Sorry i haven't been on lately, i have school and i have been catching up on stories im reading and im glad that more people have been reading my other story Solo Angel and sorry its such a short chapter i hate giving you guys short chapters because it seems that i dont care much for you guys so here the chapter


Levy was shocked upon hearing this and said, "Ok, calm down Wendy, calm down. I have news for the four of you." Levy explained. Wendy nodded her head while sniffling. "Okay once I tell you this, you have to go tell the others immediately, ok?" Wendy nodded.

"Lu-chan is-" and the lacrima was shut off by the poor connection.

(With Wendy)

Wendy stared at the lacrima and screamed, "What! What is it! Is Lucy-san ok?! Is she alright?!" She continuously to scream at it but knew it was pointless. She just has to hope for the best. Since the animal ate the last herb around here, she would have to go find the others and tell them what had happened.

( With Natsu, Gray, and Erza; Nobody's POV) (Man I change to point of view a lot)

"Ok! On, Two, THREE!" Erza yelled as the three Fairy Tail mages pulled on the mask. As they pulled, the giant thought it would be a good idea to flail his arms and in the process of the flailing, he hit Natsu in the face and sent him flying off the giant and face planting the ground. After a few minutes of Natsu's face in the ground, he jumped up and then started screaming insults the masked giant. "OI! What was that for?! You tryin to kill me?!". Erza and Gray just watched the whole thing both thinking 'What an idiot.'

"Minna! Where are you guys!". They heard Wendy run up and stop to look at what happened. Natsu was still slinging insults toward the giant about how he purposely threw him off because the giant said that he looked like a gay fairy with pink sparkly hair and he swore he heard him say it, Grey, well Grey was just laughing his ass off because he has more things to call Natsu, and Erza was just looking annoyed at the two. Erza jumped down and confronted Wendy.

"Wendy, did you get the herbs?". Erza asked the blunette. Wendy fitted around and looked up at Erza nervously. "Well you see, I got there I found the herb then this animal ate it and that was that last one and then the lacrima rang and it was Levy-san and she was about to tell me how Lucy-chan was doing when the lacrima shut off suddenly do to poor connection." Wendy explained a little fast but Erza was able to get it all. Erza nodded and face the two boys who were fighting at the moment.

"NATSU! GRAY! COME HERE!". Erza yelled menacingly. The two mages jumped in fear and quickly rushed over. She gave a brief explanation of what Wendy had told her and the two got very serious. Erza has also told Wendy of their new found news of the giant. Wendy stood wide eyed and nodded. "Hey! Do you think we can just burn the mask off?" Natsu asked, scratching his head in curiosity. The other three thought about for a moment and came to a conclusion. "Great idea Natsu!" Erza said, smashing him to her breast plate. "Thanks..." Natsu mumbled, dizzy from the impact. "Wow flame brain, I didn't know you had it in ya." Grey said to the fire mage. "Like you could have done better!" Natsu said. The two bashed heads and that's when Erza got even more annoyed.

"Uhh guys." Wendy said. Everyone turned their head toward the sky mage. She was looking behind them and pointed a finger in a direction behind them. The three looked to where she was pointing at then they noticed that the giant had started to get annoyed from all the arguing and tried to step on them all. Everyone jumped out the way and got into a fighting stance. "Ok! Time to burn the mask!" Natsu said, lighting his fist on fire. He then jumped up toward the giants shoulder and landed a fist full of fire in the face of the giant. The masked man staggered and then he was falling. Wendy was behind the giant and wasn't aware the growing shadow coming towards.

"WENDY! LOOK OUT!" Was all you heard from her fellow guild members. That's when she noticed the giant coming towards her. She screamed.

i just love leaving you guys on cliffhangers. \(^~^)/ i will be updating Solo Angel soon i hope

with love~Options