Hurrying to the castle, Kiwi knew that she was going to be late for her class. She had just begun to study Princess Luna's teachings and already she had missed her class once. Her alarm clock was broken, and the fact she was too cheap to buy a new one meant she was now going to be late.
"Oh, Princess Luna is going to have my head for this!" Kiwi groaned as she ran past the guards. Her hooves clanked on the hard flow. Using her magic to hurry up the stairs, she burst into the throne room.
"Made it! And the princess isn't her yet!"
"Don't be so sure of yourself my dear" Luna calmly said as she appeared from behind some plants near the entrance. She slowly walked over to the chocolate brown mare, watching as she nervously swayed her bright green tail.
"I'm in trouble, hu?" Kiwi looked worried as the princess went to face the window. She had a sickening thought that her time studding under the princess was over.
"Kiwi? Let me ask you something. What does a cutie mark represent?" Kiwi was surprised by this, seeing as everyone knows what a cutie mark is.
"Cutie marks are obtained when ponies discover a unique characteristic that sets themselves apart from others, often showing what they are best at." Kiwi watched uneasily as Luna returned to her.
"I'm sure you also know of the Elements of Harmony." At Kiwi's nod, Luna continued "But, did you also know there were another six Elements, I doubt it... They're rather obscure. My sister and I refer to them as the Elements of Chaos. Power, Betrayal, Darkness, Hatred, Greed, and Creativity." Kiwi blinked for a moment. How could creativity cause chaos? Luna continued.
"Each is to counter an Element of Harmony. Power counts Kindness, Betrayal counters Loyalty, Darkness counts Laughter, Hatred counts Honesty, Greed counts Generosity, and Magic is countered by Creativity."
"But Princess, how can Creativity be an Element of Chaos?" Kiwi watches as her teacher smiled a bit and glanced at the window panes.
"A good question my student! Creativity alone can not create Chaos, but to those who wish to spread it, along with the five other elements, Creativity can be the most powerful. To explain, imagine when Discord ruled over Equestria. He created cotton candy clouds, bison in tu-tus, and changed the roads to soap. Only someone with creativity could have done that." Kiwi nodded her understanding as the princess went over to a table with a few books on it. Hesitantly following the royal alicorn, Kiwi began to wonder what this had to do with her.
"Each Element can be found apart, we discovered. Power was already being created in a relic you know as the Alicorn Amulet and Darkness was found festering in King Sombra, manifesting itself into his crown. Logically, these Elements of Chaos could be used for good instead of evil, but it is a much harder task."
"Princess, I don't mean to interrupt but how does this involve me?" Luna smiled and walked over to Kiwi.
"Because, my dear student, I feel you represent the Element of Creativity. When you came here to see to the school, I could tell there was something different about you. You have experienced all of the Elements of Chaos already." Princess Luna was right, Kiwi realized. She did know the feeling of all of the Elements. Power, her father, a store-owner in Caterlot, wanting more for his business and not for his daughter. Betrayal, the countless people who has used her kind heart for their own gain. Darkness, the feeling of being all alone in the world was something she experienced on an almost daily basis. Hatred, being bullied and teased as a filly. Greed, her mother, a Earth Pony farmer only, wanting more for herself, even if it mean taking from her daughter. Kiwi looked down at the floor. Her past was not a kind one. She had hoped over and over again that maybe thing would change if she became a great magical user, but it never did.
"Kiwi, I want to help you. If you truly are the Element of Creativity, then the other elements can not be used together without you." Kiwi felt a stab of pain. She was not here because she had true talent, she realized. she was here in Canterlot so they could have more in their arsenal to use. The fact that she would be helping to protect Equestria meant little to her. Luna had tricked and decieved her. But what stung the most was the realization that there was nothing special about Kiwi.
"Help me how? By doing what you did to Twilight Sparkle and her friends and filling their heads with thoughts of heroism so you could use them like puppets? I'm sorry Princess Luna, I can't. If I really am the Element of Creativity then so be it, but I will not be used, not anymore." With that Kiwi turned and walked out of the throne room. Signing, she walked out into the castle garden. She looked down into a pond and stared at her reflection. Strands of her dark green mane fell off to the side of her head and covered one of her sapphire eyes. She'd been in such a hurry, she hadn't styled it this morning. She usually pulled it up. The lime green streaks seemed even more radiant in the bright sunlight, but even the prettiness of the color did little to better her mood.
"Elements of Chaos...fitting, since I'm nothing but trouble and chaos." Kiwi sat down as a tear rolled down her cheek.