A/N: Hello dear readers! So, this is the short epilogue to this first instalment. As I said before, I'm alreadu three chapters in the sequel. Look up for it tomorrow, it'll be called Kept hidden. enjoy! :)
Epilogue: Sparring
It was five years after the events of Naboo.
Irri Nabié, now fourteen, had long since mastered the Form I of the light-sabre art, and had started to quietly master Form IV.
Form II, however...
She was having difficulties with the thoughts of sparring against her teacher, Shaak-Ti, who constantly told her she had to be more aggressive to have a chance.
But wanting one another wounded was not an habit for Irri, who had chosen that form to master for defence more than for attack.
Her master, Aayla Secura, had long since understood the motives of her student, but never talked about those scarring visions.
And our scene takes place in the sparring room, where Irri lights her practise sabre, a blue one.
"You'll never win if you spar like this, Irri!"
The young woman – she had had her first encounters with the less than pretty sides of being a woman a year prior – glared at her opponent. "Never asked you to train with me, Ani!"
He smirked devilishly, the gesture sending sparks in his blue eyes.
Irri hated the way these sparks sent her heart beating frantically.
"If I hadn't volunteered, you wouldn't have known how good I was."
She muttered under her breath. "How good you are...pretentious little-"
"Oi there, I can hear you! What will Obi-Wan say about that?"
Irri grunted and tried to open Anakin's guard, to no avail. "He won't say anything. He's not my brother."
"Yeah, say that again."
He fell silent, his sabre held high.
Anakin Skywalker had grown since his first encounter with Irri.
He had gained height, not yet muscle, and his voice had not yet turned into a more masculine one, but he definitely was more mature-looking.
Irri had stopped giving him lessons six months after he had enrolled. He was having livid visions earlier than any other padawan Irri knew about.
And had started with the light-sabre a mere year after he had been taken padawan by Obi-Wan.
He had decided to master Form V, Djem-so, and III, Soresu. But, as Irri now realised, he was well-versed in Form VII too. Vaapad. The deadliest of forms if you were not prepared to the Dark Side's appeal.
"Ani, where the hell have you learnt that move?"
The boy shrugged. "Saw Master Windu teach it to his padawan. Tried it, and it worked."
Irri huffed. "Show-off."
The smirk returned, and with it the sparks, and butterflies in Irri's stomach. "You love it."
And unfortunately, she did.