Hello my friends! :D

This isn't a normal AN, I just come to tell you I put up a poll to ask you guys what story you want me to write next! You get 2 votes so please use them as you wish, I want to know what you guys want me to work on. Now understandable the story(ies) won't come out as soon as the poll is over (even if I have little to no social life I still have school and family what takes up a lot of my time) but they will show up some time next year.

Speaking of which New Years is in 3 days, OMG! 0_0 Man how the year flies by, huh? :P Well I hope you all vote on the poll and have an awesome All-Night-Drinking-Apple-Cider New Years! :3 I will actually be at a dance from 9 to 1 so I'm going to be really tired so likely no updates on the 1st. Sorry. :P

Enjoy the rest of the year with family and friends guys! Ta.