
by Crossroad Avarice

Rila: Crap crap crap. This is absolute crap and I'm really sorry -slinks lower into pit- I really can't guarantee this makes a whole lot of sense...my brain, after everything that's happened recently (my computer wiping out about seventy five percent of my original file for this, my cat getting sick, taking the kittens to make sure they're healthy, work...) decided to take it for spin and turn it around completely. So this is...something.. Excuse the abrupt 'to be continued...'-esque ending, my inspiration puttered out and I didn't want to not contribute...so this'll have a finish in a side chapter during The Hollow Men (or a one-shot, I don't know) . :P Er...I understand if this sucks. -scrambles off-

Disclaim: Uh...yeah. Clowns are creepier than hell. So are those Houses of Mirrors...

Word Count:

Chapter Description:

It was, Alyss had decided from the moment she stepped foot through the gates, the oddly painted faces and sheer absurdity of the entire establishment that kept her from being able to relax. After all, who in their right mind suggested a theme park - or what passed for one, given the shabby, almost run-down appearance of this place - when trying to get one to relax? Alyss would have gone for a simple day of laziness back at the temple, or a handful of uninterrupted hours worth of sleep - but instead of either one of those perferred options, she and her squad were left to their own devices in this little twisted excuse for a resort.

Alyss wasn't sure what she found creepier - the ambiance of the place and its workers, or the way the Force whispered there was something off about this place. Either way, this wasn't a place that Alyss wanted to spend much time in. Unfortunately for her, she was stuck here.

"Here, General." A grilled Nerf skewer was thrust into her field of vision, and she looked up to find Spark already devouring one of his own, watching her intently before his brows creased. Swallowing food in his mouth, Spark continued, "Is something wrong, General?"

It wouldn't have been fair to burden him with her worries when he looked as though he was enjoying himself, so Alyss pushed back her uneasiness and took the skewer from him. Offering him what she hoped was a convincing smile and shook her head. "No, nothing's wrong. Just trying to decide what I want to do first."

Spark watched her for a moment longer before the creases in his forehead eased, and he returned her smile with one of his own. "Blast's already found his niche." His free hand came up, and Alyss turned, focusing upon Spark's fellow clone.

Arms already piled with stuffed animals ranging in color from pinks to swirls of blue and green, Blast was grinning from ear to ear as he struggled to carry his prizes. Alyss blinked once, twice, and then laughed. "Where is he going to put those?"

Spark chuckled. "I have no idea," he replied with a shake of his head before he finished the last of his skewer. Biting into her own, Alyss could admit that the food was one thing that didn't give her the creeps. Warm with just the right amount of spice, the cooked meat was gone in a minute or two. Spark arched an eyebrow at the empty skewer. "Hungry?"

Perhaps, had she been a little less comfortable, she would have blushed - but she simply settled for rolling her eyes and jabbing an elbow at his arm. "You can't blame me," she defended, "we burn a lot of energy in battle, and the pickings are slim in the mess hall."

"True," Spark agreed, and Alyss allowed herself to lapse into silence, her thoughts turning back to the uneasiness that wouldn't leave her be.

Something isn't right here, she thought, brow furrowing. Despite the heat that warmed her skin, she shivered.

"General?" Spark's voice brought Alyss from her thoughts and she looked up, finding him watching her in the manner that he had earlier. "What is it?" She blinked and fumbled for some way to ease his concern, to keep from ruining a day he seemed to genuinely be enjoying.

"I told you," she answered after a moment with a smile that felt too fake, "nothing's wrong. I'm just not used to this sort of thing, you know?" Spark watched her closely for a moment longer before his features softened.

"I know," he answered, "but try to enjoy it while it lasts, alright?" He paused for a moment and then placed a hand on her shoulder as he continued, "And you know if...I mean, if something really is bothering you, you can tell me, right?" He was, after all, her right hand in battle, the one she trusted to have her back as much as he trusted her to have his - and suddenly, Alyss felt incredibly guilty, and felt even guiltier as she smiled and nodded.

"I know," she replied, and returned the small smile that Spark sent her before she pulled away from him, warmth of his hand disappearing and leaving her shoulder strangely cold. Ignoring it, Alyss continued, "I'll be wandering around. If you need me-"

"What did I just say about enjoying the day?" There was a teasing smile playing around Spark's lips, and Alyss laughed before she turned and strode away.

He's right, she thought, pulling hair away from her face, I should enjoy this while it lasts. It wasn't often that anyone got a break from the brutality of war, much less an entire day to spend as they pleased. With that in mind and a determination to stay upbeat, Alyss made her way to the first thing that caught her eye. "The World of Mirrors?" She arched a brow. "Creative title," she murmured as she stepped in. Sunlight slowly faded away the further she made her way in, the floor and mirrors illuminated by dim overhead lights.

It was clear that no one had made an effort to keep up appearances inside this little maze of dirty glass and shabby drapes, but Alyss kept walking despite it, eyes trailing over the way the mirrors bent and turned, warping her reflection this way and that. "Creepy," she remarked to herself, coming to a stop before a mirror that elongated her neck in a grotesque way that reminded her of a Kaminoan. "Really creepy."


The scream of metal against metal made Alyss tense and turn, small hairs on the back of her neck prickling. "...who's there?" Her eyes narrowed as her voice echoed, nothing to see but her distorted reflections.


"This isn't funny," she warned, searching for the culprit of the noise. "Blast, I swear-"


This time the sound was accompanied by a child's laughter, a lonely echo that had Alyss's skin crawling. Where's that coming from?


"Come play with me!" The call was a child, followed by the same peal of haunting laughter. Alyss reached for her belt, fingers sliding around the cool hilt of her lightsaber. She had brought it with the promise that she wouldn't use it, though this definitely consitituted the useage of her weapon.


"I said," the child's voice was lower and closer now, "come play with me!"

Alyss turned. "What-"

Something hard and sharp hit the back of her head, sending her to the ground. Her vision swam and blurred, ears ringing with the sound of a child's laughter and the scrape of metal against metal.

"Won't you come play with me?"

The last things that Alyss saw were the lights blinking out one by one, and the sound of shattering glass.