Hello all,

I've got a much longer author's notes at the end of this chapter, so I'm just gonna say so excited for 'I Do'! It's gonna be amazing! I'm gonna miss the Fosters so much until January but I am so happy that it has been picked up for the second half of the season. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I apologise again if any of it seems rushed, I was honestly just trying to finish the chapter so I could get it up in time for the episode tonight (well, for USA viewers). I have to wait until tomorrow but it'll be worth it. I'M SO EXCITED! Anyway, talk to you later

Callie had retreated upstairs after talking with the Mom's. She thought they might need an opportunity to talk on their own, and discuss everything. When she first told them, both Stef and Lena were speechless. Their speechlessness then changed to a wide range of emotions, all stemming from disappointment. They had questions, all of which were fair, and Callie answered them as best she could. She just didn't want to lie anymore, keep anymore secrets. So, she made a decision. Not only for herself, but for Jude as well. She couldn't let him go to another foster home where he might be mistreated or unloved. He deserved more than that.

Callie sat nervously on her bed in the room she had shared with Mariana for months now. With its pink walls and full-on girly décor, she never thought he would feel at home somewhere like this. But she did. And she would miss it more than she could explain.

"Hey. What's going on?" asked Jude, entering the bedroom. "What are Stef and Lena talking about downstairs?"

"Look, Jude we need to talk," said Callie, gesturing for him to sit beside her on the bed. Jude cautiously came into the room to sit next to his sister.

Callie affectionately took Jude's hands in hers. She breathed in deeply before looking her little brother in the eye. He was the light of Callie's world, and this would be the hardest thing she would ever have to tell him. She wasn't even sure how to break the news to him, where to begin. "I told Stef and Lena that I don't want them to adopt me."

Jude's expression quickly transformed to undeniable shock. "What? Why?"

"Because I'm in love with Brandon."

Jude said nothing for a moment. They were the longest seconds of Callie life. She watched as he took in what she had said. Just as the suspense began to kill her, Jude finally spoke. "I can't believe this. Why do you always do this Callie?" he said, getting up from the bed, visibly upset. "I really liked it here. I like this family and then you had to ruin it."

"Your not gonna get kicked out Jude," said Callie quietly.

Jude shook his head. "Yes I am, this isn't the first time this has happened-"

"No your not Jude," Callie interrupted, almost shouting over the top of him. "Stef and Lena are still gonna adopt you."

Jude looked confused. "What?"

This was the part Callie was partially dreading to tell. She felt a lump appear in her throat as she opened her mouth to speak. "I spoke to them about it and we all agreed. You are still gonna to become a Foster."

"But what about you?"

"Like I said Jude and like I told Lena and Stef, I don't want them to adopt me. And not because I don't want to be their daughter. I told them about Brandon and they were obviously shocked and disappointed. But after that all wore off, they were and are understanding. They are going to keep on fostering me for a bit longer but once they find me another place, I'll have to leave."

"But Callie you know because of everything with Liam, you have a record," he said. "And if Stef and Lena tell CPS, you'll be put in a group home!"

"I know," replied Callie, eyes firmly on her feet.

"What are you doing Callie?!" Jude exclaimed. "Why are you doing this?"

"I told you," she said sadly.

"Well just get over it," he said.

Callie looked up and shook her head. "I can't."

"Ignore it, pretend it's not there-"

"I've tried! Okay?" Callie shouted. "I have really tried to not feel this way about Brandon, but I just can't erase it, even if I wanted to."

"So you're choosing him over me?" Jude spat, with an unexpected anger on his face. Callie could tell he was trying to stay strong, but could see the tears welling in his eyes.

Callie stepped forward, reaching for Jude, to comfort him. "That's not what I'm doing Jude I swear-"

"You promised me you would never let them separate us again!" he said, quickly stepping backwards

"I know," she said. "I'm so sorry-"

"Sorry's not good enough," Jude interrupted before fleeing from the room.

"Jude," Callie called going after him, but as she stepped into the hall, the door to his and Jesus' room was already slammed close.

Callie sighed regretfully, before turning back into her room and flopping onto her bed. She closed her eyes and let her body relax for a few minutes. She had told Jude, now there was just everyone else. And Brandon. God, she hoped that it would be easier, now that she had already told Jude, but knew she was kidding herself. She kept her eyes tightly shut for a few minutes, taking in the sounds and even the smells of the Foster house, realizing it may be one of the last times she's here. Suddenly a voice wakes her from daydream.

"Hey," said Brandon smiling warmly, as he stuck his head in through the empty doorway after arriving home from piano lessons.

"Hey," Callie replied, quickly opening her eyes and sitting up attentively. "Have you spoken to the Mom's yet?"

"Nope, not since I got home" Brandon answered, then turning to close the bedroom door behind him. "They must be outside on the porch of something."

Brandon reached down to kiss Callie tenderly. She did her best to respond enthusiastically, but knew Brandon could see right through it.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Look, Brandon," said Callie, standing in front of him, unable to look him in the eye. "I ahh- I spoke to your moms earlier today, and, umm…" She trailed off, naively hoping he understood.

"Yeah?" Brandon asked. Callie looked up to see Brandon, seemingly unaware of the current situation. But as he saw her face, sad and somber, Brandon quickly became concerned. "Callie, what did you do?"

"What I had to."

Callie cleared her throat, trying to search within herself for the strength to do this. "They know. About us and everything," she said.

Brandon was speechless. His body went completely tense. He was so astonished he swore he forgot how to breathe. "So, I umm-" Callie mumbled. "I'll be leaving, once they find me another foster home"

"What?" he said quietly in shock.

"I'm sorry Brandon."

"No, Callie. Don't be stupid. I only just got you back; you're not leaving!" Brandon said, grabbing Callie's hands in front of him.

"I have to," she said weakly.

"No, you don't!" he fought back.

"Yes, I do."

Brandon's mind raced. "What about Jude? They can't take him too-"

"I asked Stef and Lena, and they have agreed to still adopt Jude," Callie explained. "I needed to know he would be somewhere safe and with people who love him. I didn't want him getting dragged around because of me"

"This is bullshit!" said Brandon, dropping Callie's hands and turning to pace angrily around the room. "I can't believe they're doing this!"

"It's not their fault Brandon," she said almost protectively. "Besides, I didn't exactly give them much choice."

"We didn't give them much choice," Brandon corrected. "We both did this, I don't see why you have to be punished here when it's just as much my doing as it is yours!"

"It's not a punishment," Callie tried to clarify. "It was a decision."

Brandon knew she meant well but that wasn't the point. Callie was leaving. No matter what she said to justify it, Brandon couldn't just accept that. "Well it's not fair!"

"Believe me Brandon, I know nothing about this is fair,' she replied honestly.

Looking at her, Brandon could see Callie's anguish. He suddenly thought about how she must be feeling right now. She's losing a family, a home and a life that she had grown to love. As soon as the thought entered his mind, he immediately felt guilty and broken from the shame.

She sighed. "But it is, what it is."

"Callie," said Brandon, walking back towards her to place his hands on her hips, as if somehow that would stop her from eventually leaving. "Do you remember that song I played for you on your first day of school here; the one I wrote about my family? Well, I finally worked out what was missing from it. It was you. You and Jude. You're as much a part of this family as I am. You can't leave!"

"I can't stay," she said quietly.

"But you need this family!"

"Maybe!" Callie exclaimed. Brandon went silent, and feebly looking her in the eye. Callie reached her hand up to tenderly pull back his hair. "But I need you more."

Brandon's head fell in defeat. Callie hated seeing him in so much torment, she quickly threw her arms around his neck and held onto him tightly. "I'll be okay," she whispered into his ears, refusing to let him go.

Brandon stayed silent as he felt Callie's head bury itself into the nook between his neck and shoulder. She fit there perfectly, like a piece of a puzzle. A puzzle piece he was about to lose. A piece that he knew would leave him incomplete. And he wasn't about to take this lying down. Not a chance.

Dinner that night in the Foster house was uncharacteristically tense. Jude claimed to not be hungry and remained in his room, still mad at Callie for everything that had happened. And not to mention Brandon. Brandon himself didn't say much the entire night, instead sitting angrily in silence. He almost glared at his Mom's on the other side of the table, who didn't really know quite what to say in this situation. Dinner with your children and your foster daughter who is apparently your son's girlfriend is not typically discussed in parenting books. Callie aimlessly pushed the food around her plate, ashamed, not at her decision, but all that she had caused. The twins did their best to break the awkward silences but not to much success. When dinner was finally over and everyone had retreated to separate areas of the house, Stef remained behind in the hope to talk to Brandon. Mother and son stood staring at each other, the tension so thick, it seemed harder to breathe. Stef couldn't lie she was disappointed; she had specifically warned Brandon about not hooking up with a foster sibling and he had done the exact opposite. But this wasn't the time to bring up all that. She knew he was mad, and that she would be put at fault, like most parents are.

"I can't believe you're kicking her out," Brandon said angrily.

"It was her decision Brandon," Stef replied.

"You could have stopped her," he argued. "You could still foster her. You didn't have to adopt her."

"You know you two still couldn't be together if we did that," she told her son.

"You could have turned a blind eye!" Brandon yelled.

His mom sighed. "No, I couldn't B," she said calmly. "You know I couldn't."

Deep down, Brandon knew she was right. But he still couldn't believe what was happening. It just didn't seem right.

"And even if I did, that would mean there would be no real future for you two. And that's what she wants," said Stef, comfortingly patting him on the shoulder before leaving the room.

For the first time since Callie had broken the news to him, Brandon finally began to really understand. Callie was actually doing this for them. It wasn't her running away or giving up. This was her sacrificing her happiness own for him. To be with him. It was for their future. A real future. A real future that couldn't really exist if she stayed. Not just some teenage romance, but something that could last. And he wanted that with her, more than anything.

So reluctantly and not so reluctantly, he felt himself surrender. It broke his heart that she would leave. Not seeing her face everyday, laughing with her, holding her hand, kissing her; the thought seemed almost unbearable. But it was what they would have to do. A part of a him felt guilty, like it was all his fault. That he unintentionally made her choose between him and the family she had always wanted. But he also knew it was her decision, and he could never change her mind, even if he wanted to. She was just that stubborn. So she picked him. And while it meant they would be apart, it made Brandon love her even more that she would make that bigger sacrifice for him. He would miss her more than he could even imagine, and he regretted that her decision meant that she would not be adopted. But in his heart he knew one thing for sure.

She would be a Foster, one day.

Stef and Lena spoke to Bill about everything, as they both began to accept and even accommodate the new nature of Brandon and Callie's relationship. It took a long phone call, followed by a very tense home visit but the Foster's were very clear; they did not want Callie placed in a group home, regardless of any record she may have with CPS. They didn't care how long they would have to wait, but they would, until they knew Callie would be in a good home. Bill eventually came around and after a month of trying, found Callie a new home and foster family.

Jude had calmed down since first hearing the news, but was still hostile at times towards Callie and Brandon. Callie knew it was just his way of acting out and releasing his frustration over the whole situation. She completely understood.

She and Brandon tried to cherish their time together, not really sure how much they would have in the future. Brandon was constantly organizing romantic outings and different surprises, all of which Callie loved. But any time the prospect of her leaving was brought up, Brandon would quickly change the subject, not wanting to think about the day he would have to say goodbye to her.

But the day continued to creep up like a ghost until all of a sudden, she was packing her bags and throwing them into the back seat of Bill's car. As she walked through the Foster house, definitely not for the last time, she was comforted by the warmth and love that radiated off every wall, every piece of furniture, every family photo. As she walked out the front door, to see the whole family on the front lawn waiting for her, she wished she could be a part of this family. She didn't regret her decision, not even for a moment. But to be able to experience this love everyday was something she would miss terribly.

She went straight to Lena and Stef first, with sad smiles spread across all three of their faces. Suddenly remember, Callie reached into her pocket and fished out the cell phone the Mom's had given to her not long after she arrived at the Foster house.

"You keep the phone okay?" said Stef

Callie handed the cell back towards them. "I can't-"

"Yes you can, and you will," Stef quickly interrupted.

"And you call us if you need anything at all. Although we are expecting to see you around soon," added Lena.

"I hope so," Callie said giving the best smile she could muster, despite the hole in her heart.

The couple stared silently at the girl in front of them, wanting to try and explain to her. It was Lena who managed to find some words. "You know if we could keep you-"

"I know. But it's okay," said Callie, wanting to ease any sense of guilt they may have. "It's my decision. And I choose him."

"Well, he's lucky to have you," Stef said honestly.

Callie smiled. "I think it's more the other way around."

Callie looked up at the two women who had been the closest thing to a mother she had had in a long time. She wanted to say so much, but didn't even know where to begin. "Thank you, for-"

"Sweetie, we wouldn't change one second of it," said Lena, wrapping her arms around Callie in a tight hug, which Stef quickly joined.

As Callie unwillingly let go of her foster moms, she felt another set of arms make their way around her stomach, clutching her tightly. Struggling to breath, Callie let out an choking chuckle and turned around to see Mariana smiling up at her, giggling.

"I never thought I'd say this," said Mariana suddenly more serious. "But I'm gonna miss having a room mate."

Callie laughed quietly, doing her best to at least seem happy. "I know we had a rough start," she began. "But thank you, for being my friend."

Mariana quickly threw her arms around one of the very few people she would consider her sister. "Hey I'm expecting a lot of texts from that cell of yours. You better keep me up to date."

"Of course I will," Callie replied, embracing Mariana back with an equal amount of might.

She then made her way over to Jesus, who simply opened his arm wide and indicated for her to hug him. Callie laughed as she hugged him; saying quietly, "Keep an eye on my boys would you?"

"It shouldn't be too hard. How much trouble can those two get into?" he replied as the two came apart. "They're the biggest golden boys on the planet!"

Callie gave Jesus one last affectionate shove before looking for her little brother, standing beside him. He was doing his best to cover up any sign that he was upset. He was still mad at Callie for the whole thing, but really the thought of her not being there everyday was too painful for him to handle. He wasn't ready to say goodbye, nor was he sure he ever would be.

"Jude," Callie said warmly, as she bowed her head down to look him in the eye.

She chuckled once, quietly to herself. "You know most people think you were named after the Beatles song, but that's not the real story."

"You were actually named after St Jude of lost causes."

She felt her voice begin to weaken and knew she would never be able to hold herself completely together. "You are my saint Jude," she managed to get out, her voice high pitched and quiet as she held back tears.

"We may not share the same last name soon, or live in the same house," Callie said, holding Jude's head lovingly in her hands. She saw his eyes looking up at her with the same love and affection that was just a part of Jude's beautiful nature, and somewhere deep inside her, she knew they would be okay. "But nothing can change the fact that you will always be my little brother. And I will always be there for you."

Before she had barely taken a finishing breath, Jude wrapped his small arms around his sister and squeezed her as tight as he could. Callie kissed his head as she patted his head comfortingly. They stayed that way for what was probably a long time, but would never have been long enough for Callie. But she still had one more goodbye to do, so knowing that she would have to be brave enough to do this for him, Callie reluctantly pulled herself away from Jude.

Walking over to Brandon, she couldn't help but think of how much her life has changed since coming here, since meeting him. And how much Brandon's life has changed too. God, his life was practically perfect before she came along and ruined his relationship, his family, everything. She always seemed to make a mess of things.

They stood in front of each other for a while in complete silence, neither quite sure what to say or whether they could say anything without crumbling.

"I'm sorry," said Callie suddenly, her head down, trying her best to avoid eye contact with him. "For the mess I've made. Of everything."

"Hey," said Brandon, knowing exactly what she meant and gently lifting Callie's chin with his hand look at him. "It's a beautiful mess."

Unable to restrain himself any longer, Brandon brought Callie's lips to his. Sure, they were in front of his entire family and Bill but he didn't care. He just wanted to hold her for as long as he could. They regretfully came apart after a few minutes, and as Callie lowered herself to the ground, Brandon affectionately brushed away the hair from her eyes and kissed her forehead.

Hand in hand, with the family just behind them, the two walked to the car door. Bill quickly sat himself in the drivers seat while Callie turned back to the Fosters. No matter what happened, in that moment, with all their eyes on her and sad loving smiles on their faces, she knew they would always be her family. And nothing made her happier.

She quickly hugged Jude once more, reached out to hold Stef and Lena's hands and hastily kissed Brandon on the cheek before getting into the back seat of the car and closing the door behind her.

Bill reversed out of the driveway, while the family stood on the front lawn, frantically waving and yelling goodbyes. Callie waved through her tinted window screen, as the car went out and began its journey down the road. Callie looked straight in front of her, knowing she'd break down if she looked back at her family.

As the car started to near the end of the street, the phone in Callie's pocket vibrated. She answered it instantly and couldn't help but smile as she read the message of the screen.

I love you.

She quickly wound down the window and stuck her head out; looking down the road where they had just came. And there, standing at the end of the driveway, staring back at her, phone in hand, was Brandon. As he saw her head stick out of the window, he smiled. Callie wished she had some way of telling him how much she loved him. How she felt it with every ounce of her being. How amazing he was. How much she cherished every second they spent together. How much she hurt now having to leave. How thankful she was to him. For everything.

But all she could do was smile back in the hope that Brandon somehow knew all that. And she liked to believe he did.

He put his arm in the air, waving a gentle goodbye. Trying hard not to cry, Callie did the same and attempted to laugh off the tears running down her face. Brandon, struggling to keep himself together, then watched on helplessly as Callie and the car both disappeared around the turn.

A wave of numbness hit him, as he stood staring down the street, unable to move, due to the weight in his legs and heart. He remained standing there for a few minutes, long after everyone began to make their way back inside. Finally, after an eternity of longing down that road, he breathed in and turned back to the house where he saw Jude standing at front porch steps, waiting for him. Brandon smiled, despite not knowing exactly what the future held. As he reached Jude, Brandon wrapped his arm over his little brother's shoulder and ruffled his hair, just like Callie always did. Then together they walked up to the front door, which Brandon opened, letting Jude inside first, and closed it softly behind him.

What a beautiful mess this is

It's like taking a guess when the only answer is "Yes"

Through timeless words and priceless pictures

We'll fly like birds not of this earth

And tides ‒ they turn ‒ and hearts disfigure

But that's no concern when we're wounded together

And we tore our dresses and stained our shirts

But it's nice today. Oh, the wait was so worth it.

Song: A Beautiful Mess by Jason Mraz

I really hope you all don't hate me for this ending. This situation between Brandon and Callie was never gonna end completely 'happily ever after', it just was not possible. But at least they were still together?

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed How Can Wrong, Feel So Right; it's been an awesome ride and thank you all for taking the time to read this story. I especially wanna thank the Fosters Wiki page for their support by mentioning my story on their Brallie page; I love you guys. Seriously, check the Fosters wiki out, it's awesome and will help you get through this long 5 month Fosters hiatus. I also want to thank jessy0622, Heartlessly Awesome, Mickey Rae, MBFL, Rainpath4, CabbieLoverSAC22, CookiesFly, bigdreamer1597, RunningGuitarMaster, zedPOW, Zoey, JAM1104, kitkatt21, Kalista, Carolinalovin14, Rawr Olivia Grace, MuSiC.l0v3r, Brallie, marinameeks, sweetD87, cassiejohnson05, loveisourthing, 1Dxlove9, Osseo Fan 48127, Renae, MiserysNightmare, ImForeverYoursFaithfully, PatatoGirl, Jessica, omotot, Z-Swagger4eva, crustypotato, serenityskywalker, ScribblesOfALibra, Sabrina, TeamDelena97, al3xasara, FranziskaBlue, jay, SweettFace, luvcaitlynluv (which is weird cause Caitlyn is my name too, spelt the exact same and everything!), xRainbowNinjax, SingLikeThere'sNobodyListening, jay, Friends4ever55 and any unnamed guests for their reviews; as well as anyone who followed and favourited or even just read this story. It has all honestly meant the world to me. Keep watching the Fosters; whether you are an online TV viewer (like me) or can watch it on an actual TV. AND root for Brallie of course. Also, keep reading and supporting other Fosters fanfictions, it was your encouragement that kept mine alive.
But until next time, thank you again and take care xx