Ok! New story, how awesome! Ok, let's pretend that season 3 wasn't their last year, and this actually is. Also, pretend that TOR didn't happen. If you like the story, please review.
Disclaimer: I don't own HOA
I stepped out of the cab and tipped the driver. I grabbed my luggage and began to follow the path that I'd practically memorized, to Anubis house. It was a surprise of course. Not even Eddie knew about this. If we're being honest here, I don't know what their reaction will be. Amber texted me last year about some new girl name KT, my replacement. Within 5 minutes, I'd arrived at the doorstep of Anubis House. I reached out to open the door, but the door slowly creaked as it opened on its own.
"Here we go again," I mumbled as I lifted up my luggage and pulled it through the door.
Once I was in the hallway, the door automatically shut behind me, making me jump a little. I looked around the hallway, nothing new. The dusty, old furniture was still in the same place, although I did happen to notice that there was a bigger lock on the cellar door. Typical Victor.
I took one step towards the kitchen, when out of nowhere, Trudy appeared and nearly crashed into me.
"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry dearie, I'm so clumsy. Tell me your name and I'll assign your room to you immediately!" Trudy exclaimed as she pulled out a clipboard and pen.
"Uh, yeah. Trudy, it's me Nina," I awkwardly said.
Trudy looked up from her clipboard and her face lit up with happiness and realization.
"Nina! Oh my, the kids have missed you so much. Don't even get me started on Fabian," Trudy rambled as she gave me one of her famous bear hugs.
I smiled. "It's nice to be back Trudy. You looked pretty busy, did you need help?" I offered.
Trudy's happy smile immediately vanished. "I can't believe that I've allowed myself to become so off track! You room with Patricia and Mara now Nina, sorry, but I can't allow myself to waste another minute!" Trudy immediately began to fast walk towards the kitchen, but immediately stopped, turned around, and headed up the stairs.
"Are you sure you don't need any help?" I once again offered. Trudy froze and began to bang her head on the rail of the stairs.
"Trudy, stop!" I exclaimed.
Trudy sighed and lifted her head to face me. After taking a good look at her face, I noticed that she had heavy eye bags and that her eyes seemed to be lined with black.
"I've been up all night arranging everything for you and the new students!" Trudy wailed.
I froze for a minute. New students? Did we even have enough room for them?
I opened my mouth to question Trudy, but as I looked up, she was gone. I shook my head, and went to find my room.
After I finished unpacking, I sat down and thought for a minute. What was I going to tell them? Would they even be glad that I'm back? Creak. I froze, that was the sound of the front door opening.
"Um, hello? Trudy?" I heard a female voice call. I recognized that voice. I walked towards the top of the stairs.
"Uh, hey Joy," I awkwardly said. I wasn't exactly sure if we were on good terms.
Joy's face filled with shock and… happiness?
"Nina! OMA! It's been far too long. You wouldn't believe what happened last year. It was so crazy! Where've you been this whole time?" she rambled.
I was a bit shocked at how nice she was being, but I immediately began to grow more comfortable.
"Yeah, Amber told me about some of it," I started, but paused. "Then for some weird reason, she just stopped texting me. I don't know why though."
Joy gave me a weird look. "Oh, you didn't hear?" she asked. I shook my head. "Amber moved to New York for fashion school."
I let this information sink into my head. "So… she's not coming back?"
Joy gave me a small shrug. "I'm not exactly sure. Sorry," she said as she gave me a reassuring pat on the back.
Joy gave me a small smile. "Come on. It's our senior year, and you're not going to spend it moping around the house because your best friend isn't here. You've got the rest of us."
I gave her a small smile, because of her attempt to cheer me up.
"Why don't I unpack, and then I can tell you everything that happened last year?" she suggested.
I smiled at her and the two of us linked arms as we walked up the stairs.
" – they got back together obviously. I would've gone crazy if they didn't," Joy said with a small laugh as she explained what happened with Patricia and Eddie. I smiled, I was happy for them. Patricia and Eddie were like a match made in heaven. I worked up some courage to ask Joy an important question.
"So, did anything happen between you and Fabian?" I slowly asked. I was surprised when Joy let out a low chuckle.
"I was waiting for that question. And no, nothing happened between us. I'm over him, besides, I have a boyfriend," Joy replied with a smile.
"Oh really? Who is it?" I asked.
"… Jerome," she replied as she continued to unpack her clothes.
I felt my eyes widen.
"Oh… well that's cool," I awkwardly said. "Um, what happened to Jerome and Mara?"
Joy sighed and began to explain everything. How Jerome cheated on Mara with this girl named Willow, and how Joy was actually pranking Jerome, but actually fell in love with him.
There was a moment of silence as I tried to understand this new information. Once I got over that moment of shock, I decided to ask Joy another question.
"Hey, have you heard anything about new students moving in?"
Joy tilted her head to one side. "You mean KT and Willow? You haven't heard of them yet? Well, KT is actually-"
"No, I mean like new students moving in this year?" I said.
Joy raised an eyebrow. "Where'd you here that from. This house is way too crowded for new students to arrive."
I began to tell her about what had happened when I arrived and the whole incident I'd had with Trudy. Joy was listening to my story intently, asking a couple questions. I opened my mouth to tell her more, but was once again cut off by the sound of the door creaking, signaling the arrival of someone new.
"TRUDY! Are you here? I came earlier so I could get some cookies!" a male voice yelled.
Joy and I shared a look and rolled our eyes. Alfie. Joy got up to greet him and expected me to follow suit.
"Wait, I want to surprise him," I said with a giggle.
Joy shook her head, but she was smiling.
"Fine, I'll distract him and you can do what you got to do."
And with that Joy walked down the stairs to greet the silly prankster.
Joy walked to the top of the stairs, and I slowly followed, a couple of steps behind her.
"Alfie!" I heard Joy squeal as she began to run down the stairs.
Alfie's face lit up with Joy as he hugged joy and spun her around. Alfie's back was facing me, so I took this as the perfect time to sneak up behind him.
"So were you the first one here?" Alfie asked.
Joy smirked. "Not exactly…" she trailed off.
"Oh really? Who else is here th-"
"ALIENS!" I yelled in his ear.
I laughed as I saw Alfie jump up in surprise and try to jump into Joy's arms. Joy caught him for a second, but immediately dropped him.
"OW!" Alfie said as he rubbed his head. Joy and I were practically dying from laughter.
"That wasn't very nice Nina. I didn't know you could be so- wait a minute. NINA, NINA MARTIN?" Alfie said in disbelief.
"That's my name, don't wear it out!" I joked as we hugged each other.
"What are you even doing here? I thought that there were a couple of… complications," Alfie said.
I put on a fake smile.
"Oh, they've been taken care of," I cheerily said. I waited until Joy seemed to be distracted and whispered, "Tell you later."
Alfie nodded in response.
"So what's been going on with you guys?" Alfie asked.
Joy opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off by an old… friend of mine.
"TRUDY! WHERE IS ALL OF THIS NOISE COMING FROM?" Victor yelled. He began yelling a little more, until he saw us. "Ah. Mercer, Lewis, and Martin. I should've known that you were causing all of the rukus," he said while staring at Alfie the whole time.
"Just keep quiet or else I'll-" Victor froze and did a double take.
"Martin? Nina Martin? What are you doing here?" he said in disgust.
Gee, he's making me feel so loved.
"You didn't hear? I got my scholarship back," I said.
Victor grunted. "Well, as long as you miscreants don't mess with me this year, I'll try to make this year as pleasant as possible, keyword try," he threatened.
"VICTOR!" Trudy yelled from the kitchen. She must have super hearing or something.
"Fine," he muttered. "I'm so… happy… that you're back," Victor struggled. He gave the three of us one final glare, before returning to his office.
"Good to be back Victor. Good to be back," I muttered.
A/N I was about to end the chapter there, but lucky you, you guys get an extra- long chapter!
Well, this was it. My senior year of high school, and second year without seeing Nina. I shook it off. This was supposed to be the best year of my life, and if I'm lucky, there'll be no life threatening Sibuna mission this year. I dragged my luggage around the campus, searching for Anubis house. A black taxi pulled up in front of me, and a familiar American came out.
"Eddie!" I exclaimed as we bro-hugged each other.
"Oh, hey Fabian," he said without much feeling.
"Something wrong? You and Patricia didn't break up again did you?" I joked.
Eddie rolled his eyes. "No, but I've had this killer headache ever since I've arrived," he complained.
"Nothing Trudy's cooking can't fix. Come on, let's go," I said.
"Hello? Anybody home?" I called into the house. Eddie stood beside me holding his head.
I heard a couple of footsteps upstairs.
"FABES!" Joy cried as she ran down the stairs and hugged me. Alfie followed behind her, grinning like an idiot.
"Hey guys!" Alfie exclaimed, as he happily bounced around.
We were all smiles, until Eddie let out a small groan.
"Er, is something wrong Eddie?" Joy asked. A look of concern etched onto her face.
Eddie feebly smiled. "Everything is just peachy," he said with a fake smile.
His comment seemed to reassure the two of them. We began talking about our vacations and describing what we did over the summer, until I felt as if someone was watching me. I glanced up towards the stairs, but found nobody.
"Something wrong, Fabes?" Joy asked with a suspicious grin.
"Just wondering, but is anyone else besides you guys here?" I wondered, still staring at the top of the stairs.
Joy raised an eyebrow. "Nobody else besides Victor and Trudy."
I was a bit suspicious, but ignored it.
We all heard the sound of the front door opening, and we each waited eagerly to see which one of our friends would arrive next. Mara and Willow.
Words can't describe how happy Willow looked when she saw Alfie. It's safe to say that there was a lot of squeeing going on.
"QUIET!" Victor yelled from his office.
The six of us shared a look and rolled our eyes. All of a sudden, Trudy came fast walking out of the kitchen, she didn't seem to notice us until we called her name.
"Hello dearies!" she cheerfully exclaimed, but she did seem a bit distracted. She smiled brightly at all of us, but frowned a little. "Um, Joy. Where did N-" Joy gave her a little look.
"Oh, I see," Trudy said as she tried to give Joy a subtle wink, which I'm pretty sure all of us saw. "Anyways, snacks are in the kitchen. I have to go take care of some… stuff first," Trudy said as she scampered off upstairs.
Alfie had already ran ahead of us and into the kitchen.
Eddie's headache looked as if it had gotten worse. He was currently lying down on the couch with an ice pack on his head.
"Hey, are you sure you don't want me calling Trudy?" Joy asked.
Eddie waved his hand in the air. "It's just a mild headache, it'll be gone by tomorrow."
Joy looked uncertain. "Ok then. Anyways, did you guys hear anything about newbies moving into the house today," Joy asked.
I laughed. "That's funny Joy. As if we have enough room for new students."
Joy shook her head. It's true just ask N-" she paused, "Trudy. Ask Trudy."
That was weird. I ignored it though.
Mara didn't seem convinced. "Joy, I doubt that they're going to squeeze 5 kids into every bedroom."
Joy frowned and open her mouth to retort, but was interrupted by the sound of what seemed to be a boot, kicking the door open.
"Stupid door," We heard a voice mutter.
We all knew who it was. Eddie's face lit up with happiness as he jumped up off of the couch and raced to the entrance.
"Trixie, we're not trying to break the door down," another voice said.
This time, Joy's face lit up with happiness as she skipped towards the entrance hall. Alfie followed close behind her, eager to greet his best friend. We all followed behind them.
"Yacker!" Eddie exclaimed as he picked Patricia up and spun her around.
"Joy!" Jerome exclaimed as he bent down and pecked her on the lips.
All of this PDA was seriously making me feel a little jealous, but whatever.
"So were just waiting for KT now?" Mara asked. On- cue, the door opened and in stumbled a tired looking KT. The tired look was wiped off of her face when she saw all of us
You wouldn't believe all of the noise we were making. I was surprised that Victor didn't go all crazy. We all moved to the living room, where Alfie, Jerome, and Eddie began attacking the snack table.
I walked over to where Eddie was devouring a cupcake. "So, what happened to that little headache you had earlier?" I asked. Eddie shrugged and snuck a glance at Patricia from across the room. I shook my head at him while smiling.
Trudy once again came powerwalking into the living room, her mouth dropped open when she noticed that we were all here.
"What are you doing!" she screamed in horror, while staring at the snack table. We didn't know what to say, because we didn't exactly know what we were doing.
"Leave some food for the others," Trudy scolded.
"But they said they didn't want any Trudy," Alfie begged, as he tried to protect his cupcake from Trudy.
Trudy sighed. "Not them, the new students."
Everyone stopped talking immediately. "So Joyless was telling the truth?" Jerome asked, which resulted in him getting smacked in the head by Joy.
"Yes, now no more questions," Trudy said as she powerwalked into the cellar.
"Oh, one more thing," Trudy said as she popped her head out from the cellar. "Patricia, please don't dump any type of liquids on the new students," Trudy pleaded before she disappeared into the cellar.
Patricia shrugged and bit into a cookie. "No promises," she mumbled. Which caused all of us to laugh. This was going to be a good year, I knew it.
What do you think? I honestly don't think that it's my best work. OC's will be introduced next chapter. I'm not completely sure what the couples will be on this story, so can you guys please go to my profile and vote on my poll? Thanks. Normally I'd never do this, but I won't post the next chapter of this story unless I get at least 10 reviews. Gosh, I feel so selfish... Well, anyways thanks for reading and do'nt forget to review, favorite, follow, and vote on my poll!