A/N New story! It was inspired by PeacanaRose448's story 'Tori goes Northridge'. I am not copying her story, this is just my twist on the episode 'Helen Back Again'. Also don't forget to check out PeacanaRose448's new story 'Sleeping With The One', I think it's great and please follow her because she's a great writer! Anyway I hope you like this story and Please R&R! :})


Disclaimer: I do not own VICtoriOUS, just my OC :)

They Never Did Anything For Me

Tori's P.O.V ~ School, Near Tori's Locker~

We were all around my locker. It was my last day at Hollywood Arts. I wasn't talented, well that's what Helen must have thought right? I mean that's the reason why I'm leaving. I've only been here for what? A year and I'm already leaving. I'm going to have to go to Sherwood, but no! I can't, I used to get bullied there and I can't just join in at the end of the year. I'm going to have to wait until after the spring break, which is months away from now. I sighed as I took out the last book in my locker, well it's not mine anymore, and put it into my bag. I turned around, upset and depressed.

"Well guys this is it, I'm leaving Hollywood Arts" I looked at my friends. They were all upset, even Jade, though she wouldn't admit it. "This has to be wrong!" Cat exclaimed and stomped her foot like a little girl. Aaaaw! I'm going to miss her soo much! I'm going to miss every single one of them! Even Rex! "Yeah, I mean Andre get's to stay and you guys auditioned together" Robbie added, agreeing with Cat and everyone else nodded. "They can't do this, can they?" Jade asked with a frown. "Yeah, they can" Andre answered and slipped his arm around Jade. They really do make a cute couple. Yeah, her and Beck were cute, but she's more nice now that she's dating Andre. "I wish you could stay Tori" Beck spoke up and smiled weakly at me. "So do I, but I can't, let's just face it, I'm not talented as everyone thought I was" I looked down. Just as Beck was about speak up, the bell rang and everyone started to make their way to their classes. "Guess it's time for me to leave" I switched off the light to my locker and smiled one more time at my friends, that I had started to consider as family. Just as they were about to say their goodbyes, a teacher came and told them to get to class or they'll get detention. I slowly made my way out the school without hem noticing and let one tear roll down my face. As I got into my car, I burst into tears and called someone who I know would help me.

"Hello?" I tried to talk but I was choking on my tears. "Babez what's wrong?" He asked and I just couldn't stop crying. "Okay, where are you? Have you been kidnapped? Is someone hurting you? Hold on, I'm going to call the police-" He started and I started to smile. "Christian! It's not funny!" I whined and he chuckled. "Yes it is Babez. Now tell me why you were crying?" I sighed. "Can you please come over to my place and I'll explain everything" He agreed and I drove back home.

~ Tori's Home~

I was currently plopped on my red couch eating strawberry yogurt (That's Victoria's favorite Yogurt flavor! Avan said so himself! :p) and watching some scary movie, which was so bad it was almost laughable. I looked up and saw Trina coming downstairs when I heard her humming 'Make It Shine!' She really can't sing, but I wouldn't ever tell her that! She was about to touch the food kept for me and Christian, so I shouted at her. "Trina! That's for me and Christian!" Trina's face lit up."Christian's coming! I need to go change! Make sure he doesn't go anywhere!" She squealed and ran upstairs, slamming her door. I wasn't actually paying attention. She freaks him out, like she does with Beck, and 'flirts' with them even though they're both younger than her. When she 'flirts' with Christian, he would be completely uncomfortable, while I'll be laughing so hard, I would fall of the couch. "Where are you Christian?!...love you xoxo" I texted him and he replied not even after 2 seconds. 'Calm Down! I'm on my way, not my fault there's lots of traffic! :( Love you 2 Babez :P' So Christian's stuck in traffic, I'm watching some crappy movie and Trina's making herself look 'Fab!' or whatever she says.

I jumped up when my phone started ringing. I giggled then picked up my phone. 'Unknown Number' I shrugged and picked it up anyway. Maybe it's Jade? No, I have her phone number now. ''Hello?" I asked and a girl spoke up. ''Hi, this is Tori Vega right? If yes, then come outside onto your patio, no questions and no, I am not going to kill you or anything" The girl said and ended the phone call.

~ Tori's Patio~

I got up and walked outside onto my patio and looked around. I saw something move in the bushes so I did whatever any other normal person would do; I picked up a broom and threw it into the bush. What? Would you not do that? Okay, guess it's only me then. "Ouch!" A girl with brown eyes, black hair, and wearing flowy top and mini skirt came out, rubbing her head. I guess that's where the broom hit her. Ooops! She looks like she's from Northridge. "You from Northridge?" I asked and she nodded while chewing her gum. Yup! Definitely Northridge. "So what do you want?" I asked with attitude. I was cold and what if Christian get's here and Trina started annoying him? "I'm Cleo and I'm sixteen, I live with my-" She started. "I didn't ask for your whole life story!" I shouted and she smirked. "I knew you were perfect" I raised my eyebrow. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked and crossed my arms. "I heard that you got kicked out of Hollywood Arts" Uggh! Great, she knows as well, why not just tell the whole world? "So?" I rolled my eyes, why can't she just get to the point?

"Well, you're hot, have attitude and can sing" She answered and I groaned. "Can you please just get to the point!" She rolled her eyes and huffed. "Ok, Ok! Our principal is looking for girls with talent and you've got talent" I rubbed my temples. "No! I don't! If I did, I would still be at Hollywood Arts!" Cleo took a step forward. "Which is why, We want you to join Northridge" Is she stupid! Me going to Northridge! That would never happen! "I don' think so. What about Hollywood Arts and my friends?" I asked. "Forget about Hollywood Arts, you got kicked out of there! And about you're friends, forget them too" I was about to protest when she spoke up again. "Think about it. You've done so much for them and they've never done one thing for you. They could have at least tried to help you stay at Hollywood Arts. But did they? No" I guess she's right. I have helped them a lot. "Now, that I think about it, I was the one that helped them, whenever I needed help, they made up excuses or just walked away!" I fumed. I didn't know that I had that inside of me for so long. "It felt good right? To let out your anger?" Cleo asked and I nodded. "So, will you join Northridge?" I thought about for a second and nodded again. "Yes" Cleo smiled. "Perfect, save my number and I'll text you the rest of the info" I nodded again and Cleo left. Just as I was about to go back in, headlights shone on me. I turned around and saw it was Christian! He got out of the car, locked it, then hugged me. I hugged him back obviously and smiled. I grabbed his arm and dragged him into my house, and right into my bedroom.

~Tori's Bedroom~

I locked the door and sat down next to Christian on the floor, who was eating the popcorn and looking through the movies. "Door locked?" He asked and I nodded. "Yup, we are now Trina free" We chuckled. "So have you chosen which film to watch?" I asked and he nodded. "We are going to watch...Aladdin!" I laughed then frowned. "What;s wrong? Do you not want to watch it?" He asked and I shook my head. "No, it's just Aladdin reminds of Beck" I looked down, trying not to cry. "Aaaw! Don't worry Babez, you've got me!" I smiled weakly. "I know, but they've never done anything for me. When I needed help, they would just walk away. But I helped them no matter what!" Christian narrowed his eyes at me. "What did you do?" I avoided his gaze. "Um, I might have agreed to join Northridge?" I said quietly, hoping he wouldn't hear, but being him, he did. "What?! Why?" He asked. "I don't know" I shrugged and he sighed. "Look I love you, so I'm supporting you, but don't ever do anything like this again" He hugged me and I smiled. "And this is why I love you. You understand me" I hugged him back and he kissed my forehead. My phone beeped, but Christian didn't notice, he was watching the film. It was the info about Northridge. I saved Cleo's number and snuggled into Christian's side and started watching the film.

A/N Here was chapter 1! Hope you like this story :) Please R&R!

~Ellie Out! xoxo