Copyright, I don't own high school dxd or any of its characters.
After everyone settled down Issei began to exlpain "Pres. as you can see these are my family servants, my dad told them to watch this place since we moved because of a certain problem and I came back for something and I met these people again"
Rias looked over them and just shrugged her shoulder "Well ok but what were you tying to get anyways?" Issei thought for second then went upstairs and returned with a box.
"This is what I forgot" Issei showed a metal rectangular box and Rias moved her hands towards the box to open it but Issei moved it away "Na-ah you guys are not looking through this"
Rias looked at him annoyed and wondered what items are inside of it but said "Well it's getting dark now Issei you want to stay here for the night because were going back"
Issei setted the box on the chair and said "No it's alright but I'll meet you guys tommarow for training bye" Rias just turned to them but Asia said "If it's alright for me can I stay here for the night Issei?"
Issei met here dazzeling eyes and said "Sure but if Pres. says you can" Asia turned to her and she nodded in agreement "Okay well good night you guys"
Rias nodded and they disappeared and Issei's gaurds stayed but they were doing their own things like cook and clean the house or just play games on the tv.
Issei just looked at them and began to think 'Is this what they do when they were told to watch the area?' Issei turned stopped looking around then turned to Asia.
"Well Asia I think all of the rooms except mine are taken so you can sleep in there" Issei held her hand and took her upstairs to his room and as he opens it everything is still in place.
Issei walked to his bed and began to remember his childhood as if he was a kid again "Issei if you want to sleep on the bed I'll gladly sleep somewhere else"
Issei immediatly stopped reminiscing about his child hood "No it's ok I was just remembering things now please you can sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the ground"
She looked at him with a pout full face and he said "I'm fine Asia now make yourself comfortable I'll be back in a while so sleep tight"
Issei smiled and Asia was assured he was going to be alright along with her but she thought of Issei coming back into bed with her like a married couple 'AH! what am I thinking Issei wouldn't... do... that...'
'Issei there is something that I would like to talk to you about'
Issei walked into the bathroom with his bag and took a tooth brush out 'Sure what is it?'
'Do you remember why Rias wanted us to come to this place for training?' Issei stopped brushing to answer.
'No but I think she just wants us to get stronger Draig' Issei brushed his teeth again listening to Ddraig.
'You might be right but I see no point it's not we are going out to war or a... ... battle' Issei stopped again as he said 'Battle' at the end thinking about it.
'What did you figure it out?' he took mouthwash on the sink and pourd himself a cup and began to swish it back and fourth in his mouth.
'Yes! that's why she's having us train for a battle Issei there could be no other reason to why she's training us out here in the forest'
Issei thought about his idea and the circumstances he is in 'You're right but if we are then we have to get stronger as well'
Suddenly Issei swallowed the mouthwash *Gulp* 'Did you just swallow that?'
'Yes and I'm regretting it'
Suddenly Issei began to puke into the sink then moved to the toilet 'You really are an idiot you know that right'
'Shut up' *Pukes*
After a while of brushing his teeth and cleaning the sink.
Issei finally gets out of the bathroom and goes back into his room and opens his box and looks back at the content and finds Ddraig scales gone.
'Draig your scales their still red even to this day!' Ddraig just sighed and spoke 'Of course dragons do not age and since my scales are apart of me they don't either'
Issei scratched the back of his head embarresed by Ddraig explaining why the scales haven't aged yet 'Now get some rest Issei we have a day of training tomarrow'
Issei listened to Ddraig and began to sleep but checked up on Asia and found her sleeping soundly.
But as Ddraig began to drift to off to sleep he heard Ddraig talk to himself or someone in the distant.
The next day
Issei woke up and felt something warm at his side and turned to see Asia next to him still sleeping, 'Okay, stay calm, stay calm,'
Issei was about to leave the room but Asia had her legs tangled on his own stopping him from going 'Hoho it seems you're in a bind there Issei hehe'
Ddraig laughed at the situation Issei was stuck in and Issei shouted at him 'OH YEAH AND WHAT WOULD YOU DO HUH!?'
Ddraig laughed again and told Issei 'Well the first thing you can do is move away inch by inch'
Issei, desprate to get out of Asia's legs and arms began to inch out but as he does so he see's her shirt opening showing her breast.
'STAY CALM, STAY CALM!' Issei face was now getting hot and turned to pink,
'AHAHAHA you really are a pervert' Ddraig commented and Issei finally got out of her hold but as he turns to her she sits up and looks at Issei drowsily then herself.
She realizes that she was almost undressed and was sleeping next to Issei for the whole night "ISSEI YOU PERVERT I THOUGHT YOU WEREN"T INTO THESE THINGS!"
Her yelling could be heard from downstairs and the Family servants began to think about indecent thoughts about them and began to giggle to them selves.
But as Asia begins to see she was on the ground she began to get embaressed "I-I-I-I'm so s-sorry Issei I-I-I-"
"Please just save it for later and get some clothes on" Issei said while he turned away from her and she looked at herself again.
"I THOUGHT YOU WEREN'T A PERVERT!" Asia slapped him across the face and began to change into her clothes while Issei stood outside.
But as he stood outside the servants came by him and gave him a smug look and said "Did you do something wrong?"
"Were you to ruff with her last night" That comment made Issei scream at them "NO WAY IN HELL DID WE DO IT NOW SHUT IT!"
As the servants leave him alone Asia comes out of the room dressed and apoligizes to Issei "Issei... I'm sorry about what happened, I was just surprised... you... see..."
Issei began to see Asia make a cute face and he thought 'So cute...'
Asia looked at him and he patted her head "It's fine just stay on your side next time please... I don't want any surprises like that"
But as he says that he remembers Rias in his bed naked 'Stop it idiot!' Issei was broken from his image of Rias by Ddraig.
"Now let's hurry before Pres. punishes us" Issei said while hurring her down stairs and when they came downstairs Rias and Akeno were sitting on the couch.
"Oh my are you just going to go train in your morning clothes Issei?" Akeno said looking at his boxers and made him retreat back upstairs.
Everyone began to laugh as they see him retreat upstairs to change.
Minutes later.
Issei comes back down stairs with his uniform on "Well I'm ready so let's get going then" Issei said and they went to the door and left the house.
But before he left his servants asked him a question "Young master-" Issei stared at him and he corrected himself "Issei-sama are you going to stay here?"
Issei scratched his head "Sorry but I have to return to school after a week or two but don't worry you guys will have this place to yourselves soon"
Issei smiled and left them but they just looked at him disappointed "And just when we thought our job was done.
"Well at least we get the house to our selves again"
Back to Rias house and training ground
Issei, Rias, Akeno, and Asia finaly arrive to the training grounds and see Koneko and Kiba there doing their own things.
"Ah Buchou you're back now shall we start?" Kiba asks and she nods to him signaling him to start.
"Issei heres your backpack" Kiba picks it up without a sweat and throws it to Issei and he catches it but when he did, it pulled him down to the ground.
"How much does this way!?" Issei said while trying to picked it up and Kiba says "Somewhere around a ton"
He still smiled nonchalantly while chuckling softly 'You need me don't you Issei?' Ddraig said while feeling the weight in Issei's arms.
'Of course I don't!' Issei activated his booster gear and he put it over his back "Now where are we going?"
Kiba thought where then turned to Rias "Issei you'll be fighting agaist Kiba while you have that on so good luck" she smiled and Issei just looked at Kiba.
"You got to be kidding me..." Suddenly Kiba thusted at Issei and he managed to throw his attack off to the side by activating his booster gear.
"Very nice Issei now keep this up for an hour and Kiba don't hold back" Rias smiled and Issei looked at her then Kiba.
"Serouisly?" Kiba smiled nervously "Buchous orders Issei well get ready" Kiba stood in his stance along with Issei then Kiba made his move.
AUTHORS NOTE: I feel very tired more often when I'm writing and I don't why because I have been getting enough sleep but who know's I probably need a nap well as always thanks for reading