The sun had touched the horizon and the skies were clear and beautiful. This was going to be a crisp and clear night, and he'd have to give thanks to the Gods for his good health as well as his companions well being. Kneeling down at the small shrine he made for Naga he began to pray to the Gods, thanking them for the night and hopes to keep everyone safe the next day.
Virion couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for the lad. Watching his friend pray for forgiveness and thanking the Gods for things they didn't need to be thanked for. "A pity such a wondrous beauty is alone and with no women to keep him company. If the Gods wanted to show their gratitude, they'd arrange women from all around to throw themselves at him. Perhaps a nice hand maiden or royal escort? Yes, that can only do for the lad." The blue haired duke commented aloud, still wearing his attire from combat and watching his best friend from afar. He had to find a way to give thanks to Libra for all that he had done on and off the field of battle.
In a brisk pace he had walked towards the monk and gave a smile, "Greetings Libra!" To which the only response from his friend was a smile and nod. He rarely broke from praying, talking to Virion was a little exception.
The smile Libra gave often gave Virion a light blush. No matter how he had seen his friend he often thought of a noblewoman's features before him rather than a man of God. His soft pale skin and those milky eyes that always seemed to make Virion become lost within them when they'd meet. The shimmer of his golden hair shined against the light of the sunset. To Virion Libra would have been the perfect women, if he was a woman. But the constant reminder kept him from trying anything again after that first encounter which made Libra upset at him. What a shameful and embarrassing day but it was water under the bridge by this point, or at least he hoped it was.
"Is there something that you had wanted, Virion? You never come to me when I am in the middle of prayer unless it was something important. For you that is." The monk said with the smile that hadn't faded since his friend appeared to him. Virion simply folded his hands and gave him a smirk as he responded.
"That might of hurt if it were true but tonight it isn't about me. Tonight, my dear and lovely la-er, friend... Tonight it is all about you." Now the smile had faded and turned to a look of confusion. Libra wasn't sure what he was talking about and was cut short from replying as Virion continued to speak. "Yes lad, you heard the great and charitable Virion right! Today you and I will go out into the town and get some lovely ladies for a night we shall never forget! And who had ever said I thought of only myself? Surely when it comes to saving my hide a few times but not for a while have I done such a selfish act!" Virion had tried to keep his cool when he let that slip out but he didn't mind his friend listening in on it, much anyway. Placing an arm over Libra he smiled warmly to him. But Libra only sighed and shook his head.
"A man of the Gods do not commit acts of debauchery and despite you saying it's 'all about me', it still seems it involves you in many ways," Libra removed Virion's arm away and stood his ground. To which Virion gave a wincing look.
"Do you think of me so low to turn a night for you into a night for myself? Why it never even crossed my brilliant mind! For here I was, thinking a man of such generosity could be without a woman at his side. So Noble Virion steps away from the ladies, doing a good deed so as to give his friend at least one night to lay with someone! I was even going to lend you my book! Yes, my secret to getting any woman is right here in this fine parchment of paper, written by my own hand of course." From within his pocket Virion had taken out a small leather bound book that he felt held the secrets to attracting any maiden. Libra couldn't help but think this wasn't a wise nor noble task for Virion to take upon himself. To think that the nobleman has gone blind to his friend's righteous ways to never want to stray from the path the Gods had set out for him.
Libra had had quite enough of his friends delusions for the day and was about to go back to praying but soon he'd realize that Virion wouldn't take no for an answer. "If that's the way you want it." Virion said and with gentle but firm hands took Libra's arms and began to drag his friend down the hill and to the camp to change attire so that they may make the women swoon. Virion was met with protest but he easily ignored them. Humming all the way to the camp and to his tent, where many of his fellow shepherds watched in confusion.
Chrome and Fredrick stopped their conversation for a moment to take in what was going on before them. Sully was laughing at the sight of the war monk being over-powered by what she felt was a pompous oaf. Their Tactition stopped dead in her tracks from playing tag with Nowi only to open her mouth to question but shortly after, closing it and just continued playing. No one deterred them, seeing as how it was Virion they knew only interesting things would happen that night. And if the Gods be willing, entertaining as well.
It was only moments later that Virion came out and with a loud voice announced to the remaining soldiers who remained around to watch the camp. "I wish to introduce you all to the suave and, might I say rather dashing, Libra!" The duke gracefully moved aside from the tent's entrance and made room for Libra to step out. Which he didn't. The soldiers looked around confused and some started to snicker and laugh at Virion being made a fool. "Oh my... Pardon me one moment," he said with a disgruntled expression and went to check up on Libra. "What on earth is going on? I've made a grand entrance for you and you repay me with a blow to my pride? I thought you were waiting for a night like this?"
The beautiful man of the Gods turned away, turning a faint red on the cheeks which Virion adored so much to see. "I didn't ask for this Virion, now can I please ju-"
"Nonsense!" Virion cut him off once more and pushed the monk out of his tent. He smiled and followed right after, making sure that he wouldn't leave to his own quarters right away. Of the soldiers who stayed for Virion's announcement many of the female and even males looked in awe and adored the garments Libra wore.
Libra's hair was tied back in a pony tail, showing the soft curves of his facial features and bone structure. He was sporting black trousers with a nice pair of shoes, a black long coat over a pure white long sleeve shirt that made him look distinguish. Though it just made Libra feel ridiculous and uncomfortable. He glanced at Virion, wanting pity from a friend but was met with a devilish grin.
"See how they adore you already? Now with this book you will be the idol of any woman across the land and even time itself!" He pushed his hair away from his face and spoke with a dramatic tone. "I for one can only look like a commoner in comparison this night. Otherwise I'd gather the attention of all the women myself and not give you a sporting chance. Now shall we hurry before the night comes to an end?" Taking Libra's hand, he held tight knowing that he'd try to make an escape. Once more, protests from his friend came and after walking half way towards the town they finally ceased.
A sigh escaped Libra's lips and he looked at his friend, "Virion... If I do this one thing..."
"Read from my book to a lovely lass...?'
"Fine, yes. Look, if I do this, will you let me go back and leave such nonsense for yourself? I don't wish to trifle in such matters."
"Very well, but you must try at least. I grow weary of only seeing you fight, eat and pray your days away with us. You need someone in your life that brings you joy. Someone to look out for you and bring happiness and excitement to you. And to love you..." He dare not say the last sentence but he thought it. And if Virion had the will and the courage, he'd sweep Libra off his feet and take him. "Alas, if only he was a woman..." He said to himself.
The two walked down the beaten path, aiming closer and closer to their destination, all the while Virion gave some unhelpful tips to Libra along the way.
The doors to the tavern opened and Libra could not think of anything to say from the sights he saw that moment. Rarely had he come to anything close to a bar and the one thing that came close to mind was an abandoned building with a few people with no homes went to drink their woes away. It was a sad sight in itself and after seeing this, Libra felt that things could get much worse.
The hustle and bustle of the tavern wasn't so much merry men having a good time as it was men with angered souls finding some way to drown their sorrows while also having an excuse to beat someone with their fists. The first thing Libra would do after he leaves would be to pray for their souls and hope that they can see the error of their ways.
"Naga, please guide me..." Libra said to himself as he was lead to the bar with Virion's direction.
Taking a seat beside his eager friend he ordered only water and watched the people mingle with alcohol in their breath. They laughed, some argued and others preferred the silence of loneliness. Sadly, the lonely ones were in the eyes of the Archer. Nudging Libra forward and almost causing him to spill his drink he silently motioned his friend to the female figure in the dark corner, facing away from them.
Even from where they were, Libra can sense something dark within her. He was hesitant but he had promised his friend he'd at least try... And even if she refused, it would be all the faster to leave such a place he felt very uncomfortable in. Taking a sip of his water, he cleared his throat and before he could take a step he heard Virion speak. "Not so fast. You have forgotten something." A book was pushed into his face and the frustrated Libra hesitantly took it into his hands.
"Again, once I do this once, I am permitted to leave, correct?"
"But of course! I would never go back on my word, especially one to my dear friend!"
"It is nice to see you're a man of your word..." Libra said with a sigh. "Even if it can get you into trouble." The last line was a thought, as he made his way through the crowd. The burly men pushed and shoved but none were able to topple the monk, at least not with ease. The female figure didn't turn when his shadow cast upon her table, she didn't even move her head. She was sitting on her long hair and the gloomy aura seemed to grow larger the closer he got.
"Just remember... Say one or two of these lines, wait for her to say no and leave. Nothing more to it."
Clearing his throat, Libra tried to get her attention but she didn't budge. Feeling a little awkward, he pulled out the book and picked any page of Virion's 'lines' he used to pick up women. Some of the lines on the page had stars written on them, some with more stars than others. Libra didn't understand what that meant so he only assumed the ones with the most stars were more successful than the others.
Glancing at the book he found one with no stars so he immediately read it out loud without reading it himself. "Would you like to try on... this saddle? Cause... I'd like to ride you all night long?" He didn't seem to realize what just came out of his mouth. It wasn't until the few second of silence did he realize his mistake. He opened his mouth to speak but he got a response from her first. The familiar voice knew who he was and asked, "Just WHAT do you think you're doing, Libra?" Slowly turning around, the female showed her glowering eyes to him and Libra was startled.
"Gods! I'm terribly sorry Tharja! I didn't mean to say anything to you," he said with a blush running up his milky cheeks.
The smouldering anger was heard in her tone as she stood up, "You have made a terrible mistake." Yes, he trusted Virion. Though that's probably not what she meant.
"In Naga's name, I swear to you that I had no intention of-"
"Silence Libra. Soon you will be shown the wrath that you have brought upon me." Without even giving Libra a chance to explain, Tharja stormed out, causing many of the drunken idiots to fall from her stride alone. Libra could only watch in embarrasment as she left and Virion came to his side.
"Dear me... I fear this will not end well," he commented.
Libra agreed. This will not.