Five years later

After Artemis had put Charlie to bed, he joined Holly in their room. "Holly, I need to tell you something," he said, sitting down on the bed.

Holly was a bit surprised, but nodded. "Sure, what's up?" She was suddenly a bit uneasy, seeing the enigmatic expression upon Artemis's face.

"I had a visitor today whilst you were at work."

"Oh?" Holly replied, not sure where this was going.

"Yes. We had quite the interesting conversation."

"And who was this visitor?"

"A young, beautiful LEP captain. You might remember her."

Holly was about to ask Artemis just what he had been doing with another woman when the penny dropped like an anvil.

"Oh. Right," she said, the smile returning to her face. "Was that today?"

Artemis smiled, too. "It certainly was. Though I'm not surprised you didn't remember it."

"I would've remembered talking to my future self if I had."

"Precisely. But the conversation was interesting. Now I know exactly why you were so confident in the beginning. You had read the end of the book first."

"Well, I hope today is not the end," she replied. "But yeah, I guess I did." She paused. "Does it make you feel like less of a genius that you didn't figure out I had seen our future lives before we got together?"

"No. If anything, I feel like more of a genius."

Holly was intrigued. "Why is that?"

"Because I was intelligent enough to take a chance that you might be right, even when I had no solid evidence to back up your assertions…at least to my knowledge at the time."

Holly sat down beside him and took his hand. "And I've been right about everything ever since."

Artemis laughed. "Though I am sorely tempted, I won't respond to that rather over-confident statement."

"That's probably the right decision."

The smile remained on Artemis's face, but his eyes became serious. "Holly, I told her—you—that we are happy. That we don't regret the choice we made to be together. And that's how I feel, truly. Is that the case for you as well?"

"It is. I am very happy Artemis. And you are the biggest part of that."

His smile turned smug. "Of course. I am Artemis Fowl, after all."

Author's Note: well, everyone, that's the end. Thank you so much for reading, and thank you so much for the reviews! You've been great. And I hope you have enjoyed reading the story even a quarter of how much I enjoyed writing it! Feel free to leave a final review if you'd like.