BrightAsNight: We've talked it over and decided that yes… there is a GOOD chance of there being a sequel to this fic, look out for it. So don't be sad Lol Aren't they? They just fit each other. As am I I'm the same way! I love it. She will, now that she knows as will Kaitlyn. Here it is!

xSkittlesRulex: Yeah poor baby. Thanks.

Here's the final Chapter for this fic!


AJ clenched her fists, Kaitlyn wrapping her arms around the short brunette.

"Punk...fuck baby...we're so sorry..." AJ forced out, tears welling up in her eyes. "We failed you..." Kaitlyn nodded against her shoulder.

"I think we're the ones who need your forgiveness..." she trailed off, holding an arm out to Eve. "And yours Evie. We should have been there, should have stopped shouldn't have had to go through that Punk, and Eve, you shouldn't have had to see it."

"We should have protected you better baby," AJ continued, resting her hand gently on Punks cheek. "Can you forgive us?"

"I'm not done…" Punk started as he pulled away from her hand. "Then you made me choose and with that in the back of my mind I just assumed that it happened because I was no longer yours… weeks later… Paul tried to barter me to get the Shield to take care of Ryback… but they wanted cash… I was thankful for that… Since Brock has been back… It happened again… but for the last few weeks I've been ignored… My mental psyche is so fucked up over that shit… I just felt betrayed over everything… and Eve… she was so horrified over it…"

He glanced at Kaitlyn. "That's why when Eve said 'I don't need a Paul Heyman to talk for me'… I wasn't mad that she wanted to come back to you two… I was hurt that she compared me… to… to Paul…" He finished as he wiped a hand over his face. "After that happened I ordered her to stay away from me and my locker room… I didn't want her to see it happen again… which it did… and it wasn't anyone's fault but my own… I'm the damn WWE Champion… I should've fucking fought harder…. Fuck!" He sighed and looked away from them, staring at the wall as his own eyes teared up.

Eve had tears running down her face as she kneeled silently between AJ and Kaitlyn, listening to Phil's confession, bringing back the horrific memories. She could still hear his muffled screaming, Brock's disgusting grunts… flesh smacking flesh, she took deep breathes to avoid throwing up.

AJ pulled out of Punk and moved to lean her face against the wall, hiding the tears running down her face. Kaitlyn scrubbed the back of her hand across her eyes, getting rid of her own tears.

"It's not your fault Punk," Kaitlyn said firmly. "It's Brock...and that fucking Heyman!" She wrapped her arms around her stomach fixing him with a piercing look.

"It's not your fault," she repeated. She took a step back and shoved her strap on down her legs, taking a seat on the table next to Punk and resting a hand on the top of his head.

"You always belonged to us," she told him gently. "If nothing else, the fact that we went to such lengths to get the two of you back should prove that." AJ turned around and shoved her own strap on off, moving and cupping his cheek again.

"I always wanted you," she said softly. "I just wanted all of you, not the part that you were giving me."

"I think we need to go upstairs, and to just spend the night together," Kaitlyn suggested. "Reconnect. Remind you that you're ours."

Phil roughly wiped his face and nodded silently turning his face away them to hide the tears. They told him it wasn't his fault… but he knew he could've fought harder… He'd heard the whispers of everyone Heyman had turned on, but he chose to trust Heyman… 'It's all your fault…' He repeated to himself mentally.

Eve had her eyes closed as she forced the images of Punk leaning against his door, his yellow GTS shirt in his hands balled up and stained red… Brock's sick smirk as he and Heyman left Punk's locker room away… She pressed a hand to her mouth, and took deep breaths.

Kaitlyn noticed the state of her sub and quickly grabbed a spare basin, placing it in front of Eve. "Let it out baby, you'll feel better," she soothed quietly, rubbing Eves back.

AJ wrapped an arm around Punk's shoulders, leaning in to wipe his tears away herself. "It's not your fault baby," she whispered in his ear. "Stop blaming yourself."

Eve took deep breaths before she whispered "I'm okay Kait… Just… bringing up memories… the blood… I'm okay… I promise" She stood shakily and leaned against Kaitlyn for support.

Punk turned and buried his face in AJ's neck, breathing in her perfume, the sweet scent calming him down some. "It's hard not to…" He whispered feeling AJ easing him off the table to stand next to her, slowly leading him through the door and towards the stairs. He turned to see Kaitlyn and Eve following behind them as he allowed AJ to pull up the stairs. "Where are we going? He asked softly.

AJ threw open the wooden door open at the top of the stairs, revealing the lavishly furnished bedroom.

"Here," she said, guiding him inside. "The bed is big enough for all four of us to sleep comfortably if we so wish. En-suite, and there's new clothes in the closet." She smiled shyly.

"AJ and I spent a while buying and fixing this place up," Kaitlyn admitted. "It was supposed to be a surprise, before you two left us.'s our new start." She kissed the top of Eve's head.

"Everything is… gorgeous…" Eve murmured as she wondered into the closet. "This is a huge bedroom… almost as big as the play room." She continued smiling at Kait and AJ.

Phil frowned when he realized through everything he told them, he was still hard… 'I'm sick… I'm a sick fuck'… He told himself mentally as he took in the room. Everything was amazing. "Where are we?" Phil asked quietly as he looked around.

"What is commonly described as the middle of nowhere," Kaitlyn teased, wrapping an arm around Punks shoulders. "Really, it doesn't matter where we are."

"We had to find a place that was big enough for the four of us, and that was far enough that no-one could hear you two scream for us," AJ continued. "It was an old ranch house. We fixed it up, made it up to be for us. There's a barn outside, we converted it into our gym."

"Complete with ring," Kaitlyn carried on. "And there's a full kitchen, entertainment section." She smiled softly. "All for us."

Phil tried to force a smile but couldn't, so he settled for nodding his head and avoiding their gaze. Eve on the other hand was absolutely glowing. She wrapped her arms around AJ and Kait. "This place is amazing Mistress…" She mumbled with a glowing smile.

Kaitlyn smiled at her. "In the morning we'll give you the full tour," she promised.

"What's wrong?" AJ asked softly, looking up at Punk. "It's ok if you don't like it, we can redecorate if you'd prefer."

"I can't wait" Eve replied with a soft smile.

"It's not the house AJ… Everything's fine… It's me…" he looked down and let his gaze settle on his still hard cock. "You'd think it'd have gone down when I talked about Brock and I… Heh…" He scoffed as he looked away and tried to change the subject. "When did you two have time to get this place fixed up?"

Kaitlyn squeezed him gently around the shoulders. "But you feel safe, and let's face it you've got three hot chicks walking around half naked," she reminded him. "Endorphins Phil, it's got nothing to do with you."

AJ rested her head against his shoulder.

"You and Eve were forever gone being champions," she pointed out. "Kaitlyn and I spent the downtime that we got, when you two were busy, out here."

"We ordered a lot of things from the internet, had them delivered and then arranged them when we got time," Kaitlyn continued. "Plus for the actual fix up, plumbing and wall repair and stuff, we got contactors to do it."

"But AJ at the time… you were the GM of Raw…" Eve pointed out, blinking as she glanced between her two domme's. Phil nodded as he glanced between them.

"Well… they did an amazing job on it… but" Phil cleared his throat before continuing "Are AJ and I the only ones who haven't got off yet?" He glanced down at AJ with pleading eyes. He just wanted off so he could stop thinking about Brock… and everything… He just wanted AJ to own him… remind him that he was still hers…

"Alright brat, so Kait took care of most of it and I helped when I could," AJ laughed, pushing Phil backwards on the bed. Kaitlyn tossed her a strap on from out of the bottom drawer of the dresser and pulled a chair over to sit on.

"Come here Evie," she said, patting her lap. "You wanna watch them get off?"

Eve smiled and sat on Kaitlyn's lap. "Yes Ma'am." She replied with a slight smirk.

Phil blushed watching AJ pull the strap on up her thighs and secure it in place. He watched her lube the dildo up. "Do you want me on my hands and knees Ma'am?" He asked quietly as he raised himself up on his elbows.

Kaitlyn rested her chin on Eve's shoulder and rested her hands on her pet's thighs.

"No pet, I want you on your back," AJ told him. "I want you to look at my face, to let all of your noises out, and for you to know that you're mine."

"Y-Yes Ma'am." He replied and relaxed back against the bed, spreading his legs for AJ when he felt her rubbing some more lubricant on his entrance. He watched her lube her strap on and toss the bottle back to Kaitlyn before climbing between his thighs and kissing him breathless. "That one is bigger huh?" He asked with a hint of nervousness.

"Why was there a strap on up here if all the toys are down there?" Eve asked with a slight smirk as she glanced between AJ and Kaitlyn.

"Just a little pet," she assured him. "You'll be well stretched from the other one; if it hurts too much we can stop though." She lined her hips up and thrust in, pausing when she was all the way in.

"No-one said all the toys were down there," Kaitlyn teased. "Besides, we had to test the bed out."

Phil's hips bowed off the bed, digging his heels into it. His head was thrown back; his eyes squeezed shut while his hands gripped the comforter tightly. "Oh… Fuck! A-Mistress!" He gasped, it was an effort to not touch his mistress or call her by name. That dildo was a lot bigger than the one they were using!

Eve blushed as she leaned closer to Kaitlyn. "So who topped?" She asked casually.

"You can touch me pet," April told him, wrapping her hand around him and slowly jerking him off. "Just breathe through it, you've taken bigger before."

Kaitlyn nipped at Eve's shoulder playfully.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" she teased.

"Tell me!" Eve pleaded with a cute pout, sagging against Kaitlyn.

Phil tried breathing through the pain as he wrapped his arms around AJ pulling her down for a kiss, leaning up to whisper "Just… just fuck me… please… I don't care if it hurts… please… Own me…" He pleaded softly.

"I'm not going to hurt you," AJ said softly, slightly rolling her hips searching for his prostate. "Let yourself adjust first pet."

"Who do you want to have topped?" Kaitlyn asked, kissing up Eve's neck. "Me or AJ?"

"Mistress… please… fuck me…" Phil pleaded, his eyes begging her to completely own him. "The last time I was fucked was by Brock… I don't want to remember him… Please just fuck me…" He whispered looking up at her with those teary green eyes he knew she loved.

Eve snickered quietly. "You bottomed… but it's okay… the idea of AJ topping you is hot…"

"Fuck know I can't resist those eyes," April cursed, slowly beginning to fuck him. "You always use those against me."

"Perhaps I should let her fuck you Evie, she can be quite persuasive," Kaitlyn threatened softly.

"Because they always work…." Phil replied as he arched his back with each thrust, baring his neck for April feeling her kissing and nipping at his sensitive spot, right behind his ear where his number '31' tattoo was located. He shivered when he felt her run her sinfully hot tongue over it, one hand steading her on the bed while her free hand stroked his cock.

"Oh… fuck… Mistress…" Phil panted when he felt her release his cock and pin his hands above his head, still continuing her assault on his neck.

Eve smirked, not afraid of the threat. "She has fucked me… remember…" She replied with a wink still laughing softly.

April smirked and doubled her thrusts, throwing all of her weight behind them.

"Beg me pet," she demanded. "Beg to come for me."

"Not here she hasn't Evie," Kaitlyn replied, tracing a finger down Eve's body and touching her asshole lightly. "Unless you two have been lying to me." She smirked against Eve's neck.

Eve shivered and whispered Kaitlyn's words back to her. "Oh… wouldn't you like to know?"

"Oh! F-Fuck! Please Mistress! Make me cum… Make me cum so fucking hard for you!" He gasped when she nipped hard at his neck, knowing there'd be marks there by morning. "Y-Your fucking mouth… your body is heaven and hell in one…" He moaned before he could stop himself.

He felt her trap his cock between their muscled cores, rubbing it with every thrust. "P-Please get me off… I'll… make you cum so hard… I'll eat you out Mistress…" He pleaded as he wrapped his legs around her small waist.

Kaitlyn slapped Eve's breast lightly with her free hand, motioning towards the two on the bed. "Watch Punks face pet, watch as he cums," she ordered.

"Cum for me pet," AJ demanded. "NOW!" She snarled and felt the stimulator do its job, fucking him through her own climax.

"Yes Ma'am" Eve whispered blushing as she turned back to watch.

Phil threw his head back, his entire body contracting as he came hard, shooting his cum all over his own chest. "Thank you Mistress…" He whispered breathlessly, his head dropping back against the bed as he felt April claim his mouth before slowly pulling out of him. "Thank you baby…" He mumbled as he scooted off the bed and walked into the bathroom.

"Whoa!" He exclaimed when he saw the HUGE custom shower; it was almost the size of a normal bathroom. "Were you guys planning on fucking us in the shower?" He asked glancing over at Kaitlyn since she did most of the work considering that AJ was mostly busy with her GM position.

"Maybe," Kaitlyn teased. "Mostly it was about all four of us being able to be together, and not be crushed if we wished."

Phil smiled and wrapped his arms around AJ gently, whispering "I have a lot to make up for" into her ear. "Four way shower?" He suggested smiling shyly at Kaitlyn and Eve.

AJ leant up and brushed her lips over his, whispering back "We all do."

Kaitlyn laughed and nodded, lifting Eve up bridal style and carrying her through to the bathroom. "Sounds good to me," she called back over her shoulder. April laughed and led Phil into the bathroom by the hand.

Phil stopped her, pulling AJ into his arms, kissing her properly before he scooped her into his arms with a boyish smile he knew she hadn't seen in a while as he carried her into the shower. "I don't ever want to lose this…" He murmured quietly as he put her down, motioning to her, Kait and Eve.

Eve smiled shyly and slipped an arm around AJ and the other around Phil as they watched Kaitlyn set the temperature for them, letting it warm up.

"We're not going to lose it again," AJ promised. "But this time, if something happens, we have to talk about it. We need to be more open." Kaitlyn nodded and stepped back, letting AJ unlace her corset before she stepped into the water, beckoning the other three in with her.

"Unlace me Phil?" April asked, turning her back to her sub.

"Yes Ma'am… I was… ashamed… and Eve seeing made it worse… Next time… I'll you…" He told them as he was unlacing AJ. "Done." He murmured softly.

Eve was already in the shower, watching AJ and Phil with a gentle smile as she turned back to Kaitlyn. "I really should've told you guys… it's just… he trusted me with it… I didn't want to betray his trust like that." She mumbled as she leaned against Kaitlyn.

"I understand why you didn't tell," Kaitlyn admitted. "I don't like that you didn't, but I understand." AJ smiled at Phil and stepped into the shower, leaning over to steal a kiss from Kaitlyn.

"One last thing before we move on..." April said, a devious smirk playing over her lips. She motioned to Eve and Phil. "You two had a little fight from what I hear. So you need to kiss and make up." Kaitlyn laughed and nodded.

"Agreed!" she announced, motioning Eve over to Phil. "Our happy little family, you two have to make up first."

Phil blushed as he pulled the shower glass sliding door closed behind him. "Do we have too?" He asked with a slight pout as he scrubbed his own cum off of him, glancing up and seeing several steel rings along the walls of the shower. "Really?" He exclaimed as he turned to look at AJ and Kaitlyn.

"You guys have little places to chain us up?! You have this house bondage-proofed for whenever the urge presents itself huh?"

Eve giggled when she saw the smirks that Kait and April both wore. "Damn Phil… we need to be careful… they literally chain us anywhere" she murmured as Phil chuckled. "I know."

"Yes you have to, or those rings might be put to use," April announced.

"This house is literally mine and April's dream house," Kaitlyn smirked. "Soundproofed toy dungeon, big kitchen, and yes, completely bondage proofed."

Phil and Eve both shuddered seeing the maniacal gleam in their Mistresses' eyes at the thought of testing the steel on the shower.

"Yes Ma'am" Phil murmured as he leaned over and pecked Eve's lips, pulling back and crossing his arms over his colorful chest. "Happy?" he asked raising an eye brow.

Eve snickered quietly behind her hand seeing that their family trouble making smart ass was back, and judging by the looks that Kait and April were shooting him, his smart assed remarks were testing them.

"You're lucky we're in good moods pet," April scolded, Kaitlyn reaching out to tug on Eve's hair lightly.

"Don't you snicker over there, or you'll find yourself in just as much trouble as he is," she teased, beginning to scrub herself off. April took Punk's cloth from him and began to wipe his cum off his body herself, making sure to teasingly brush along his cock and his nipples with every few strokes.

"You know we wanted a real kiss," she scolded mildly. "A real apology."

"Ugh… Fine!" Phil playfully groaned, ripping Eve out of Kaitlyn's reach and giving her a deep kiss that would put a full porno sex scene to shame. He picked her up and pressed her against the shower wall, forcing his tongue in her mouth, as they battled for dominance.

Eve raked her nails down his back, tugging at what little hair he did have until he released her thighs, setting back on her feet but not once breaking their steamy kiss. Eve flipped them around interlocking her fingers in his and pressing one of his arms against the shower wall, shoving her tongue sloppily into his mouth. Phil rolled his hips seductively into hers, groaning into her mouth.

"That works," Kaitlyn groaned, AJ nodding in agreement.

"Should we just let them go, or remind them that there's that wonderfully soft bed to sleep in, and that we have all week to play?" April asked, Kaitlyn shrugging in reply.

By the time Eve pulled off of Phil for air they turned to see their Mistresses smirking in approval. "What? Good enough?" Phil asked breathlessly as Eve blushed and stepped away.

"Yeah, that's good enough," April nodded, finishing up washing herself quickly before stepping out of the shower and toweling off. "I'm going to go get the bedroom ready for us." She stepped out of the bathroom, while Kaitlyn chuckled at Phil and Eve.

"Hurry up, and get washed," she laughed. "We're heading to bed, and we can keep exploring in the morning." She finished up her own shower and toweled off quickly, leaning against the sink while she waited for the two subs.

Phil glanced over to see Eve still blushing as she quickly finished washing herself and snickered quietly. "What's wrong Eve?" He taunted with a grin as he made sure to get all the lube off of him. "It's not going to matter Phil… You're just gonna have more up there probably by morning." Eve teased quietly as she stepped out and was dried off by Kaitlyn.

"You're probably right… but still…" He mumbled as he turned the showers off and stepped out, closing the door behind him. He flushed as Kaitlyn toweled him off, ushering both of the subs into the bedroom.

AJ lay on one side of the bed, tucked under the covers with the lights already off. One bedside lamp was turned on, and Kaitlyn ushered both subs into bed as AJ held the blankets up, before climbing in herself.

Phil smiled as he cuddled up to AJ, tucking his head under her chin, listening to the comforting sound of her heartbeat as her arms curled around him. "Did you think your night was going to end like this after I woke up and… made you leave… several times?" He asked softly.

Eve curled up with Kaitlyn, feeling that for once in a long time she was home, where she belonged. "Thank you Mistress… For giving me another chance and… taking me away from a place I wasn't happy at…" She whispered quietly.

AJ smiled against his head. "Not tonight..." she admitted. "But I knew it was only a matter of time."

"Just be honest with me this time Evie," Kaitlyn begged. "I don't think my heart could take you leaving again."

Phil sighed softly and whispered "I didn't think I could ever tell you that… I knew you'd have to release me eventually… I just thought that… I could… leave without being so… naked but you were persistent… I was just so ashamed…" He whispered. "And you're just so arrogant" He continued, placing a kiss over her heart. "Thank you for being stubborn because honestly I don't think I'm strong enough to last on my own after what happened with him…"

"I won't Kait… It was just… I was scared and Phil left and I didn't have anyone to talk to about it that I felt would understand… I didn't want to hurt you… but I did anyways… I'm sorry…" She whispered holding tightly to Kaitlyn.

AJ held him closer, laying a soft kiss on the top of his head. "I'm not getting any less stubborn," she promised. "You've always got a home in my heart Phil, and I'll always be strong enough for the both of us."

"I know you are Evie, and you're forgiven," Kaitlyn reminded her. "There's no need to be scared anymore. Phil's back and you can always talk to me about anything." She reached out and turned the light off, before holding Eve tightly against her body, her leg reaching out to touch April's under the blanket.

Phil shivered and nodded his head. "Thank you… I love you April… You always take care of me even when I've all but given up on myself… I don't know what I did to deserve you…" He murmured quietly as he pressed himself fully against her. "I thought I'd end up sore from another… session… with him… curled up on a hotel bed crying my eyes out and fighting the urge to break my… straight edge values just to get away for a while…" He admitted

"I know Kait… Thank you for being so… so good to me… and being understanding and patient…." Eve whispered.

April smoothed a hand through his hair. "It's never going to happen again," she soothed. "We're going to get you away from Heyman, and he's not going to touch you again."

"You're welcome Evie," Kait said softly, closing her eyes. "Sleep now Princess, it's been a long day for all of us." AJ nodded in agreement and kissed the top of Punk's head, closing her own eyes and settling down.

Phil nodded gently allowing himself to drift off, tucked safely in the arms of his Mistress, for the first time in a long time, sleep came easy. His sleep wasn't haunted by nightmares and monsters thanks to his safety net wrapped around him, warding them off. He was surrounded by people he loved, people who loved and cared about him as well.

Paul Heyman tried to get him to believe that the chains, both figuratively and literally, that April and Kaitlyn had 'binding' him to them kept him stagnant. That they kept him from achieving his full potential, kept him under their thumb and that they just wanted to control him. Though what Paul didn't understand, what even Phil himself didn't know until now was that it was the chains binding him that had set him free.

It was Brock and Paul that wanted to control him, use him for their own greedy plans, and it was April and Kaitlyn that loved him and wanted the best for him, they wanted to protect him… and Paul wanted to hurt him… did actually hurt him… but now tucked in the safety of April's embrace, hearing her steady heartbeat lulling him to sleep…

He felt Eve rub his back soothingly before she dosed off and knowing that Kaitlyn was next to her, it made him realize that as long as they all stuck together… nothing could touch them, they were safe, invincible. It didn't matter where they went, be it on the road with the WWE in his bus, random hotel rooms, at his house in Chicago, Eve's house in Cali, at April's house in Union City, at Kaitlyn's house in Houston or here in their own little paradise, hidden away from the rest of the world; it didn't matter where they were, as long as they were together they were home.


Well this wraps it up for this fic! Thanks to everyone who reviewed, followed and fav'd this fic! There may be a sequel in the works but we'll see. Be on the lookout for it. Special thanks to BrightAsNight! Your wonderfully detailed reviews always made my day. So thank you!

~ Cal and P2