Once Danny's infection was under control and he was moved into his own room, his ohana was finally allowed to come and go as they pleased. The antibiotics and pain medication he was on kept him asleep and out of it most of the time. His fever raged for the first four days; whoever was sitting with him at the time would bathe his face with cool water and work to calm his fevered, unconscious ramblings.

Finally, a week after the plane crash, Danny woke to the dimly lit hospital room. He looked around to get his bearings and noticed two sleeping figures in nearby chairs. One of them was rather large, "Kamekona?"

They both stirred at the sound and quickly came over to stand by his bed, "No, Brah, it's me. Alemana."

"Hey," Danny weakly smiled at his new friend and protector before shifting his gaze to the other man. "Kawika?"

"Yes, Haole, it's me," Kawika smiled.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Do you remember what happened?" Alemana gently asked.

Danny nodded and then groaned as he tried to shift in the bed and jostled his still healing leg. "Yeah, plane crash. But everyone's okay, right? I think I remember Steve telling me that Gabby was okay. She is okay, right? That wasn't a dream?"

"It's okay, Brah," Kawika placed a calming hand on Danny's left shoulder as the heart monitor connected to Danny started to beat faster. "Your lady is okay. She's been here as much as she could the last week. We all have."


"You can be a little dense sometimes, Haole," Kawika kidded gently as he smiled. "Your ohana. Steve, Chin, Kono, Kamekona, Gabby, and a few others that I don't really know."

"And you two?" for some reason this confused Danny.

"Yes," Alemana chuckled.

"Why?" Danny didn't mean to sound ungrateful but realized that he may come across as such. "I mean, you don't really know me. Why spend your time hanging around the hospital with me when I'm not even awake?"

"We know you better than you think," Kawika smiled. "And better than you know yourself sometimes."

Alemana nodded, "You are Kapu in your own right. Kawika has told us how you protect these islands from those wishing to harm her, and even though you stumble sometimes, you are still a passionate and fierce protector. That makes you part of our ohana as well."

"Huh," Danny fought to keep his eyes open. He looked over at Kawika and smiled as he allowed them to slip closed but not before he muttered, "Looks like the drinks are on you next time."

The next time Danny woke sunlight was streaming through the windows and he could hear hushed voices around him. He opened his eyes and found Gabby looking at him smiling.

"Hey," Gabby whispered, smoothing a hand over his hair. "How are you feeling?"

Before Danny could answer, everyone was on their feet and crowding around his bed. Kawika and Alemana were gone, but everyone else was there. Kamekona loomed large at the foot of the bed, "Howzit, Bruddah?" Max and Charlie peeked out from around the big man.

Chin and Kono stood side by side, matching smiles gracing their features, "Welcome back, Danny."

On the other side of the bed, Steve stood next to Gabby's chair, one hand on her shoulder and one on his bed as he leaned down, "Hey, Partner. How ya doing?"

Danny smiled, "I'm fine, really. I feel like I've been in a plane crash maybe, but I'm fine. Why do you all look so happy?"

"You've had us worried, Brah," Kono's smile faltered as she fought back tears that were a mixture of happiness and what might have beens.

Danny reached out a hand to pull Kono closer and give his friend a reassuring hug, "Sorry, but it's okay now, right?"

Kono nodded and accepted Chin's arm around her shoulders in reassurance. Chin smiled as he gave his cousin a side hug, "Now that you're awake, Brah, it's all good."

Danny nodded and reached for Gabby's hand as she, too, had tears in her eyes. He gave her hand a squeeze as he looked at all his friends. His ohana. "Thank you."

"Any time, Partner," Steve grinned. "But I'm pretty sure Doctor Lee and Nurse Karen are hoping there won't be a next time. We're gonna go now, okay? You need your rest and you and Gabby have some catching up to do. I'm picking Grace up after school to bring her over."

Danny's smile grew at the mention of his daughter, "Thanks, Steve."

"Don't mention it, Brother," Steve gave his friend a pat on the arm and glanced over at Gabby, "Call me if you need a ride home before I come with Grace, okay?"

Gabby nodded, "Thank you. For everything."

Steve shrugged, "That's what ohana does. C'mon, guys, let's go so he can rest."

Danny smiled as he watched his friends file out of the room. He wasn't sure when his ohana had become almost as large as his family back home in Jersey, but he was grateful to have been hijacked into it the moment Steve had made him his reluctant partner. Now, he wouldn't change a thing. He gave Gabby's hand a squeeze one more time before allowing the medicine to once again lull him to sleep, smile firmly etched on his face.

A/N: Well, that's all for this one, folks. Thank you again for all the reviews, favorites and follows. Huge thank you again to Fifilla for helping me sort out the story as I went. I am already hard at work on my next story - again, thanks to Fifilla for that as she turned what I thought would be a one-shot into something larger, and hopefully, better.

Thanks for reading!