Hi, this is my first fan fiction. I was inspired by 'Poetic Justice' by Limmet. Sorry about any spelling mistakes. They are my pet hate but ironically I can't spell.

Obviously, the characters do not belong to me, they are MARVEL's.

Chapter 1

"Sir, Mr. Odinson is on the roof," JARVIS' voice rings out over the AC/DC music Tony's record player is blaring out. Tony sighs. Putting down the invention he was fiddling with, he walks towards the lift.

Tony wishes he hadn't made his tower quite so tall, either that or he had made his lift faster. Once he had talked to Thor, he would look into speeding it up. But what does Thor want? Tony hadn't seen Thor since a year ago when New York happened. This wasn't going to help his anxiety problems.

It is cold and dark on the roof, rain pours down over New York. All that Tony can see of Thor is a dark shape. "Hiya Point Break, come inside, out of this awful weather." Tony leads the way into the lounge, trusting that the Norse god of thunder is following him.

Once inside Tony turns around to face his unexpected guest, who is rather quieter than normal.

Thor is clearly struggling to say anything.

"Man of Iron, "Thor tries to begin, the sadness marring his face disappears quikely, hidden behind a mask of coldness.

"Yeah, about that, technically I'm not Ironman anymore." Tony cuts in. "I don't have the suits anymore."

"The All-father has sent me to tell you that Loki has been sentenced," Thor continues, his words clearly paining him.

"Good, about time. And the verdict is...?"

"And I am here about his punishment."

"Which is...?"

"Loki will be your slave."

Thor steps aside to reveal a bound and gagged god of mischief, eyes downcast, posture stooped.

"What...?" Tony stutters, staring at figure the before him.

"Odin has decreed that Loki is the Avengers property, and you may do with him what you want. However you may not give him to another. If you have any problems, Heimdal will see and send someone to bring Loki back to Asgard where he will be killed slowly. Loki knows this and so will behave."

Tony wonders who Heimdal was, his mind desperately trying not to process the information he has just been given.

"His magic is stopped by the silver bracelets around his wrists."

And that will stop him slitting our throats in the night.

"But -" Tony began to protest.

"The All-father has decreed this and you cannot defy him." Thor booms.

Tony decides not to argue; the unspoken threat is clearly there.

"Without his magic he is no more than a mortal, however his silver-tongue is just as dangerous and so it has been silenced. His lips have been sewn shut."

What!? Tony's brain screamed, but before he could voice it, Thor continued on with his speech, his emotions hidden behind a mask of apathy, on his normally expressive face.

"A charm has been placed on him so that if he harms anyone he will feel immense pain. The same will happen if he defies anything you order him to do."

Still in shock Tony nods meekly.

"I will leave you now, I am needed in Asgard." Thor ends, as if all was ok and he hasn't just delivered his brother to a life of slavery. Quickly he hands Tony a small, silver key, which clearly opened Loki's bindings. He glances at his brother, love and worry obvious in his eyes.

Tony's voice finally begins to work and he realises his mouth is hanging open, giving him a gormless look. Shutting his mouth, he gathers his wits and starts "What are we meant to do with him?"

"Whatever you like," Thor answers simply. "He is your property now."

As he begins to leave, Thor turns and quietly says "I have no right to say this, but I plead that you do not treat him too harshly." His business-like facade gone. "Please."

Thor turns and inaudibly walks back to the roof, leaving Tony and his new slave alone.

Please review, both positive and negative comments are welcome. I will have the next chapter up as soon as possible. If you have any ideas please tell me them. Thanks.