
Folken felt oddly numb. He couldn't feel. Why? His mind shouted over and over. Over the years, he had seen countless dead bodies. Many of which much more gruesome than this one. Why did he feel such a horror within him?

She lay there, her hair spread out around her. Clothed only in the sheet and a small pendant in the hollow of her throat. Reaching out, Folken gently brushed a strand of loose hair off her forehead.

The girl from his dreams.

He half expected her to open her eyes and stand up.

He'd never even met her.

Yet, he felt as if he'd lost someone as dear to him as his own mother. He couldn't help the feeling of utter loss.

As his hand passed over her face, it stopped over the pendant at. It was small, pink. It radiated a power, an aura.

He looked at her. His heart hurt.

" I see that you've seen..." Dornkirk's voice interrupted his reverie. Folken shut his eyes, not responding.

"Yes....she is quite beautiful....So beautiful that you could give up my daughter to a mere soldier?" There was spite in his voice.

Folken looked up at him.


"Why?" Dornkirk laughed. An airy, scathing sort of laugh. "Why do you doubt me Folken?" His voice held a hard edge.

An overwhelming pain rushed into his head.

"Argh!" Folken screamed, the pain searing his head, his whole body.

"Yes.....remember Folken. I control you. I gave you life. Is this how you repay me? With disobedience?"

"Argh!!!" The pain was overwhelming.


The pain stopped, leaving him limp and pathetic on the floor. He took deep gasps of air.

"Yes. Remember the pain."

Folken closed his eyes.

"And remember...your master."

Then he was gone, and Folken was alone. Yet, still, always that force within him keeping him alive. The burning.


Dornkirk grimaced in frustration, peering into his crystal once more. Why was it still clouded? Shouldn't it clear up? The girl...that aura around her...she was the source. Yet...after performing all those tests, all those examinations. His physicians hadn't been able to find anything. Nothing.

Peering again, he tried again and again. Nothing over and over.

Who, or what was this dragon?

Dornkirk's frown got deeper and deeper. Nothing was going as planned. First, Folken skirted out of his wedding with Lourdes, then Dilandau shows up with the prince of Fanelia, no doubt Folken's brother. Then this strange girl, the source of all his problems. That strange power that she emitted, that he could feel near her. What was it?

A million questions, yet as the seconds ticked by, the Emperor could feel his power over Folken slipping.

Folken going down to see his brother, Folken thwarting his marriage plans, Folken finding the girl. All these things that the Emperor hadn't meant to happen. So close to victory, the Emperor could taste it on his lips. He yearned towards his own death, his peace. But First, First he had to have a successor. First he had to fulfill his goal. Fulfill the thing that he'd been working 200 years for.

"Dilandau." He looked at the young man as he entered.

"Emperor Dornkirk." Dilandau's voice carried high, as he bowed low.

"Dilandau, what have you done in bringing Folken's brother here....Surely this isn't' your idea of a game now is it?"

"No of course not Emperor."

"Then what is the meaning of it? And of interrupting Folken's union with Lourdes. It was going perfectly...until you showed up." Dornkirk hardly kept the anger out of his voice. And Dilandau could hear it, as he cringed and paled considerably.


"Exactly as I thought Dilandau. You did it out of spite for Folken."

Dilandau's head was bent.

"And now what Dilandau? My plans are ruined." Dornkirk watched Dilandau's expression. Going from fear to anger, then back to fear.

"Just kill the boy then."

"Kill him?" Dornkirk watched Dilandau's eyes twitching.

"Yess....let me do it. Let me get rid of the King of Fanelia."

"Hmmm...." The Emperor didn't say anything. "No."

"But Emperor..."

"I said no Dilandau."

Dilandau's eyes widened, then trembled with fear.

"Of course. Whatever you say, my Lord." He bowed, then exited the room.

Dilandau peered into the fogged future of Zaibach once more. The boy, he mused, the king of Fanelia. He was the key. The Emperor could feel it.


Weak and tired beyond words, Folken staggered into his laboratory. In here, the one place in the entire fortress that he felt safe. It was night. The wedding ceremonies over probably. Folken lay down on his cot. He felt terrible, and more than just in pain. He felt like he'd been betrayed. Betrayed by his Emperor. Why couldn't Dornkirk tell him what he was doing on Hitomi? Why had the Emperor kept it a secret?

His nerves were still throbbing, although it was hours later. Only once before had Dornkirk taken control of him, and it had never been to cause pain.

Closing his eyes, the only thing that Folken thought about, was the happiness of his best friend and the princess. That, perhaps was the only thing that got him to sleep.





Sobbing. Pain.

"Please stop it!"

Folken watched himself running forward, holding her thin frame, shielding her from the hurt and the pain.

She opened her shimmering eyes.

"Oh Van....I love you.."


The king of Fanelia swooping in, on wings of the purest white, scooping her up, carrying her away. Carrying away his heart.


One glance behind.


Folken tossed and turned, his eyes fluttering. He sat straight up, his chest burning, his heart beating a mile a minute.

Betrayer...betrayer....they words burned themselves into his mind. I am NOT!! His mind screamed out, pushing against the walls of his own prison. But as his head bent down into his arms, his hair disheveled, he knew it was true.


Dilandau kicked another stone, sending it skittering off the path.

"Argh!!" He yelled angrily in frustration. Everything he did, everything he touched, everything was forever shadowed by that damn Folken! And Folken wasn't even of Zaibach! The sheer thought of it made him so angry that Dilandau felt like hurting something. Why was the Emperor...his Emperor always continually taking Folken's side!!

Angrily, Dilandau shoved his hands into his trouser pockets, retreating into his cloak.

Even without noticing it, Dilandau found himself entering the lower recesses of the dungeons. Standing in front of the cell, he peered into the darkness. Silence.

Resisting the urge to light a torch, Dilandau allowed his eyes time to adjust to the darkness. Dimly, he could make out a dark shape, huddled in one corner. Dilandau's lips twisted into a cruel smile.

" Van..that's your name right?" He peered in, hoping for a reaction. The figure didn't move.

"Oh I see...playing difficult.." Dilandau laughed. "And that girl...hmm.." He mused. "Acquaintance? Friend? Lover?"

No response.

"Hmm..probably lover, quite beautiful, and for all your gallantry and valor.." Dilandau smiled. "You are but a man...a boy at that." Dilandau scoffed and was overjoyed to see the dark figure turn away.

" the silent about we speak of your family...of the Royal Family of Fanelia." Dilandau exaggerated the words, proclaiming them like a scroll.

The figure didn't move.

" about....a brother perhaps?" Dilandau let the words linger in the air. "A brother...who perhaps..umm.." He twiddled his thumbs, looking nonchalant, "Perhaps, a brother that disappeared?"

"Go away." The dark figure didn't move, but his voice was cold and deep.

"And what if...that brother that disappeared, what if he showed up again." Dilandau's eyes gleamed. "In the ranks of the enemy that destroyed your beloved country." He whispered the last part. "Betrayal."

The figure was rigid.

Dilandau smiled.

Suddenly, in a blur of motion, the figure jumped up, and if Dilandau hadn't jumped back a the last second, he would've been impaled upon the royal blade of Fanelia.

Holding the sword through the bars, Van Fanel glared at Dilandau, his eyes burning hate.

"Never speak ill of my brother." He said, his voice deadly.

Dilandau had leaped back at the sound of the metal, he now looked at the sharp blade that would've taken his life. His heart beat fast. How could he have been so careless. Getting up, regaining his composure, Dilandau looked at Van.

The boy's face was cold and impassive, like stone. Slowly, he sheathed his sword and turned away, retreating back to his corner.

Dilandau laughed then. A loud sharp laugh, more to cover up his racing heart than it was an actual laugh.

"Pretty smart Van." He laughed and headed out of the dank dungeons.


Folken didn't dare go near the Emperor, for the next few days. The sharp memory of the pain and the coldness in his Emperor's voice had been enough. Yet he hated himself for being afraid. Hated himself for not being able to face his own Emperor, and hating most of all, that burning in his chest, that feeling of constant watching. For, in Folken's own mind, if not in reality, he felt as if everywhere he went, someone was watching him, spying on him. Only in his laboratory tower, did he ever feel safe, and secure.

He hadn't seen the princess nor Kent for the past week. He assumed that they were enjoying their lives, married and content. These days, it seemed the only happy thought that he had in his mind was about their happiness.

"At least somebody's happy..." He found himself muttering.

It was another one of those sleepless nights. Folken stared out over the city, sitting out on his balcony. The dreams had only gotten worse. As they were now filled with death and pain. And a still figure that would never move again.

Folken felt somewhat numb to everything around him. It was like a movie, only he wasn't in it. He only watched.

It was in one of these moods that Folken accidently ran into Lourdes.

"Why..hello Folken." She looked somewhat flustered at their meeting, and more than a little guilty.

"Goodmornign princess." He bowed politely. Now that they weren't betrothed, Folken felt that the princess deserved the required courtesy. But this seemed to distress Lourdes even more.

"No no.." She took his hand and raised him up again. "Just Lourdes....please Folken.." her eyes pleaded with him. "Please don't change anything between us, now that we are not betrothed. I...I still want to remain friends."

Folken nodded, more than a little take back at the Princess's somewhat odd behavior. She was acting guilty.

"Alright Lourdes." He smiled a thin smile. "So how is married life?"

Now, Folken knew that it wasn't his imagination when he saw the princess falter and pale two shades.

"Ummm....uhh.." She hesitated. Folken leaned forward.

"Is everything alright princess?" He took her soft, slender hands.

She didn't meet his eyes.


"What is it princess?"

She looked up at him, tears filling her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Folken."

"What?" He narrowed his eyes, wondering. Her eyes were glimmering violet, and she looked so distressed. She wrung her fingers. She took a deep breath,

"I couldn't marry him Folken! I..I just...Father...and my duty and....everything just happened so fast! I...I just couldn't! Please don't be mad Folken! Please.." She whispered the last part. She spoke so quickly that Folken could barely make out the words.

He didn't look at her. It certainly explained a lot. The emperor's silence, the princess's avoidance and Kent....oh god, Kent. He looked up at her again, grabbing her hands, looking at her fiercely.

"What did you say to Kent?" He asked, his voice tight. She turned her head away, hiding behind her silver hair.

"Umm...I...." She mumbled.

"Don't tell me you just ran. And you just left him There? And you haven't spoken to him?" Folken asked.

The princess was silent. Folken sighed. And all this time, the only thing that had made him happy, made him feel as if he had done at least some good for the world, it had all crumbled down around him. When he looked back at Lourdes, tears were streaming down her face.

"Do you love him?" He asked softly, finally.

She hesitated, then nodded slowly.

" it." He said, turning abruptly and leaving.

"Please Folken....don''re my only friend." She called out after him. He turned slowly. Was he mad? Angry that she had destroyed the only happiness he had found in the last few days? And when he reached within himself, to find angry, to find hurt, to find anything, he found nothing. He looked at her dully.

"I'm not mad."

A look of relief crossed her face.

"I'm just....disappointed." He turned and hurried away, drawing his cloak around him, as if to keep within him, whatever he had left.

Lourdes watched him leave, huddled within himself. She felt horrible. The guilt just welling up within her. And all for what? She asked herself miserably, over and over. Because I didn't marry the one I love most in the whole world? It was ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous, yet....why hadn't she been able to say yes? Such a simple word, and Kent looking at her, his heart in his eyes.

Lourdes shut her eyes, trying to block out the memory. But it all came rushing back on her anyway.

"Do you, Commander Kenton take the Princess Lourdes to be your wedded wife........"

Kent's eyes were bright. He looked at her. Everything they had ever gone through, done together. Everything was wrapped up in one moment.

"Yes." Was all he said. It was all she had to say.

And then the question had been turned on her. And her mind faltered. She balked.


His dark eyes were on her.


As children they had pretended that they would be married. That they would live happily ever after? Why couldn't she just let it happen? Why couldn't she live her dream. Then that feeling, her father's eyes on her. His stern face.

Lourdes....he'd whispered, bending her will. Over and over again.

My daughter...he'd whispered over and over in her mind.

Then she'd looked up at Kent, sorry beyond words.

Then she'd run.

And she couldn't' look back.

Even without noticing it, Lourdes realized that the tears were running down her face. She pulled the hood of her cloak up to shield her face. How ashamed her father would be, if he knew she'd been crying. What did he always say? Never show weakness. Never give your enemies an opening to get at you. And that was what Kent was. An opening.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered, but the tears stopped, and Lourdes walked away.

Van shivered. The dank and chill of the dungeons was getting to him. He curled in the corner, warm in his little spot. His fingers brushed the gilded edge of his sword. His heart twinged. It was all he had left of his homeland. He closed his eyes. His mind was numb with dread and worry. Dread for his kingdom, worry for Hitomi. Where was she?

Van cast a dark glance at the shadowy figure on the opposite side of the room, cloaked in darkness. Always lurking, yet never in the light. Watching. At First, he had been apprehensive, constantly on his guard, afraid that the figure would take him somewhere. But then, the figure had shown itself.

Strategos, Van mused. He wondered whether it was a real name, or if it was a nickname. He didn't really care one way or another.

Strategos was just There, always. Just watching. Silent.

Sometimes Van couldn't stand the silence.

Now, he cherished it.

Folken watched him, huddled in his corner, unwilling, or maybe not daring to speak. Folken wasn't sure what to say, if he was to say anything at all. 'Hello brother, I allowed Zaibach to destroy my kingdom'. Even in his mind, it was ridiculous. Insane. Folken just watched him, his brother, shivering with cold and fever.

He should be in the care of the physicians, not rotting in some prison. Turning away, Folken shut his eyes. So many memories. Yet what could he, one man, do?

His heart hurt. Both for his brother, and for his love, whom he hadn't even been given the chance to know....How cruel the gods were, to marry him to the girl whom his best friend loved, then to make him fall in love with the girl they'd take a way from him.

Silent, Folken remained in the shadows. Relishing in the silent darkness, feeling the dull ache, throbbing, the constant burning life within him, swallowing him whole.

To Be Continued...