined me my dear." He joked as he stoked her hair away from her tear stained face. "I'm afraid I am jealous of the next man who warms you bed." He smiled at her sadly.

"That will not happen for a long time, if ever." She sighed.

"It would be quite a shame to have a body like yours be put on a shelf and not enjoyed." He purred in her ear.

Aleria blushed and leaned in to kiss him but before she reached him she felt an excruciating pain in her side. She yelped and grabbed her stomach.

"Zevran, what's happening? Ah!" she screamed as another sharp pain hit her.

"You are being pulled back." he said sadly. "This is where we say goodbye." Zevran kissed her quickly. "Te Amo always, Aleria."

"Zev..." She grasped him tightly but it was to no avail. She gasped as she felt herself being ripped from the fade and slammed back to earth.

As she opened her eyes she heard a mixture of voices all around her. One in particular stood out above the rest.

"Don't you dare die on me, Aleria Cousland!"

It was Alistair and she was moving. She looked around and realized that she was in Alistair's arms being carried somewhere. Her eyes tried to focus but everything was a blur of stone walls and blood. She tried to speak but realized her mouth was full of something. She recognized the copper twinge as she coughed and gagged on what she realized was her own blood.

"Aleria, please hang on. Please. Maker, Wynne, can you stop the bleeding?"

Wynne's voice magically appeared and it sounded frightened. "I can slow the flow but until we find a place for her to lie I cannot begin working on her wounds."

It was then that she heard Leliana scream. "Andraste have mercy, is she alive?" She felt soft hands brush the hair from her face.

"Yes, but we must get her inside quickly. She's bleeding out." Aleria heard Alistair's voice ring in fear.

At those words Aleria felt herself sinking into darkness. An eternity seemed to pass before she was jolted awake, feeling Alistair's mouth on hers. But this was no kiss, he was breathing life back into her.

"Breathe for me, Ali." He pleaded desperately with her. He looked so tired. Aleria tried to comply with his wishes as she inhaled deeply then slipped into darkness again.

When Aleria awoke again, she was in a lavish room covered in all the finery you would expect of a royal palace. She tried to rise up but soon realized that was going to be harder than usual.

She twisted slightly trying to raise herself from her lying position. With great effort and quite a bit of pain she finally situated herself into an upright position. She looked around the empty room. There was a fireplace against the wall and in front of it laid a bundle of recently washed rags and more empty jars of healing poultices than she could count.

Was that all for me? She asked herself as she slowly pulled the blanket from her body. She looked herself over and gasped. There were more bandages than skin showing. Even her breasts had been wrapped up tightly. As she looked herself over in awe, she heard a click and saw the door slowly open. Leliana walked in, carrying new bandages and a couple more healing poultices.

She glanced in Aleria direction and did a double take.

"Hey Leli." Aleria said hoarsely.

Leliana locked watery eyes on her as she flew to her side.

"Ali, Thank you, blessed Andraste! I was so frightened you weren't going to wake up this time. It was horrible. Your body was..." she prattled off frantically.

"Shh." Aleria quieted her. "I'm ok. How long have I been like this?"

Leliana thought for a moment. "Two weeks tomorrow." Leliana replied exhaustedly. Aleria nodded.

"Leliana, where is Zevran?" Aleria asked cautiously.

Leliana bit her lip as she considered her answer. "He is...he is..." she began but Aleria interrupted.

"Then it wasn't a dream. He's gone isn't he?" Aleria said as soft tears began to roll down her cheeks. Aleria's insides began to quake.

"How did you know?" Leliana gasped surprise, tears streaming down her cheeks.

" He was in the fade with me." Aleria said cautiously. Anyone else would think she was insane, but she knew Leliana would understand.

Leliana looked at her in awe. "Really? How was he?"

Aleria smiled sadly. "He was the most beautiful I have ever seen him. He seemed so at peace, the only time he seemed sad was when we were forced to say our goodbyes."

Leliana held her hand and gently stroked it. "At least you got to see him one last time."

"Yes..."Aleria smiled softly then changed the subject. "Leli, how is everyone else?"

Leliana smiled. "Everyone else is quite well. But if you are wondering after someone in particular..."

"Leli, don't patronize me, I'm injured." Aleria said pointedly.

Leliana scrunched her face. "Apart from being worried out of his mind while pretending to be indifferent, Alistair is fine. He is quite aggravated as well for what you did; I'd be prepared for an intense lecture."

"Has he been crowned yet?" Aleria asked.

"Yes, he tried to hold off the coronation as long as he could but the nobles were getting restless." Leliana replied.

"I understand how they can be. It's probably best I wasn't there anyway. He is going to have to learn to do things on his own eventually." she shrugged and hissed through her teeth. "Ok, note to self, no shrugging for a while."

Leliana smiled. "I think it was very brave of you to spare Alistair's this pain. You still love him very much don't you?" she said sadly. Aleria nodded solemnly.

"It's not something I can just stop...no matter how hurt or angry I am at him... I can't stop. Does that make me a masochist?" Aleria asked with a half laugh.

Leliana laughed with her. "Possibly..." She sighed and leaned her head against Aleria." it's so good to hear your voice again. We've all been going mad around here without you. Promise to never fight a dragon and almost die again, ok? I don't think I could handle it."

Aleria chuckled slightly, enjoying her friends affection. "I'll try, but no promises."

Leliana shook her head and was about to speak when the chamber door creaked open once more. A tall man with dark brown hair and warm but tired eyes walked in carrying a plate of food.

"Leliana, how is she doing?" He asked absent mindedly as he placed the tray on a nearby table.

Aleria's heart leapt in her chest as she nearly screamed at the man. "Fergus!?"

His head snapped quickly in her direction. "Little sister..." He choked out, tears welling up in his eyes. Aleria fought her bandages as she tried to get to him, injuries be damned, she had to touch him, to make sure he was really there.

"Woah! Hold on there, pup, I'm here." he quickly crossed the room and took Leliana's place beside her.

She wrapped her arms around him tightly and they cried together, for their loved ones and for each other. She had always hoped that somehow he had survived. She marveled at the rang of emotions that had flooded her heart in such a short time. Her best friend was dead but her big brother was alive. She hugged him tightly and sobbed into his shoulder. "Fergus, I'm so sorry about Orianna and Oren. I didn't know until I found them. And mother and father, it was horrible! I thought I'd never see you again." she collapsed into his arms.

"I'm alright, pup. It will be alright. I know you did your best and I'm so proud of you. Who knew my little sister was this Hero of Fereldon everyone keeps going on about?" He sniffed as he nudged her. "You have always been such a show off." he joked through his tears.

Aleria laughed. "Says the one who jumped off the Sea Cliffs just to get Lady Braylen's attentions!" she poked at him.

"Hey, it worked didn't it?" He smirked at her.

"Only because when you came back up you were missing your trousers!"She argued with him.

"Who says that wasn't the plan?" he winked at her. "But speaking of attentions, I met our new king. He seems to think very highly of you, sister..." he said suspiciously. Aleria's heart dropped.

"Fergus, don't even start..." she held a hand up to him.

"What? I just find it interesting that the new King of Fereldon is hopelessly in love with my baby sister." Fergus smirked beguilingly at her.

"Did he say that?" Aleria asked confused.

"No, he didn't have to in between his admiration and worry for you, it was painfully obvious." Fergus chuckled. "Do you not reciprocate his feelings?" he asked suddenly serious.

"Fergus, I really don't want to talk about this." She said exasperatedly.

"Fine but don't think this is the end of this conversation." He said tapping a finger on her nose. "I'm so happy you are alright but you need much more rest. I will see you in a little while." He kissed her forehead. "I love you, pup."

Aleria smiled. "I love you."

Leliana joined in. "I will leave you as well. Fergus, would you mind joining me in the dining hall for dinner?" She smiled sweetly at him.

Fergus cleared his throat. "Erm...of course my lady." He gave a half bow, Leliana giggled then kissed Aleria on the forehead.

Aleria only shook her head. As they left, she began to wonder if Alistair would come to see her or if he would stay away. She was torn between wanting to see him and wanting to smack him. Why does he have to be so bloody transparent? She growled in frustration. This was going to be hard enough as it was without Fergus digging up what she was trying so hard to bury. Aleria knew that as soon as Fergus got wind of her and Alistair's relationship and how said relationship ended, things would go from bad to worse. She groaned again as she closed her eyes tried to go back to sleep.

A couple of hours later she awoke with a start, the Archdemon's roar echoing in her mind. She sat up quickly from her bed, reaching for a dagger she realized was not by her side. She heard the roar again and realized it was no ArchDemon, it was her stomach. She moaned as she tried to make her way up from the bed. Her wounds seemed to be mostly superficial with the exception of a large gash on her torso and a couple of holes in her leg and arms. She slowly made her way to the chamber door and tried to silently push it open. She knew Leliana would kill her for getting out of bed but she was starving and knew she would never sleep with her stomach mimicking an archdemon's roar.

She peered down the hall, checking to make sure she wouldn't be caught. When she was sure the coast was clear she made her way to the Kitchen. A dim candle lit the room, giving it a warm glow. She grabbed and extra candlestick as she made her way into the larder. She loaded a tray with some fruits, cheeses, dried meat, and some sweet cakes. Her stomach rumbled again. "Sh.." She said peering down at her obviously ravenous stomach.

"What are you doing down here?" Aleria jumped at the sound of the man's voice. Blast it. She had been caught. She slowly turned around and laid her eyes a very aggravated Alistair.

"Eating?" Aleria said innocently. "I have been unconscious for two weeks; I believe I have some catching up to do." She quipped.

Alistair's expression only softened slightly. "Do you know how badly you were injured? You shouldn't be walking around like this. You could have rang for one of the servants." He said frustrated.

Aleria clenched her jaw. Who was he to tell her anything, and did he just say ring for servants?

"I made it down here just fine and I'll make it back just as easily. I don't need any servants and I don't need you telling me what I should and should not do." She snapped at him.

Alistair's face regained its harshness as his jaw clenched.

"Of course no one tells the mighty Aleria Cousland what to do!" Alistair said sarcastically. "You do what you want no matter who you hurt in the process..." he said pointedly.

"What!? What gives you the right to say that? Who do you think you are!?" she nearly screamed at him. She slammed the plate on a nearby table and turned to leave. She should have know he would not let her go so easily. He strode up to her and turned her around to face him.

"I'll tell you who I am. I'm the man who watched you be nearly obliterated in front of his eyes. The man who carried your broken body and watched the hearts of people who love you, shatter like glass. I'm the man who stayed by your side until I knew you would pull through. I'm the man who..." Alistair pressed.

"Why do you even care?!" Aleria shouted at him as she snatched her arm away from him, retreating back a few steps. Alistair threw his hands up in frustration.

"I'm sick of this, Aleria! Let me enlighten you, just because I know we can't be together doesn't stop me from wanting it to be that way! Ending our relationship didn't stop me from being in love with you and it sure as the void didn't change the fact that watching you sacrifice yourself nearly ripped my soul from my body." He paced as he continued his speech, Aleria looked on dumbfoundedly.

"Do you not understand how much I still want you?" He stopped pacing and made his way closer to her. Aleria couldn't move, she couldn't breathe.

"I want you, desperately, but how can I have you? Tell me a solution and I will gladly bring you to my chambers and claim you as mine." Alistair raised his hand to place it on her cheek, Aleria shivered at the impeding touch; but before he could light his hand upon her he withdrew it.

"But I know until we find that solution...I'll have to stand here and love you from a distance. No matter how hard it is not to take you into my arms right now." He whispered, his voice dripping with desperation.

Aleria gulped. She could do nothing but stare at him. The tension in the room had become so thick you could cut it with a broad sword. She and Alistair just stared at each other.

Alistair sighed and ran his fingers through his hair exasperatedly.

"To the void with it..." He breathed as he crossed the distance between them and threaded his hands in Aleria hair, pulling her into a deep kiss. Aleria gasped and melded into his embrace. His touch was desperate but gentle as he pulled her closer. Aleria kissed him back as tears slid down her cheeks. This wasn't right, this needed to stop. As much as it shattered her heart she couldn't let this continue.

She placed her hands on Alistair's chest and pushed away from him. "We have to stop doing this to each other." She locked her eyes on his.

"What?" Alistair retreated, hurt underlying his voice.

"This...torturing each-other." She placed a hand on his face. She gulped as she tried to find the right words.

"I love you but you're right. We cannot be together unless I can bare you a child. End of story." She kept her eyes locked on his as painful tears rolled over her cheeks. She cleared her throat and tried to compose herself. "I would like to ask a favor of the King and of the Senior Grey Warden of Fereldon."

Alistair pulled away from her. "For saving Fereldon and its King I shall grant you whatever you wish." he responded seriously.

"I would like to be granted temporary leave from the Wardens until I am needed again. I want to go back to Highever with my brother and help him rebuild. If a desperate situation arises I will return but if not I will be allowed to stay as long as need be. Does this please his majesty?" She said gently.

Alistair considered her for a moment then replied hesitantly. "I agree…on the condition that the new Teyrn and his sister appear at Court when called. The King may need your assistance from time to time." Alistair conceded.

Aleria smiled half heartedly. "Thank you, your highness. We will be leaving tomorrow." She replied.

"Tomorrow?" Alistair said despondently.

"I believe that would be for the best." Aleria replied resolutely.

Alistair retreated from her. "Alright, I suppose I'll see you off in the morning then?" Alistair asked hopefully.

"Yes. Goodnight, Alistair." Aleria bowed slightly and painstakingly made her way back to her room. She passed by the food she had left lying on the table. This had most assuredly ruined her appetite.

"Goodnight, Ali" Alistair whispered forlornly.

Aleria woke before daybreak and made her way into her brother's room.

"Fergus..." she whispered lightly shaking him.

"Hmm?" He groaned then noticed her presence. "Ali! What are you doing out of bed?!" he scolded her.

"I'm fine. Well enough to travel. Fergus, let's go home. I want to go home." she pleaded with him.

"What? Why the hurry? You've just woken up from a coma. You need more rest." Fergus tried to convince her.

"You know that makes absolutely no sense. I've had plenty of rest. May we depart at daybreak?" Aleria pressed.

"This about your King Alistair isn't it?" Fergus grunted. Aleria narrowed her eyes at him. "Ali I'm tired not stupid. Something is going on. Tell me." He rose up to focus on her.

Aleria sighed. "I'll make you a deal; as soon as we are on the road to home I will tell you the whole story."

Fergus groaned. "You're not going to change your mind about this are you?" Aleria shook her head.

"Fine, fine I'm up. I don't have anything to pack anyway. Go get your things and I will arrange transportation." Fergus said half heart-idly.

"No need. All you have to do is meet me outside as soon as you're ready. I'm going to talk to Leli, I think she may want to join us. I'll see you in a bit." she kissed his forehead and left to find Leliana.

As Aleria had guessed, Leliana wanted to tag along with them to Highever. Everything and everyone was ready to go so Aleria made her way to the courtyard where the horses should have been waiting for her. Instead there was a lavish carriage filled with gifts and treasures of every kind. Aleria's brows crumpled in confusion. She walked up to the driver of the carriage.

"I'm sorry, Ser, I did not request this. Please bring me the horses I asked for."

"I'm sorry, my lady. I'm on direct orders from the King." he motioned for her to turn around.

Aleria turned quickly and saw Alistair standing at the top of the stairs wearing golden full plate armor and a matching golden crown. Her breath hitched in her throat as she took in the vision of him. He looked every bit the part of the Noble King, handsome and heroic to the core. She chuckled ruefully. When she was young, she used to pretend she was introduced to a handsome prince and whisked off to be his future Queen. She smiled as she remembered something Zevran use to say: 'Fate indeed is a tricky whore.' It is indeed, Zevran.

As she approached Alistair, he held his hand up in defense. "Please don't be angry with me. I just don't think your body is up to making that trip on horseback just yet. Please just smile and except this..." he said defensively.

Aleria smiled softly and nodded. "Thank you for your kindness, your majesty."

Alistair smiled, slightly taken aback. "Who are you and what have you done with Aleria?"

Aleria only shrugged and winced slightly. The pain in her side made her realize this was not a bad idea. "You were probably right about riding horseback."

"Alright, now you're scaring me. I'm right about something?" He joked.

"I guess it's that new crown of yours, there must be wisdom ingrained into it." She joked as she reached up to straighten the slightly crooked crown.

Alistair stiffened not even allowing himself to breathe for fear that he would lose control and kiss her.

At that moment Fergus and Leliana rounded the corner. Fergus couldn't help but notice the longing in the young King's eyes and he immediately slipped into big brother mode.

"Little Sister, are you ready to go?" Fergus said, interrupting Alistair's stare.

Aleria smiled slightly and shook her head. "Yes brother, I'm ready if you are."

Leliana wrapped Alistair in a tight embrace and whispered something in his ear. His eyes widened in shock as he looked at her. She simply smiled and nodded to him. He smiled enigmatically and kissed her on the cheek. The Cousland siblings shared a glance of confusion before Fergus approached Alistair.

"Thank you, your Majesty, for all you have done for my family and for my sister. I believe you will be a great king and a great friend to us as well. If you need anything at all do not hesitate to send for us. I know how these nobles can be." Fergus smiled warmly at Alistair.

"Thank you, Teyrn Cousland, but please call me Alistair. And believe me, your sister has done more for me than I could ever repay. Take care of her." He clasped Fergus' arm in a warrior's handshake.

"Call me Fergus, and I will. Farewell."

Fergus bowed and headed towards the carriage leaving Aleria and Alistair alone.

Alistair shuffled his feet nervously. "So this is it..."

Aleria nodded softly. "Yes, time to say goodbye" She purposefully focused her attention on the carriage rather than the handsome king staining beside her. She thought back on how far they had come. She would have never pictured it ending this way. She resigned herself to stay strong, not only for herself but for him as well.

Alistair interrupted her thoughts. "Goodbye for now." he reinforced. "Your brother just said to send anytime I need you..."

Aleria interrupted. "Try not to need me for a while. Please?"

"But," Alistair started.

"Sh. No buts. You are going to be an amazing king, you don't need me." Aleria replied with deep sincerity. "Now," she whispered shakily, "Give me a hug and tell me goodbye."

Alistair didn't waste a moment as he grabbed Aleria and pulled her into a tight embrace. She melded into his arms one last time. She breathed him in, committing everything about him to memory.

Alistair kissed the top of her head. "I going to miss you...Who am I kidding, I miss you already and you haven't even left yet." he laughed sadly.

Aleria smiled half heartedly as she pulled away. "Soon you'll be so busy with Nobles, politics, and marriage proposals; you won't even have time to think about me."

Alistair huffed a laugh and ran his fingers through his hair. "Don't remind me."

They both stood there for an awkward moment before Aleria finally threw her arms around Alistair's neck.

"Goodbye Alistair." She whispered in his ear, choking back tears. She squeezed him tightly, then quickly released and ran headlong for the carriage, not daring to look back.

She slid into the carriage next to Leliana. "Driver, we're ready to leave." she yelled and her voice cracked.

Leliana laid a hand on Aleria's fidgeting hands. "Ali, are you alright?"

Aleria looked up at her through teary eyelashes and shook her head no. Leliana opened her arms as Aleria fell into her lap and cried herself breathless.

"Ali, Maker, what's..." Fergus began as he reached out to comfort her.

Leliana placed a finger to her lips and silenced him. "She will tell you when she's ready, Fergus." Leliana smiled sadly.

Fergus looked at her frustartedly, then turned to look for the offender who brought his baby sister to tears. As the carriage departed he got a glance of Alistair and was surprised to see the tears streaming down the young kings face.

Fergus sat quietly and let his mind wander as he watched his little sister cry herself to sleep.
When he was sure Aleria could not hear him he addressed Leliana.

"Leliana, what did you say to King Alistair earlier?"

Leliana smiled softly as she stroked Aleria's hair. "I told him not to give up, that the Maker would help us find a way."

"A way for what?" Fergus asked her a little too loudly.

Leliana shushed him. "A way for them to be together." she said with a smile.