Letters To Juliet
By Triple Driple

Chapter 23: Trouble In Paradise

Rating: T
Contains: Violence & minor expression of emotions (nothing too extreme!)
Disclaimer: I am only a fan of the show, I do not own anything!

Chapter 23: Trouble In Paradise (Part I)

Back from school the next afternoon, I walked over to the sitting room where my dad was propped in his wheelchair, working on his laptop. His blood pressure went down extremely quickly and he used this excuse to start working through e-mail, monitoring the marine life and making sure the other workers were feeding them.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of my father loving his work. All he did was work with fish all day and still it brought a smile to his face. I could understand why: to me they are fish… to him they are the most beautiful species of animals that has ever lived. It was paradise to him.

But I could sometimes feel that my dad deserved to smile… his somewhat 'Perfect Paradise' was troubled— heck, it wasn't even paradise! Out of all the weeks I've spent with my father, I learned more about him. He smiled a lot… even when he didn't have to or life knocked him down… he always smiled.

"Hiya dad!" I said as I walked over to him

"Hey Jack," he said, focusing on his laptop through his glasses.

"I think it's about time you should put the laptop down." I said as closed the flap of the laptop and placed it on the table.

"But Jack…" he trailed off and I laughed

"Dr. Hill said 'take it easy'." I reminded him "Plus, you have to stretch as well." My dad's legs were getting better but he couldn't walk… he could feel them at least. I know it wasn't easy for him to be temporarily condemned to a wheelchair but I knew he wanted to be out of it quicker than the speed of light. Dad's very active and I know how much he hates sitting around all day.

There was a knock on the door before the person just entered. I could sense it was either Kim or her mum but Kim's mum was at work so it must've been her.

She emerged through the hallway, with the rest of the gang in tow. "Hey Jack… Hi Craig." They all chorused and Dad waved at them.

"So Jack, are you coming down to the dojo today?" Brody asked

"I wish I could guys but I can't." I shrugged "What if dad needs me and I'm not here?"

"It's book club today and all our mums and mine and Julie's dads are around and offered to help if he needs any." Milton brought up

"But…" I trailed off and my dad cut off

"Jack, don't turn your friends down for me." He said "I'm sure Hannah can help me if I need any." I looked at him doubtfully. I knew that Mrs. Crawford was usually there for my dad when she needed to be. Mrs. Carson and Mr. Krupnick were also around so I honestly had nothing to worry about.

"Jack…" Grace began "I was not dragged here only to be turned down so it's either you come or I tie you up and take you by brute force!" She threatened and Mika held her back

"Don't mind her," Mika mentioned "Jerry just made her angry… very angry." I laughed as I looked at Jerry who was either standing near Brody or ready to use him as a shield just in case his girlfriend jumped in.

"So can we go… please?" Jerry pleaded, sounding almost desperate. I rolled my eyes before agreeing.

"Alright," I said walking over to them "I'll be back soon."

My dad nodded as he grabbed the T.V remote and we made our way out of my house.


We arrived at the dojo, seeing Rudy and Joan arguing about Rudy breaking another health regulation… Rudy claiming that Tip-Tip should be bathed in an infested bathroom by brute force. We all laughed, knowing that even though we love Rudy, he was kind of a cheap sport when it came to cleaning the dojo. Just last week, we used toothbrushes to clean the mat and dummies. It was then we learned that Rudy was having a family reunion and found donations for the toothbrushes if you get me.

"Joan… stop!" Rudy pleaded "I have a class to teach."

"Oh! So you're using the old 'I have a class to teach' trick on me but I ain't falling for it Gillespie." Joan said

"Actually I do." Rudy said gesturing us to her.

"Okay, alright," She said with a small glare "I'll leave but you have to get this place cleaned… I'm watching you like a— hey, that's the guy I locked up for stealing from Captain Corndog this morning." She smiled before her face fell "Holy Hannah I forgot to remove the key from the cell door." She then ran out of the dojo to chase the escaped robber.

All we could do was look at the Mall Officer oddly. We looked at Rudy who shrugged at us. "I didn't call for much. I just wanted to tell you guys that there's gonna be a tournament soon. I can't say more because me and the other Senseis are meeting with Bobby Wasabi about the competition and it starts at 4."

"Um Rudy…" Kim pointed out "Its 4:30."

"No it isn't." Rudy said, laughing and snorting at her before pulling out his phone "I think I'd know that it's… oh no it's 4:30!" He said as he ran towards the entrance. He forgot the glass was closed and ended up colliding with it and falling to the ground.

"Ooh!" We all winced at the sight as he slowly got up, holding his head.

"I'm okay!" He said as he opened up the door and got out. "Jack's in charge!" He shouted as he left and I smirked as the Wasabi Warriors groaned in annoyance and Grace, Julie and Mika laughed… knowing how rough I got on them.

"Us non-Bobby Wasabis are gonna be over there." Julie said as the three walked over to the bench and began gossiping about something that happened at school today.

"Okay, we're gonna take turns sparring today." I said "Starting up is Kim and Milton."

"What… why me?" Milton complained

"Because she can teach you a thing or two." I said "My girlfriend is just that good."

"Aw! Sweet." Kim smiled and Brody and Jerry pretended to begin puking and we rolled our eyes as she took place on the mat with Milton. The two bowed as they took they're fighting stances. Milton was the first to go for a punch which Kim blocked. She executed a kick to his thigh which he jumped away and quickly ducked, noticing Kim's leg about to land on his chest.

He got back to his feet and threw a punch at her which she ducked under and she returned it but he caught it and tried to flip her over but she was quicker and kicked him in the chest. She took her upper hand advantage and kicked him again and he fell to the mat.

"Great job Kim," I said and went over to Milton "Are you okay buddy?"

"Yeah…" Milton said "My insides are mush but I'm good."

"Sorry." Kim said apologetically.

"You could've won Milton." I said "You had the upper hand but you hesitated."

"How?" Milton asked

"Okay, I want Kim to do exactly what she did before her arm got caught." I said as I stepped back. Kim threw a punch which he caught with his hand and this time he flipped her but she took it to her advantage and landed on her knees, executing a sweep-kick which took him off his feet.

"Think of the attack at all angles Milton." I said as Kim helped him up. "You're good… just keep working at it."

"Thanks Jack." Milton smiled and Kim patted his back before he walked over to Julie.

I smiled at him before turning to the door and my face fell. I just realized that I had paradise but right now… there was trouble up ahead. I didn't say a word until Kim looked at what I was looking at.

"Who are you?" Kim asked as she looked between me and the new face in the dojo. I'm sure she could see the high resemblance between me and the new person standing at the dojo. All the others also turned to what Kim and I was looking at... my mother.