We're getting closer and closer to the end :(

Thank you to ABCSonicKirbyWarriors for the review and support. Thank you to all of you out there reading this :) It means a lot :) .

I apologize for errors that may come up, I was writing a lot of this with my IPad and it doesn't always work the best when it comes to writing ^^; . I'll try to fix the errors as soon as I can :) .


Bocoe felt excitement and panic rush through him at the same time. He wanted to see his counterpart more than anything, but he was also afraid of just that. What if seeing the android meant facing an ugly truth? He wouldn't be able to stand it if Decoe was in pain.

"Ahhh, your thoughts can be sooooo boring."

Bocoe flinched. As time went on, the voice seemed to be even more annoying. If that was even possible.

"Look, if you would just shut up and go away neither of us would have to deal with the other ever again." he stated

"Who said anything about wanting to go away?"

The silver android heaved an annoyed sigh.

"Why me?" he thought.

Shaking his head, Bocoe brought himself back into focus. Find Decoe, get out, go home, and everything will go back to normal. Well, semi-normal anyways. Heh, what the heck. Semi-normal was normal for them.

He swore he could almost hear Decoe saying something like, "Oh Bocoe, if things ever become normal for us, please let me know."

In fact, it was almost funny how much Bocoe wanted both Decoe and himself to have a normal life.

The silver android almost stopped in his tracks at that was he going with that anyways? What exactly did he want? What did he want in a "normal" life and what did Decoe have to do with it?

He pushed the questions aside and tried to refocus, again.

"Keep your mind straight, one step at a time," he thought.

"Bocoe?" a timid voice asked.

It was almost to good to be true.

"Decoe?" Bocoe asked.


Decoe could hardly believe what that monstrosity had done! As if using them as bait wasn't enough, he went and took the others who knows where, and left him by himself, inside a rocky prison .

Then the golden android heard something.


That was Bocoe's voice!

Decoe was so excited that he thought he would bust a gasket.

Then he remembered. That stupid bucket of bolts looked like him now.

The android paced back and forth. What was he to do?

If he made a noise, his friend may be hurt, if he didn't...

He leaned against the side of the wall, there was nothing that he could do.


"What was that?" Bokkun asked looking up from whatever he was drawing in the dirt.

"What do you mean?" Bocoe asked.

He hadn't seen anything. Had Bokkun?

"I saw a glimmer of something," Bokkun said, "Over there."

The silver android looked over to what the child had pointed at.

It looked like a pile of rocks, but it did seem a little strange.

"Oh, you're probably just seeing things. Silly child," Decoe laughed patting the cyborg's head.

"You're acting weird," Bokkun said, making a face.

The golden android stepped back confused, "Whatever are you talking about?"

Bocoe wasn't paying attention anymore. He was just happy to have his counterpart back safe.

The silver android smiled and poked his friend in the side, "Its good to have you back, Decoe."

The golden android jumped and glared at the shorter one. However, it was quickly replaced with a warm and affectionate smile.

"It feels good to be back."

"I hate to break up this happy reunion," Sonic started, giving an apologetic look to the two androids, "But weren't Tails and Knuckles with you?"

"Yes, Decoe," Dr. Eggman said, "They were with you."

Bocoe frowned at the Doctor. Wasn't he happy that his precious creation had been found?


"You be quiet."

"Well, um," the android stammered, "I know exactly where they are...sir."

"Well, then you won't mind taking us to them. Will you, Decoe?" The Doctor smiled.

The golden android looked dumbfounded for a moment, then he smiled.

"Of course not, sir."


Decoe whimpered.

This wasn't happening, it couldn't be!

The golden android started frantically looking for a way out.

He pushed on some of the rocks, and even tried tunneling under some, which only succeeded in coating his shiny, golden, metal in dirt and mud.

He sat down, defeated.

"Damn ROBOT!" were the two words Decoe heard before the wall of his cell came crashing down.

The golden android tumbled over with a high pitched squeak.

"Come on we haven't got all day," a gruff voice said.

He was still dazed when he felt himself being lifted off the ground.


"Stupid piece of scrap metal thinks he can conk me over the head with a stupid rock? Well he has another thing coming."

"Knuckles, WAIT!" Tails called, "You might have a concussion."

The red echidna whipped around making the golden android slightly dizzy.

"I could care less about that at the moment. I'm going to show that tin can not to less with me!"

He turned around again and started to march off quickly with Decoe in tow.

The poor android had still not calibrated from the last series of movements, and the next movements proved to be quite nauseating because of this.

"Kn-knuckles please," Decoe moaned, "You're ups-s-setting my circuitry."

Knuckles wasn't even fazed by the android's words.

Tails sighed and followed the hot-headed echidna. This was not going to end well.