"Come on, people! We need to get this show on the road."

A brown haired girl was ordering a whole bunch of.. things around.


Random objects were flying around a grassy meadow spotted with daisies, haphazardly bumping into each other, seemingly trying to construct something—or destroy each other. A chainsaw flew past the girl, inches from her face, before colliding with a lawn mower, slicing it in half with a screech of metal agains metal. The lawn mower flopped to the ground, useless, and the chainsaw revved in triumph. It zoomed around aimlessly, until a lampshade banged into it at extreme speeds, smashing it to the ground. The chainsaw whirred weakly as the lampshade repeatedly banged it's already shattered body.

This chaos was happening everywhere, except the random objects appeared like they were trying to build something—until they slammed into each other, then they started trying to kill each other. Which happened a lot. The objects looked like they only had a sense of direction when they were trying to rip each other to pieces.

A toaster was doing flips around the field, whacking other things into orbit, until it flipped the wrong way and hit the girl on the head.

"Arghh! That is it!" She yelled, striking the toaster with a rolled up newspaper in her hand. A shudder went through the toaster, then it flopped to the ground, unmoving.

"I cannot believe this," she ranted, "when they said I had to choose between a construction crew and magical self-operating tools, I didn't think they meant a whole bunch of flying kitchen appliances!"

All of the tools halted what they were doing and turned towards the girl, as if they were looking reproachfully at her. She put up her hands as if in surrender. "No offense!" And as if they understood her, everything resumed what it had been previously doing.

"Well," the girl sighed, "I'll make do with what I have, I suppose."``

She quickly dodged a sword that when soaring right where her head was a second ago.

"I said no flying machetes!"