A/N: Thanks for sticking around, you guys! Beta by Anika and Iris.

Disclaimer: not mine.


One month later

Rick quietly opened the door and snuck into the darkened bedroom. He shut it behind him, leaving a gap for a sliver of light from the hallway to make its way into the room. Standing still for a few seconds, he allowed his eyes to become accustomed to the dark.

Checking to see that the floor was clear of clutter, he slowly made his way to the bed against the far wall. Rick picked Snuggles off of the floor and deposited it next to Arriana. Next, he lifted the blanket that had been kicked to the foot of the bed and draped it over the curled form of his youngest daughter.

She sighed and stretched but didn't stir.

The necklace she received from Kate for her birthday was around her neck as usual. But tonight, instead of the solitary number 8, an additional pendant adorned the necklace. It was the 'C' that Rick and Alexis had given her.

Arriana's last name was officially 'Castle' for almost a week now, and earlier that night, the Castles hosted a celebratory dinner with all their closest friends and family.

Jim, Martha and Alexis were all in attendance. Esposito and Lanie were there as well, so were Ryan and Jenny who was sporting a small bump now. The expectant mother had been glowing the whole evening.

A small sound brought Rick back to the present. Arriana had rolled onto her back and flopped an arm outwards. Smiling tenderly, Rick picked up Snuggles once more and again deposited the soft toy so that it lay on top of her outstretched arm. The sleeping girl instinctively curled her hand, bringing it close to her body and hugging it.

Leaving her bedroom, he then quietly made his way down into the master bedroom. Kate had been toweling dry after her bath when he went up to check on Arriana. Closing the door behind him, he was surprised to find the bedroom empty.

Was Kate still in the bathroom? She had been in there an awfully long time.

As though she could hear his thoughts, Kate silently emerged under the doorway of the bathroom. The click of the bedroom door shutting must have alerted her to his presence.

"Hey, Rick?" she greeted, walking to him slowly, holding her hands behind her back apprehensively.

"Yeah, Kate?" he replied, walking over.

Holding up three sticks with hands that shook from nerves, Kate grinned.

"We're having a baby."

The End.

A/N: It's always nice to end on a high note, isn't it? I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback about my story. Thanks again for reading! Until next time :)

Ps. Feel free to PM or hit me up on twitter (amandaOtweets) with prompts whenever!