Too tired to add more to this chapter, so I'll save the good stuff for chapter 7.. but I promise not to make you wait (:

Love - A

Isaac's arm was laced tightly around Kylie while the sound of his heart beat was one of the only things that could be heard. It wasn't until the sound of footsteps down the hallway outside of her bedroom that Kylie woke up. Quickly she leaned up, her eyes snapping open. Isaac's arm was still tightly around her and he remained dead asleep.

"Kylie?" Kylie's dad called from outside her bed room door. Suddenly, Isaac woke up as well. In an instant Kylie pushed Isaac off the bed and to the floor. His body thumped to the ground, but he didn't say anything. She leaned over the bed, the fear in her eyes speaking for her.

"Get under the bed!" she mouthed to him. He did as he was told and quickly crawled under.

She adjusted herself back into her bed and pulled the covers up over her body. "Come in." she called nervously. The door opened slowly and her dad peeked in. He looked around the room and she nervously awaited what he was going to say.

"I just wanted to tell you to get to school on time…" he said eerily. "I'm leaving for work." He said, looking around the room once more. Kylie nodded. After nothing unusual caught his eyes in his daughter's room, he smiled and left – shutting the bedroom door behind him. Kylie pulled the thick covers off of her and jumped up. She reached a hand under the bed and helped pull Isaac out.

She could feel his body trembling and he stayed dead still. It was like he was paralyzed with fear.

"What's wrong?"

Still, Isaac didn't respond. His body was still shaking but he managed to back up and take a seat on the edge of the bed. His eyes were cold, and blank. "What's wrong?" Kylie repeated, standing in front of him still.

As his breathing slowed and he visibly started to pull himself together, he tried to explain himself. "I don't like small spaces… I-I-I'm sorry."

Kylie started to feel bad. She had remembered everything he told her last night, but it all escaped her thoughts when she panicked. "No. I'm sorry." She said running her hands through her thick brown hair. "That's was my fault…" she mumbled.

By now Isaac was calm and they were the only two in the house. The clock read 7:05AM, which meant they had little less than a half an hour to get to school.

"If you don't mind, I kind of need to change…" she smiled, still in her pajamas. Isaac blushed as he chuckled and looked down, forgetting all the fear he had felt moments ago. "Right… I'll just, wait down stairs." He said, scratching his head before finally stumbling out the door.

Allison seemed to ramble on, even though Kylie was clearly not paying attention. She had started talking about wanting to help Derek's pack, but not being taken seriously.

Ever since Kylie technically joined Derek's pack, Allison subconsciously decided Kylie and her were friends. Not that Kylie minded, because after all she got along with Allison – despite her family being werewolf killers.

While Allison continued to ramble and her voice became more distant, Kylie's eyes focused on something else across the hallway. Even though she hadn't changed since her mom's death, she found nothing wrong with using her senses or great hearing. She listened in on the conversation Lydia was having with Aiden, one of the twins. She turned back to Allison and interrupted as if Allison wasn't even talking. "Since when have Lydia and Aiden been hanging out?"

"Since almost the beginning of the school year…"

"Why haven't you stopped her!?" She yelped. She knew if Allison knew as much as she did – she must have known how dangerous Aiden was. Allison rolled her eyes and shut he locker. She glanced at her best friend and then back at Kylie.

"Because she won't listen to me."

As the last bell rang, Isaac fell into step with Kylie. He kept his focus locked on her. Everything he felt was taken to a new level after last night. Something about her past and who she was and the more he found out made him even more intrigued by her.

He could enhance his hearing to hear the sound of her heart beat and block out all the rest. It was almost as if he could blur his vision to his surrounding, yet she was perfectly clear. He watched her push her soft brown hair over her shoulder and adjust the scarf around her neck.

"So you are moving in with Scott?" she spoke up. Isaac blinked away his thoughts and snapped back to reality. "yeah. I mean just for now." He stuttered quickly. She nodded and bit down on her pale pink lip. "Its probably better that way… I can't keep shoving you under my bed every morning." She smirked.

Isaac chuckled and looked down.

"I'm going to Derek's after practice to get some of my things."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

She looked up with wide eyes. They sparkled under the dim hallway lights. They were almost hypnotizing, as he began to forget what they were even talking about in the first place. She blinked a few times but had fallen victim to his gaze.

"Isaac!" Scott said loud enough to get them to turn away from each other. Scott rolled his eyes and waited till he had Isaac's undivided attention. "Yes?" he groaned. "Practice was cancelled"


Scott shrugged at the question because he didn't have the answer, and quite frankly it was the least of his worries.

As all three continued walking they found themselves at the edge of the front steps of the school. Isaac turned to Scott, adjusting the strap on his book bag accordingly on his shoulder. "I'll meet you back at your house latter." Isaac said.

Scott looked at his friend confused. Though he didn't think he would go get himself into trouble wile Kylie was with him, he worried. He worried about what would happen if trouble found them.