" I told you, you wouldn't make it," Romano growled as he furiously licked his foolish mate's face. Spain who was nursing a broken leg, could only look apologetic as he accepted Romano's fussings and returned the worried licks with one of his own to Romano's cheek," Sorry, Roma. I didn't think the tree was that high."
"Like hell it wasn't," Romano commented as he wrapped his smaller form around Spain's protectively. He settled his head against the crook of Spain's neck and waited for their owners to return home. Nuzzling Romano's head, Spain tried apologizing again," Lo siento, Roma. I should be more careful." Despite a roll of his eyes, Romano still nuzzled back, tongue poking out to gentle lick Spain's pink nose as he accepted Spain's apology," Idiot, you're not leaving the house once Antonio brings you back from the vet."
"The vet! " Spain shot to his feet, only to collapse in pain as his right hind leg was jolted and he felt excruciating pain shoot through his body. Romano yelped in surprise and nipped Spain's ear roughly in worried anger," Stupid! Stay down!" Wincing, Spain nodded as he laid still, his breathing still labored. Romano's tail twitched in worry as he watched Spain. All he could do was lay beside him and shower his injured mate with licks and soft affections. He nuzzled close to Spain's head, making sure the other cat understood he was still here and rained soft encouragements as Spain winced from the pain from time to time," You're doing fine, Spain. Antonio will be home from work soon. Just alittle longer." Spain nodded blearly, returning Romano's affections with a few licks of his own, before he finally blacked out from the pain.
Romano was pacing in front of his doorway, his tan ears twitching every so often as Lovino watched his cat with an amused smirk.
"Antonio said he wasn't coming for another hour."
Romano hissed at his owner in response as he sat right in front of the door.
Lovino snorted as he turned in his chair," Just saying. I know you're worried but Antonio is going to trip over you when he comes in."
Romano's fur stood on its end as he prepared to yowl in indignation, for what he even didn't know (he was just anxious), when the door suddenly opened and Antonio entered, carrying a cat carrier that squirmed and jostled with eagerness.
Meowing loudly, Romano leapt onto Antonio's leg, pawing it, as his eyes focused on the cat carrier. His shoulders started to relax as happy chirpings answered him from the cat carrier. Antonio chuckled as he first greet Lovino and then put the cat carrier down and opened it. Spain hobbled out with a bright grin on his face as Romano rushed over to him. Greeting him with an anxious purr as he examined Spain, Romano guided the unsteady Spain over to his bed and laid him down. Then Romano finally relaxed and settled himself close to Spain's warm, purring body. Spain who had also been worried for Romano in his absence, nuzzled closer to Roma and made sure the smaller cat could hear his affectionate purrs, so Romano could understand that he had missed him as much as Romano had missed Spain.
His tongue flickered out to gently lick Romano behind his ears and in the crook of his neck, Spain felt content as Romano softened under his touch like warm clay.
The afternoon passed by the two sleeping cats as their owners watched their shared affections in amusement and delight (on Antonio's part).
" I blame you."
" For what, Lovino?"
" If you hadn't found Romano in a ditch, we would have never known your cat is gayer than skittles."
" I have a feeling Spain would have discovered Roma one way or another."
" More of that soulmate crap? Antonio, they're cats."
" But Lovino, don't you think….. somehow… they're a lot like us?"
Happy Spamano Day!~ 3