Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, X-Men, or Charmed. That is all.

The Forgotten Halliwell

Prudence Halliwell stood on the balcony of her friend's place as the ocean breeze ruffled her hair, she really should go back inside I mean the party was for her eighteenth birthday. She was just turning to go back in when she sensed she was being watched, she swung back to the dark and squinted trying to make out something, but failing to do so went back inside. James leaned against the tree he had just hid behind, he had followed the girl from the store earlier catching her scent and the fact it was intoxicating as well as different. He decided to crash the party and slipped in with someone's friends from across town that wasn't known. He slid into Prue's view having heard her name earlier, as she looked toward him their eyes locked. After that night James swore he would always be where she was.

Seven months later

Prue was pissed off her tire had went flat and Phoebe had taken the spare out and hadn't put it back. She just really wanted to be home, and the next thing she knows she was standing in her living room. She then thought about Grams and she landed in the attic of the Manor in front of the woman herself. This is when Grams told her about magic and told her she should have her boyfriend James stop by.

Just under a year after their first meeting James was walking up the walk to a manor on Prescott, he had a meeting with Prue's grandmother Penny Halliwell. After being ushered into the sun room Penny asked if he knew, when asked knew what she dropped a bombshell.

"That Prue is pregnant."

James sat down real fast answering her question. He barely heard her call for Prue. He was processing the news, he had sensed something off last time he saw her but she said it was the flu. He didn't hear Prue calling to him, he didn't see the glare of Penny, nor did he feel the tingle of magic reaching out to him from Prue's womb. What he did know was that he was going to be a father and with that thought he smiled. Now Penny knew that smile it was the proud soon-to-be-father smile. The glare left her face along with Prue's worry. James was then told of the family's secret, he thought that it explained a lot, what with how off they seemed to smell, but he liked the smell.

Penny suggested they go away so no one would know about the addition to the family. They agreed.

Penny appeared again with a potion in hand, just two days after the home birth of Wesley. When James was told that Penny was going to wipe Prue's memory, and he would be responsible for Wesley, he understandably was upset. Then Penny explained that because to protect Prue and Wesley no one could know of the birth of the first born child of the first born charmed one. There was too much at stake. He agreed only after learning that it could be reversed when it was safe.

Over the next year and half James traveled not staying long in any place. Part of it was James had a restless personality and part because Creed had found him and then tried to take Wesley. After Creed nearly succeeded once James decided it was time to move out of the continent.

He ended up in Great Britain in October of 1991. He was staying at a house just a short walk from a nearby village called Godric's Hollow. Late Halloween night he heard a fight, he looked over to Wesley seeing him asleep he went to help. When he entered a house he knows wasn't there yesterday he found a man with black hair and glasses dead, he heard a strange word from above and went upstairs. What he found was a red haired woman laid out in front of a crib and a baby boy bleeding from the head but dead all the same. He looked over to the man responsible who was regaining his footing. Just as he was raising Wesley teleported in, he had woken up and couldn't find his daddy. The killer shot a light at them and Wesley raised his hand and a green shield appeared and rebounded it right back at the sender. This resulted in him turning into ash, although there was a slight magical backlash resulting in James' head feeling tingly.

He looked around not knowing what to do, but when he heard a bike coming he made to exit with Wesley in arms. He stopped and looked at the situation; one he needed to find a safe home for Wesley, two someone obviously would take care of a little baby who just lost his parents, three the little boy in the crib had green eyes like Wesley did and James looked similar to the man downstairs. He had made his decision.

"James, Lilly, Harry?" A dark haired man screamed as he ran into the slightly smoking house.

James hid in the tree line watching as the man handed Wesley who he was calling Harry, to a giant of a man and told him to take his bike to get Harry help. As soon as the giant left, James heard the other man say that he would kill that rat. James waited until he took off with a pop.

He walked into the village graveyard carrying a small trunk he placed it in a hole under a tree that was away from everything else, inside were anyone to find it they would discover a letter explaining the switch as well as the body of Harry James Potter.

James left the UK and eventually settled in Canada. This is where Creed finally found him, after discovering the loss of his target Creed turned over James to Striker.

A man wakes up in the middle of nowhere, he looks at a dog tag around his neck one side says Logan the other Wolverine.