Oh Angela Rizzoli how I've missed you! Slight time jump to this chapter, I don't really want to involve too much of the work aspect to this story! I want to focus on Maura and Jane's relationship and not the Just the crime part! Had so many amazing responses and emails thank you! Xo

"Jane Clementine Rizzoli where have you been the past week?" The voice of on Angela Rizzoli boomed across the seating area of the Police caffe as Jane made her way towards the exit.

"Ma, shhhh I'm at work!" Jane turned towards her mother and made her way over as swiftly as she could.

"Where have you been? Have you been ignoring me? You said you wanted to talk to me? Why have-" Angela's interrogation was halted when an olive toned slender hand was placed in front of her mouth.

"Ma stop with the interrogation. I can only answer one question at a time! I'm sorry for not calling, I've been busy" she groaned as she placed her hand over her face over dramatically.

"Too busy to see your own Mother Janie? Between you and Frankie avoiding me it's like I have no children." Angela threw her hands up into the air.

"Maaaa, I haven't been avoiding you God. It's been a long week." Jane dropped her arms down heavily and hunched her back over.

"What have you been doing? Ooo Janie 'have you been with this mystery man'" she mouthed the last part as though she expected someone to listen into their conversation.

"No Ma, I haven't been with any 'mystery man'" Jane mimicked her mother sarcastically.

"Well then whats your excuse? I'm lonely Jane, ever since your father left me I don't spend any time with anyone, I haven't even seen Maura all that often, and I'm living in her guest house." Angela always knew that pulling the sympathy card on her daughter always made her crumble.

"Ugh fiiineee! I have been with someone. It's kinda serious but I don't want you to freak ou-"

"-oooooo Janie! My baby girls got a man! It's about time oh Janie, do you love him, who is he?"

"Ma stop. I said don't freak out, I'll explain it all soon I promise but right now it's a friday night, and I'm just heading to the dirty robber to meet the guys and Maur. How about we do sunday dinner at Maura's? Then we can talk" Jane started to back away from her clingy mother and turned to walk towards the exit. She heard a screech as she barged through the exit.

"You better not cancel!" And with that the doors were shut and Jane was on her way to the dirty robber.

The doors to the dirty robber flew open as the whirlwind known as Jane Rizzoli burst into the building, she strolled over to the table which Frost, Korsak and Maura were sat sat and slumped down into the chair next to the blonde. Her head dropped onto the table with a thud "My Mother will be the death of me" she mumbled through the table.

Maura placed her hand discretely onto Jane's thigh and squeezed it reassuringly. "And by the way you're doing sunday dinner this week. Well Ma's doing it, just at your house. Sorry" with a giant huff she lifted her head up of the table and took hold of the cold beer which had been placed in front of her by Frost. She put the neck of the cold beer to her lips and tipped it down her throat, she slammed the now empty bottle down on the table and stood up out of the booth turning towards the bar, "another round?" She motioned.

"Yea sure why not! Let's make a night out of it like old times" Korsak smiled.

"Yea I'm with the old man, Maura?" Frost jumped as Korsak punched him in the arm.

"I'm okay at the minute, I think I'll drive. I'll give Jane a hand at the bar" she chased after Jane who was already at the bar.

"Three beers and I'll take three tequilas too!" Jane motioned. "Hey baby" Jane turned to face the blonde smiling.

"Jane are you sure you want to drink so much? You'll be very dehydrated, also when was the last time you had eaten?" Maura's arms were crossed over her chest.

"Oh Maur, lighten up we're gonna have a good night out for once. Please have a drink? And um... Breakfast?" Jane turned back to the bar and handed over a twenty before taking her drinks.

"Okay, have a good night but no I'm not drinking I'll drive. I want to make sure we get you home safely. And Jane you really should eat." She took the beers from Jane and made her way back over to the table.

"Babe I know! Don't worry, I just want to have some fun for once, thank you for looking after me" Jane kissed her on the cheek when her colleagues weren't looking.

"I love you, it's what I'm here for" a smile broke on Maura's face as she saw how giddy Jane was at the thought of getting drunk, "and you can thank me later" Maura winked at Jane causing a rush of blood to the brunettes face.

Jane slid into the booth and handed each of her friends a tequila shot and raised it into the air, "to a messy night!" She exclaimed.

"Cheers" they both said in sync whilst mimicking her actions. With that each glass was drained of their contents.

After several hours of non stop drinking had passed Maura's tolerance had come to and end, her girlfriend was extremely inebriated and she knew that any more alcohol could have an extremely negative affect. "Jane, perhaps thats enough now, I don't want you to be too poorly in the morning" she placed her hand on Jane's back.

"But Maaaauuurrr... Am not everrrnn that drink" she slurred rocking her head side to side.

"Yea Janie I think me and Frost are gonna make a move anyway, we're pretty drunk" he elbowed Frost in the side who begrudgingly nodded in agreement. Both Frost and Korsak had stopped drinking at least an hour before and knowing that Jane was past the stage of being just drunk Korsak decided to agree with Maura.

"Pfftt okeeeyy you loserss! I just need a pisss." Jane pushed her way put of the booth stumbling as her feet touched the ground.

"Jane wait for me" Maura shook her head at the sight that was unravelling in front of her.

"Catch mee" Jane giggled and threw herself into the bathroom door, "fucking dor" she grumbled rubbing her head.

"Jane are you okay?" Maura took hold of Jane's face looking at the new wound evolving on her forehead.

"Fine, I'm fine." She stumbled into one of the cubicles, that bathroom was thankfully empty as Jane was attempting to unbutton her slacks with the door wide open. She fumbled with the button for several minutes before getting frustrated and hitting her fist against the cubicle wall.

"Jane come here! Don't hit yourself okay, I'll do it" Maura reached her hands to Jane's slacks and undid them before pushing Jane back into the cubicle and pulling the door shut.


After a few minutes Jane stumbled her way back out of the cubicle trying to button her pants back up, Maura swatted her hands away and decided to do it herself as she watched the angered cop tugging at her slacks.

"Now come on we need to get you home!" Maura took hold of Jane's hand and strolled out of the bathroom, they waved their goodbyes to Frost and Korsak and made their way to Maura's car.

Jane stumbled through the front door of Maura's home and made her way to the couch before sprawling out. "Aw Maur,we should do thaat again! Its was like so so fun" Jane clapped.

"I'm glad you had fun sweetie" Maura lifted Janes legs up and situated herself underneath them on the sofa, she laid the long legs across her own, "Jane?"


"Can we talk? I mean are you capable enough to talk do you think or should I wait till the morn-" Maura's conversation was cut off by the soft snore erupting from Jane's mouth. Maura tucked herself in behind Jane and wrapped her arms around her snuggling into her neck. "I guess it shall be tomorrow then, night Jane" she kissed behind Jane's ear and closed her eyes. Her breathing steadied just as Jane's had, and with that she was asleep peacefully.