Seven down. P.R.E.V.A.I.L. As in, quit your mopin' and show some gratitude, Ethan Wate.

I was pretty sure that's what Amma would say, if she could say anything. But the last thing I felt like being was grateful. I had lost not one, but two mothers, and it was almost too much for me to bear.

I sighed and sat down in the kitchen, rembering all the times I'd sat here and 'helped' Amma cook-sneaking bits of cookie dough and sticking my fingers in her legendary pie filling.

"Remember boy, the Sweet Redeemer only gives us what he thinks we can handle," My hundred year old Aunt Mercy called from her spot on the couch. Harlon James howled in agreement, and covered his face with his paws.

"Yeah, well I wish He didn't think so highly of me." I knew as soon as I said it that I was in for a world of hurt.

A pillow flew towards my head. "ETHAN LAWSON WATE, DON'T YA DARE INSULT THE GOOD LORD'S NAME IN THIS HOUSE!" Aunt Grace screeched, sending Harlon James scampering out of the living room and into the pantry.

Never mind that it was my house.

"I apologize, Ma'am." I walked in front of them, and did the customary head-hang of shame.

"You're darn-tootin' ya do. Now git your fanny out of here before our Maker up and strikes us all with lightnin'." Aunt Mercy sniffed and turned her attention back to the TV, where she had been watching some trashy entertainment channel. "Grace Ann, I'll never understand why Thelma won't up and call that handsome Jim Clooney..."

I walked through the hallway, and the portrait of Ethan Carter Wate, the original meddling mortal, stared back at me. I stopped and walked closer to it. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but something seemed different...

"YOU ARE PUTTING US AT RISK OF LIGHTENING STRIKE, BOY!" Aunt Grace shrieked, and I scooted out of the house as fast as I could.

L, the Sisters are even crazier than normal without Aunt Prue. As empty as I felt without Amma around, it was amazing to be back in this world with Lena. To touch her, kiss her, see her beautiful green and gold eyes look at me and not through me, felt incredible. I had missed Kelting most of all, though-nothing was as comforting as our silent communication.

They miss Prue, and Amma. We all do. Lena's voice in the back of my head made me feel simultaneously overjoyed and heartsick, if that was even possible. I had missed Lena so much, and now that we were in the same world all I wanted to do was be around her.

At the same time, though, my happiness with Lena was hard to reconcile with my grief and guilt over Amma.

Lena understood. She had gone through the same thing when she had brought me back from the dead, and killed her uncle in the process. I was determined to handle my grief better than she had though; I wasn't going to run off with any half-incubus, half-casters...

Stay with me tonight, Ethan. I could hear the sadness in her voice, and knew she was probably thinking about the same thing.

I'll be there in half an hour. I love you, L. I inhaled deeply, and got out the keys to the Beater. Link had given me the keys two days after I came back. He said he didn't need it anymore because he could rip wherever he wanted, but I was pretty sure he wanted to show me that he was glad I was back. Linkubus or not, he wouldn't be around for another week. After practically looking the End of Days in the face, Mrs. Lincoln had sent him off on church camp, where Link was probably singing Kum-ba-ya and halfheartedly roasting weenies around the campfire.

I climbed in the Beater and turned on the engine. I pushed one of the Holy Rollers' CDs in, and listened to three of their 'greatest' hits as I drove to the Stop 'N Steal.

I went in to the store, making a beeline for the pastries-I wanted to get sticky buns for Lena and I, and avoid any nosy questions about where I'd been for so long-or worse, about Amma.

"Savannah, I want this party to be classy-all wine coolers, none of that bud light. We're seniors now, we gotta be so-phis-ticated." I heard the all-too-familiar drawl of Emily Asher, and tried to walk away before they saw me.

"Ethan Wate, is that you?" Crap.

"Uh, hi, Emily. Savannah." I nodded at them, trying to plot a quick getaway.

"Thought you were never gonna come back from Savannah-that's where you were, right? It's so strange, all the lubbers and heat just up an' left the day you left, now didn't they, Emily?" Savannah smiled at me through narrowed eyes.

"Well, I was helping my aunt. She was sick." I had a feeling they weren't completely buying the story Amma and Lena had been spreading around.

"Never known you to be so helpful, Ethan. What are you doin' out buying sticky buns so late?" Emily stuck her hand on her hip.

It was 8:30. These girls were the next Sisters.

"Just hungry. Well I gotta go, I'll see you guys around." I walked away as quickly as I could.

"Sure was nice to see you, Ethan. And I'm sorry to hear about Amma. My Mama will be droppin' off another casserole for you and your daddy soon."

I didn't want any pity casserole, and that would make the fifth one Mrs. Asher had dropped off in a week and a half. I was surprised at Emily and Savannah's reactions-they were treating me less like Poor-Ethan-Wate-Who-Lost-His-Mama-And-His-Housekee per, and more like Ethan-Wate-Who-Is-Up-To-No-Good.

I shrugged it off. Maybe the renewal of the Order of Things had ended Southern hospitality.

I paid for the sticky buns and got out of there as fast as I could.

Ethan, I'm here. Lena's voice tickled in the back of my head. I felt pressure around my shoulders, like she had kelted a hug.

Almost there, L. I got in the car and turned the Holy Rollers back on as I drove the familiar road to Ravenwood, back to its normal lush state. I reached the gates that separated the manor from the rest of Gatlin, and felt a strange sensation come over me. I shivered, even though it had to have been 70 degrees out.

The Holy Rollers faded away and were replaced by the melody I had thought I was finally free from.

Nineteen Moons, nineteen years

Nineteen sheds as many tears

From far, the young one waits in fear

For soon, the end will be here

I practically jumped out of my skin, I was running so fast up the drive.

Did you hear that? I kelted furiously.

Lena didn't respond, but I could feel her fear.

The door opened and Lena appeared, looking as beautiful as ever, but worried sick. She twisted her necklace around her finger as I took the steps two at a time.

She practically jumped into my arms as soon as I reached the porch, and I held her as tightly as I could. It was absolutely amazing to be able to touch her as much as I wanted now, even though that sounded a little wrong.

I was thinking exactly the same thing. I heard her and realized I'd been kelting. I loosened my grip a little, feeling embarrassed. She slid out of my arms and grabbed my hand, leading me up to her room.

Macon is..?

In the tunnels, sleeping in his study. I felt reassured that Macon wouldn't catch me in his nieice's bed-I feared his wrath only slightly less than the 'Sweet Reedemer's.'

We reached Lena's door and I picked her up, bridal-style. She smiled, her different-colored eyes glowing at me.

As I walked into her room, I was happy to see it looking exactly how it had the first time I'd come in here, and the day before the water tower. I laid Lena down on her bed, and she reached up for me.

I bent down and kissed her, loving how her lips felt against mine. I didn't miss the old elecrtic spark one bit-it had always separated us. But now, we could finally, really be together.

She pulled me down onto the bed and I held myself up above her. She grazed my lip with her teeth and let out a soft moan, and wrapped her legs around my waist. I kissed her back hungrily, loving how she gasped and held me closer.

She pushed me onto my back and climbed on top of me, her hair wild and her eyes bright. I had never seen her look more beautiful. She leaned forward and slid her tongue in my mouth, and I ran my hands through her soft curls.

"I love you so much, Lena." I said between kisses.

She straightened up and took my hand, which she put under her shirt and started to guide upward.

"I love you more, Ethan Carter Wate."

She moved my hand farther, until I resisted.

"L, we don't have to do this now...I want you to be ready. You're only 16."

She climbed off my lap and laid down next to me. "I want you, Ethan. And now that I can finally have you, it's hard to control myself." She looked at me with her big beautiful eyes and I saw her desire.

As amazing as it would have been to have keep going, I knew that tonight wasn't the right time.

L, I want you too. More than you can even imagine. But let's wait for a time when we're really, truly alone-and your uncle isn't close enough to kill me.

She giggled, and rested her head in the hollow of my neck. I wound my arms around her and held her close, loving how her warm breath tickled my chest.

Let's try to get some sleep. It sounds like we've got another adventure ahead of ourselves, what with nineteen moons and all. Maybe my mom's working on an album.

She moved in even closer and sighed.

Let's hope not. Goodnight, Ethan Carter Wate. I love you more than you can imagine.

I drifted off to sleep, holding on to the girl I loved and hoping things would always be this perfect.

I would soon find out that they wouldn't be.