Hello everyone! My name is Kim, aka SkeletonPinata. I have always been a fan of the Mummy ever since I saw it in theaters when I was nine. My love for the movie grew again when I bought the re-released blu-ray version along with the Mummy Returns. It inspired me to write this story, which I hope you all enjoy!
This story is supposed to take place a few years after the first two films (I did not like the third one so I am going to ignore it as many other fans do). It's going to be a shorter adventure than what the first two films were, and focus on the details of Evy's past life and Jonathan and his current life. It will include old favorites like Rick, Ardeth and Alex, along with a few new faces and a fun new adventure, but the main focus will be on Evy and Jonathan.
And with that said, I hope you enjoy the story!
Coincidence and Fate
By SkeletonPinata
Chapter 1
Craving Adventure
London, England. 1938.
Evy O'Connell sat in her spacious living room, looking over a mess of documents sprawled on her coffee table. Some were on the floor and in small piles by her feet. A tall pile of books accompanied her on the couch, teetering back and forth slightly, as if it would fall at any movement. She began to organize the papers in front of her, organizing by dates and artifacts listed.
Ever since she had taken the job of overseeing the Egyptology wing at the British Museum, Evy had a lot more responsibility than ever before. It was stressful and the hours were ridiculous, but the Bembridge Scholars were so pleased when she finally agreed to their offer. Ironic, as years ago, Evy's applications to them kept getting rejected over and over again. Her lack of experience in the field was what prevented them from accepting her.
Fighting a 3,000 year old mummy would definitely help her with the experience.
So much so that the Bembridge Scholars had to beg her to work at the British Museum, which she finally had accepted and had been working with the museum for almost five years.
In 1926, she would have considered this job to be a dream come true and taken it in a heartbeat.
Finally, she had become as successful as her father had been in his hay day. Howard Carnahanwas a famous adventurer, and he would be proud to see what his two children had accomplished.
"Well...at least just one of us,"thought Evy aloud with a chuckle. "Jonathan is still...he's getting there."
As Evy began to to organize her paperwork, she picked up another packet of paper, examining it and then giving a look of disgust. As she set it aside, two pieces of paper flew out of it and onto the floor. Intrigued, she began to examine the fallen papers. She smiled.
"Those were the good old days," she sighed. "Disturbing curses, raising mummies, saving the world...romance..."
The pieces of paper were actually photos of her trip to Hamunaptra, which occurred almost 13 years ago. The photos themselves showed their age, as they were very delicate and torn at the edges. In one photo, was a picture of her in front of her camel with her brother Jonathan digging into the camel's bag full of gold with a shocked expression on his face. She laughed out loud at the reaction. Even in a non-moving photo, the camera captured Jonathan's personality to a tee.
The other was of her and her husband, Rick O'Connell, smiling happily at the camera. Rick was holding Evy close to him, his arms around her waist. Evy was smiling brightly...her eyes full of light and bliss.
Evy sighed. "What a beautiful picture...Definitely reminds me of simpler times..."
Even though it was far from simple, she thought to herself, chuckling a bit as she did.
"Hard to believe in a few days we'll have been married for thirteen years," she said with a small sigh.
Thirteen years ago, Evy went on an expedition to Hamunaptra with her older brother Jonathan Carnahan and convict/ex-colonel Rick O'Connell in search of Hamunaptra and its treasure, particularly the book of Amun-Ra. Instead, they disturbed the curse of Seti's high priest, Imhotep, whom they had to stop before he conquered the world.
Then Imhotep was risen again only five years ago, the worst of it being that her at the time eight year old son, Alex, was involved. This was because he put on the bracelet of Anubis, a treasure Imhotep and a cult group following him wanted so they could raise the army of Anubis.
Luckily, her husband prevented that from happening, and the world had once again been saved.
It was also during this time that she discovered that the dreams she began to constantly have were memories of her past life as Nefertiri, princess and daughter of Seti I.
Evy rubbed her eyes and yawned a bit, putting the photos down onto the coffee table. "I'm getting older," she told herself. "I need to get a more decent amount of sleep...but that silly dream..."
While the dreams/memories of her past life are not as constant as they once were, Evy had begun to experience another memory, different from the others... only this memory was a bit faded.
Evy yawned once more. "I wish I could actually remember what goes on in my dream...then maybe I can finally get some sleep!"
It has been nearly five years since her last excursion. She had taken up this job at the British Museum, hoping it would be all she had dreamed of when she was younger.
It was far from it.
Nothing beats being in the field, Evy thought to herself.
"Am I interrupting anything?"
Evy turned to see her brother, Jonathan, walking up to her. He threw his white coat onto the coffee table as he approached the couch Evy was sitting on.
Evy glared daggers at him. "Do you mind? I am trying to organize my paperwork!"
Jonathan ignored her, too busy taking the pile of books sitting next to her on the couch to the floor so that he could sit with her. She sighed furiously and took his coat off the table and folded it for her older brother, putting it aside and away from her paperwork.
Jonathan noticed as he put Evy's books on the floor, that every one revolved around Egyptology. Some on the mythology of Egyptian gods and another on famous and mythological artifacts. He chuckled.
"Still cannot get it out of your mind, can you?" he said with a smile.
Evy frowned at her brother. "What do you mean? I'm the head of the Egyptology wing at the British Museum. Of course I need to..."
Evy stopped herself as she looked at Jonathan, who was not convinced. He frowned and stared at her, crossing his arms. She sighed and buried her head into her hands in a frustrated manner. Jonathan lifted his sister's head and looked at her with concern.
"Tell me what's wrong old mum," he asked sincerely.
Evy looked at Jonathan, her eyes expressing her tired and miserable condition. "I...I can't handle this Jonathan..."
Jonathan tutted. "Of course you can! We put down that bastard Imhotep together, didn't we? I'm certainly sure handling a museum..."
"First of all...there was no we in that situation..."
"It was my scepter that killed the Scorpion King in the end!"
"...second...," Evy continued, cutting him off, "I only took on this job because of Rick," she said. "Ever since my death at Ahm Shere, Rick has been...protective of me."
Jonathan laughed. "Can you blame the man? He almost lost you...we almost lost you. You are the love of his life! You should have seen him...bawling and crying over you. It was such a sad sight...could you blame him for being a little more protective?"
Then Jonathan looked at his sister and placed his hands on her shoulders, his eyes suddenly filling with sadness.
"I almost lost my baby sister that day," he said with a frown. "You, Rick and Alex are all I have left in this world."
Touched by his words, Evy gave him a hug, which he returned.
Wanting to lighten the mood, Evy said cheekily, "I thought your greatest loves were tasteless women, spirits and stealing...not to mention larges sums of wealth!"
Jonathan laughed as Evy broke the hug. "Me? Steal? Ha! I merely borrow for extended periods of time. And who doesn't love money? We do live in a materialistic world. And while the last two are definitely things I enjoy doing..."
He chuckled at his own joke, while Evy rolled her eyes.
"Jonathan, that was terrible," she said, crossing her arms in disgust.
"...they do not replace having people who love you. A true family," he said with a smile. His eyebrows wiggling up and down as Evy laughed.
"Jonathan, that is the cheesiest thing I have ever heard come out of you mouth," she stated.
Jonathan shrugged. "Cheese or not, it is true. And you and Rick are lucky to have one another, as well as lucky to have such a brilliant son like Alex..." He patted Evy on the shoulder. "So...give ol' Rick a break. He loves you...and he just doesn't want you to get hurt again."
"It's not like I don't appreciate the gesture," she said, beginning to organize her paperwork again. "But it's just...I feel like I have gotten nowhere. Years of yearning for adventure, I finally got it 13 years ago, only for it to be stopped again because of his fear that I will die..."
"...again," Jonathan finished for her. She rolled her eyes.
"I feel like I am missing out on so much," she said with a frown."I was told by the Bembridge Scholars of an excursion being done at Ahm Shere a few days ago."
Jonathan looked at Evy with a raised eyebrow. "For what? From what I remember, we left it pretty barren there...it's just a pile of sand now! What could they possibly be looking for? I don't think they are any scraps of treasure left for them to take."
"They are looking for the Book of the Dead," she said. Jonathan gulped.
The Book of the Dead was the whole reason they had to deal with Imhotep in the first place. It was filled with spells and incantations used to resurrect the dead.
"As I said before..." Jonathan continued. "How could they think that the book is still there? It must have gotten sucked up with the rest of the bloody forest..."
"Jonathan, this book is sacred and full of ancient spells," she said as a matter of factly. "I highly doubt the book disappeared or was destroyed during the destruction of Ahm Shere."
She finished up her organizing, setting aside the last packet of paper. "Besides, the Bembridge Scholars are not the ones funding the excursion."
Jonathan looked at her incredulously. "Who in their right mind would fund such an aimless waste of an expedition?"
Evy smiled and pulled out from underneath the coffee table a notebook. She began to leaf through it.
"According to my research," she continued, "the excursion is being funded by a wealthy man by the name of Arthur Petersen. He studied Egyptology and was a professor at the University of Liverpool. When his father died, he was left a large fortune and with it, retired as a professor and began to go to archeological digs in search of ancient artifacts."
She turned the notebook and showed her brother a photo of Arthur Petersen. He was a tall handsome man with auburn hair mixed with gray. In the photo, he was well dressed, poised and had a devilish smile on his face.
"You see, he's donated a few artifacts to the British Museum already," she said. "However, I am not so sure he could find the Book of the Dead as easily."
Jonathan took the notebook and read over Evy's notes. He then looked at Evy with a frown. "Evy, have you been snooping around the Bembridge Scholars private files? How did you come across this?"
Frustrated and slightly embarrassed, Evy took her notebook back and put it away from Jonathan's reach.
"If I can't go to the dig, I figured I'd look up and see who was involved," she said haughtily. "They only began the excursion a few days ago..."
Jonathan shook his head. "Evy, I highly doubt that Rick will allow you to go."
Evy glared at Jonathan. "Allow me? I don't need his permission..."
"If that's the truth, then why haven't you been to Egypt these last few years?"
Evy opened her mouth to argue but then shut it, realizing she couldn't win. She sighed and looked down at the ground.
"I...I don't want him to be angry...or to worry," she said. "Things have been so different these past few years. I love Rick, I really really do...but if I go...I want to be able to go with his blessing." She looked up and sighed. "It'd be a miracle if he'd want to go with me."
Jonathan comforted his sister by wrapping an arm around her. "Rick is done with finding artifacts and fighting mummies. But I'm sure asking him wouldn't hurt. He should at least appreciate you asking him instead of going off on you own."
Evy got out of the couch and began pacing around the room, deep in thought. "You know..." she began. "Our anniversary is coming up soon..." she thought aloud.
Jonathan looked surprised. "Oh is it? Wow, that's great Evy..."
"...he'll probably forget again," continued Evy, ignoring Jonathan's congratulations as she paced. "I mean, last year was a bit of a fiasco.
Jonatahn gulped as he rubbed his head. "Yes...I remember you knocking me out with that bloody statue..."
Evy shrugged. "I was frustrated. I didn't mean for it to hit you."
"Regardless...it did! And it really, really hurt!" whined Jonathan as Evy rolled her eyes.
"I'll reserve us a table at a restaurant for the two of us," she continued as she kept pacing. "I'll casually mention our anniversary and when he admits that he's forgotten, I'll bring up the dig."
Jonathan raised an eyebrow. "All this effort for a lousy archeological dig? For a book that may not be there?"
Evy shook her head. "It's not just that," she said. "I...I also want to take a trip to Hamunaptra."
Jonathan looked at her like she was crazy. "What!? Why?"
"For the book of Amun-Ra," she said. "My guess is that when we last faced Imhotep, Mister Hafez had the book of Amun-Ra thrown away somewhere in the sand, as it was what stopped Imhotep the first time. If it is still there, it'd be a great addition to the British Museum."
Evy looked at Jonathan and added. "I also have a few unanswered questions. I...I think I'm getting those memories back again...a newer one actually..."
"Yes...and?" he asked.
"But the only problem is that I can't remember the context of the memory," she said. "All I can remember is me and Seti I talking about something, and then becoming interrupted by Anuck-su-namun. I can't help but wonder if this dream means that my work in Hamunaptra is still unfinished...that my destiny is unfinished..."
Jonathan got up and grabbed her sister's shoulders. "Have you gone mad Evy? There is no way Rick would agree to take you. From what your describing, it sounds like another grand old adventure."
Evy shrugged. "Oh please," she said with a smile. "It could be a nice little vacation...minus the mummies and saving the world bits. And with some discovery of the missing pieces of my past life, as well as some artifacts...artifacts that were the very reasons I became interested in Egypt in the first place."
Jonathan let go of her shoulders, still looking doubtful. "Evy, this dig at Ahm Shere began a few days ago. You said so yourself. What's to say they don't find the book in the next few days?"
Evy smiled. "Well then, I guess I better pack up our things before I ask Rick over dinner, now shan't I?"
Jonathan chuckled. "Who are you and what have you done with my sweet baby sister?"
Evy grinned. "I am in need of an adventure Jonathan. I can't stand all this paperwork. I need to be out in the field!"
Jonathan and Evy jumped a bit as a loud gong! noise echoed the room. It was a clock, ringing loudly to signify that it was 4:00 PM.
Jonathan smiled. "And I am in need of a drink."
Evy rolled her eyes. "With what money? You used up the money you acquired from that bloody diamond..."
"For the last time, it was stolen from me," he said as a matter of factly. "I'll tell you one thing, I will never play poker with those fellows ever again," he muttered bitterly. "Besides, the rest of my money lies with Izzy..."
"That is not yours Jonathan," said Evy, cutting him off. "That is all his and you have no right calling it yours. He deserved it after you took away the spear of Osiris!"
"Which if I didn't, we'd all be ruled under that blasted Imhotep, thank you very much!" he said, raising his arms in the air. "Honestly, I get no respect sometimes for the things I do...things might I add, that could have KILLED me."
Evy shook her head. "If you merely stopped drinking so much at bars and gambling your life's worth away, maybe you'd have some of that money left. Perhaps even enough to live on your own."
Jonathan looked back at her nervously. She crossed her arms and looked at him, awaiting his response.
Jonathan had been piggy-backing from the O'Connell's for almost thirteen years after gambling his share of money from their adventure in Hamunaptra. Not wanting to abandon her brother, Evy and Rick allow him to live under their roof.
"In time...when I'm ready..."he stammered, trying hard to come up with an excuse. "I'll be out of your hair...but until then...I...uh..."
Evy frowned. "Honestly Jonathan, when are you going to stop gambling, drinking and sleeping with other women? Don't you think it's time you put that aside to find a job? Save money? Find your own place to live? Maybe even start your own family..."
Jonathan laughed. "Oh darling, if I were to do all that, then it would make life less interesting."
And with that, he grabbed his coat, kissed Evy on the cheek and ran out of the living room and out the door, but not before shouting:
"Good luck with that plan of yours, eh? And don't wait up! I won't be back until late!" he said with a wink.
Evy sighed as the door finally slammed and Jonathan was gone. She sat back down on the couch, and grabbed the photo of her and Rick, smiling at it as she looked at it.
"It would just be a simple excursion," she said, reassuring herself of her plan. "What could possibly happen to make it all go wrong?"
And with that, she placed the photo on the table and went out of the living room and into the hallway leading into the kitchen. She stopped to look at a mirror on the wall. Staring at her own reflection, she continued to reassure herself.
"It's not like we will raise any mummies or anything," she said with a chuckle. "All of that is done and over with. There is no need to fear."
She nodded at her reflection and entered the kitchen. She began to open the small drawers and searching within the contents of each one.
"Now where did I leave the phone number for that restaurant..."
I hope that was alright so far! In the next chapter, we will follow Jonathan into the bar! Should be lots of fun!
Thanks again for reading!