"...Roy..." Riza hawkeye paused. "...I need you to burn my back, so no one can learn the secrets of flame alchemy..."
Roy Mustang stared in horror. It was that day, when he truly felt like a monster. He only keeps living to complete his goal. The one he has cursed, stays by his side forever.
Until the day she became ill and left this world forever.
Roy was there when she left. It was a cloudy day, Roy could feel the rain coming. Riza lay in her hospital bed, half alive, barely breathing. The machines surrounded her, awaiting for her death. The doctor had said to Roy when he came that morning, theres not much time left. He walked in the room with the usual, a bouquet of flowers for her. He sat down next to her bed and smiled.
"Good morning Riza." He brushed some of her hair out of her pale almost lifeless face.
She smiled slightly, her eyes still shut as if she was sleeping. Roy didn't need a reply. The slight smile was enough for him. He took her bony, fragile hand and kissed it. It was cold. He frowned slightly.
"I just wanted to let you know, I love you... I know i've said this a billion times already, but it's true, and I hope you feel the same... You may think you were just a subordinate to me, but it's so much more than that, Riza..." He tried to hold back tears. "You are my lifeline... My everything. I realize theres no stopping it, but i don't want to lose you ever.. I'm such a selfish man... Making you bear my sins. But, i wish i had the chance to call you my wife... My love.."
"...I love you, Roy... Mustang..." Riza said slowly as the life faded from her eyes, that were looking at him. Roy took her lifeless body into his arms and held her, crying steady tears. Nothing could stop him from letting it rain. It was indeed raining outside and in the hospital.
A/N: I decided to write an anguish Royai... Feel free to cry... I cried, so... Hope you liked.