All right, before I say anything else I would like to say that I have a beta reader and I'll be reediting my chapters for a while. You see, I am busy and my beta reader is busy so we both try to find the time to talk to each other and work on Erase My Scars. Here is Chapter 1, enjoy.

Chapter 1

A sigh escaped from my lips, I was so tired of the same thing every day. Waking up at an ungodly hour, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, comb my hair, go to work, come home, make dinner, take a shower, watch some TV, go to sleep, and start that routine all over. My daily life was so bland. Hell, I wonder if it is possible if I could bore myself to death with the way my life is going.

My life had never an exciting one. I was never the type of person to make friends easily, so that meant I never really went to any social gatherings, or keeping myself busy like most people do. I don't need friends; all they do is betray me some way, somehow just to get something out of me. I guess you could say I have trusting issues, huh?

As I made my way home, a thought came to me. I could enjoy myself today. I could go to the movies, watch that new movie that just came out today, World war Z. Taking my phone out, I tapped on safari and typed rave motion pictures. I smirked; looks like the movie would be starting in less than an hour. Wait an hour?! I don't have that much time to go home and change my clothes; I can't possibly go to the movie with paint all over me. You know what? Screw it, who am I trying to impress? No one.

A honk snapped me out of my reverie.

"What the fuck! Move your slow ass!" A sign passed my lips yet again. How could I be so foolish? I need to pay more attention to my surroundings. I have been dealing with this problem a lot lately, losing myself in my own little world. I heard a car door slam.

Oh shit! I moved the car gear around and stepped the gas pedal. I looked at my rear view mirror. I almost laughed at the guy's facial expression. Now that made my night. I wish I took a picture of his face, so that every time I wanted a laugh I could just go to it and start cracking up.

Eventually I made it to the movie theater. Wow, it is packed. Screw it, if I want to watch a movie I will. I turned my car around and crossed the street, parking my car there. I got out, closed my door, locking it in the process. I took my phone out of my back pocket, and then dug in my front pocket for my headphones. Finally, managing to get the headphones untangled, I plugged them into my phone. Tapping my music app, I scrolled through it to find a worthy song to play while I crossed the street. Eventually I did, it was a band called 'Breaking Benjamin'. I mouthed the words of the song 'Dance With The Devil'.

When I was on the sidewalk, I saw a car coming down the street. It took less than a minute for the car to drive past me. I walked to the other side of the street. Turning my head to the loud 'ping sound, I saw a little boy and a man playing baseball.


Something hard hit the back of my head. Did I just hear a snicker? The next thing I knew I collapsed on the sidewalk, and the last thing I saw was a baseball next to me.

"Hey Finny." Called out a voice, the young boy turned his head. He smiled as Finny dashed towards.

"Hi Bard." Finny replied, adjusting his hold on the woman. Bard stopped dead in his tracks. He pointed to the woman. "Who is this fine young lady you're holding?" Finny looked at the woman in his arms. " I haven't had the slightest idea. I found her sleeping under the tree at the outskirts of the Phantomhive Residence."

"We should take her to young master; he would know what to do." Bard said turning around, Finny trailing behind him. "Yeah, young master knows what to do!"

A young boy with an eye patch covering his right eye was sitting in a chair behind a desk, sipping some tea. A knock interrupted his train of thoughts, and before he could say to whoever knocked to come in, Bard and Finny came barging in like a wild boar. A woman dressed in black was cradled in Finny's arms. The young boy raised an eyebrow. "Who is that woman and why is she here?" Finny looked down at the woman, confusion on his face. "I do not know young master. I found her sleeping under a tree." The comment caused the butler to whisper something in the young master's ear.

"No, that will not be necessary." The boy spoke.

The butler stood back to where was before. "Of course, Young Master."

"How long has she been sleeping?" The boy asked. Finny thought for a moment. "I do not know, sir." The boy signed.

"Very well. Sebastian, accommodate her with one of our guest rooms available. Keep a eye on her until she awakens." Sebastian put hand over his heart, and bowed. "Of course, young master." With that said he walked up to Finny and took her into his arms.

"Bring me some cake once you're done with your errand." The young boy spoke up. The butler stopped walking. "Young master, supper is just mere hours away. Surely you could wait till then." The boy frowned. "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. Bring me some cake." The butler smirked. "Very well, I'll be back in a few." With that said he took off.

Now to those of you that have read this story and just feel like reading it again or whatnot, all I have to say is- wasn't this chapter way better than the older version? Now to those that haven't read my story yet, it would mean so much to me if you tell me how you feel about my story. Good or bad, until next time!

Yours truly, DarkPhye