I tried to look for fanfics which were about Edward and Bella meeting when they are both vampires, there was little and the ones I did find were kind of cheesy and unrealistic. So I'm going to give it a go and write a story about how Bella and Edward meet when they are both vampires.

The plot will relate to breaking dawn where the Volturi are coming to Forks. There is obviously no Renesmee, so they are coming to Forks because of the power the Cullens hold. The Volturi want to destroy the Cullens. We'll start with Alice having a vision of the Volturi's decision.

I want you to imagine Bella looks like Astrid Berges-Frisbey because she is gorgeous, like Kristen Stewart really? Yuck.

Bella is going to be a nomad but is a vegetarian vampire who has been wandering around the world. She was with a family, two couples. You'll find out why she left through out the story.

Bella is going to be the most amazing vampire because she has more than one gift. Read and you'll see what they are. :)

Any suggestions you have for the story please let me know because sometimes with my stories I just come to a stand still.

Chapter One

"How are the Cullens these days, sweet Jane?"Aro asks flatly to the small blonde girl.

"They have two new vampires added to their coven master"Jane reports.

"Oh?"Aro asks in a bored voice.

"Both gifted master. The female sees the future and the male can sense and project emotions onto one person or to many"Jane explains.

"Hmm..Interesting. Is the mind reader, Edward, still in the coven?"Aro asks.

"Yes master"Jane replies.

"That will be all Jane. What would I do with out you. Thank you for checking by on them for me"Aro says.

Jane smiles briefly, bows down to her master and takes off in vampire speed out through the large ancient archway.

"The coven is becoming highly powerful brother. Three gifted vampires is unreasonable for us to allow, don't you think brother?"Caius says flatly.

"Yes brother"Aro says.

Aro holds his hand out towards his brother and Caius immediately reaches his hand out to place in Aro's out stretched hand. Silence spreads across the marble room as Aro flicks and reads through his brothers thoughts. Marcus sits on the other side of his brother, Aro, watching on expressionlessly and sighs deeply. Aro lets go of Caius hand and begins tracing the wooden arm rests on the chair pondering deeply.

"You see my point of view brother?"Caius questions.

"I do brother"Aro says.

"Then you see if we let this go on any further, their power will increase within time. We do not allow covens to have more power than us brother. We acquire the gifted to join us not others"Caius states angrily.

"Brother do calm down"Aro says raising his hand.

"I take your opinion on board. Marcus what do you think?"Aro asks.

"I do not see any threat to us. This coven has gifts but which can not be used against us"Marcus replies toneless.

"Yes yes and the future teller? She would be beneficial to our ranks, don't you think dear brothers?"Aro says. Both brothers nod in reply.

"But Aro, she will not leave her mate or her coven"Caius says.

"Yes I know that brother. That is why we have Chelsea"Aro replies.

"Exactly"Caius states and smiles evilly.

"You feel this should lead to a battle?"Marcus asks Caius.

"Aro it is the only way. We can acquire the gifted vampires to join us. This is what you have to do if you want the future teller and the others"Caius explains otherwise ignores his other brothers question.

"Hmm.. Decisions. Decisions."Aro says while thinking deeply.

"Have you come to a conclusion brother?"Caius asks.

"So eager for domination, brother"Aro smirks.

"But otherwise, yes, I see no other direction. The Cullens have to be destroyed"Aro states. Marcus sighs. Caius grins in a successful manner.

"When brother?"Caius asks.

"Let's give them three months of life. Then we will leave Italy and go to Forks. Our reasoning will be for wrong doing. Laws broken."Aro says.

"There has been no law broken"Marcus says.

"I know dear brother, but what will I tell our audience? We can not look weak and scared to our people"Aro says.

"Two months then and the Cullens will be destroyed"Aro announces loudly.

The glass vase slips from Alice's fingers and smashes into little pieces on the ground. Her eyes focus into the far distance as a vision flashes into her mind. Each member of the Cullen family stare across the room, wide eyed, at Alice. Jasper rushes to Alice's side and holds her elbows tight in his hands while Edward reads her mind watching the vision occur in her mind.

"Alice? What is it? What do you see?"Jasper asks calmly.

"The Volturi. They're coming for us"Alice whispers panicky.

Everyone around the room gasps and freezes. All is silent and the suspense is broke.

"When? How long till they come?"Carlisle asks.

"Two months from now. New Years Eve"Edward replies.

"The whole guard. Aro, Caius and Marcus as well. Their wifes"Edward states.

"What? But they never leave Italy"Esme whimpers slightly.

"Why?"Carlisle asks.

"Two reasons. Caius worried about the power we hold. Aro has come to acquire. Me. Alice. Jasper"Edward explains.

"What do we do?"Emmett asks.

"We need to split up. Gather friends to stand with us. Fight with us"Alice says.

"Carlisle, Esme and I will stay behind. We'll be here so when the people you send come here we will be able to explain. They'll trust Carlisle"Edward explains.

"I'll ring Tanya. Tell her we need them all to come down straight away"Carlisle says and rushes off to make the call.

"Come on Jasper. We'll go find nomads. We'll find Peter and Charlotte. We'll send them back here and go find the others nomads. Emmett and Rose you have to go get the Romanian Coven, Egyptian Coven, the Irish Coven and the British Coven. We'll get the Amazon Coven, we'll be closer to them"Alice says.

"Okay"Emmett answers.

Alice grasps Jasper's hand and pulls him long while she hugs the rest of her family.

"Good luck everyone"Alice says.

"Be safe"Esme says grasping her hands together.

"We will. We'll be back in a week. Same time as Rose and Emmett"Alice smiles as she and Jasper disappear into the woods.

"We better make a move too Rose"Emmett says.

"Sure"Rosalie says.

"See you all in a week"Emmett calls out in a booming voice. He punches Edward in the back and they follow in Alice and Jasper's direction.

Edward turns to Esme in the sitting room.

"They'll be fine mom"Edward says with a grin which coaxes a smile out of her.

"Okay. So what do we do now?"Esme says.

"We have to wait. Denalis will be here in the morning"Carlisle says coming back into the room and wrapping his arms around his mate.

That is chapter one. I would write more to this chapter but my dad wants the laptop:P I'll write on my tablet, the next chapter will be up tomorrow.

Favourite, follow and review. PLEASE REVIEW. It stops me from being lazy.