Barry looked up and met the doctor's eyes. They were weary and tear filled, but she had a smile on her face.

She slowly nodded.

"He made it?" Barry was overjoyed. He ran into the hospital room and sat down by his adopted son.

The battered teen laid on a stark-white hospital bed, with numerous IV tubes protruding from his arms. The sheets were pulled up to his shoulders, so Barry couldn't see much damage on his body, but his face was burnt, black and blue, and bloody.

Wally looked up. "Hey uncle Barry."


Black Canary heard, and she ran to the kids.

"Kids!" She smiled. "He's awake!"

The team flung themselves off of the couch and into the med bay.

"Wally!" Artemis flung herself across the room and kissed him lightly on a non burned part of his cheek.

She grabbed his hand and sat down next to his bed.

"Hey Artemis," he smiled.

Robin was next. "Wally! You idiot! Don't ever scare me like that again!" He hugged his best friend.

M'gann ran over. "Your okay!" The martian was overjoyed. "Well- I mean, your going to heal!" Hers was the biggest hug of all.

Kaldur walked over and sat in an empty chair. "My friend, I am very happy to see you awake!"

Superboy was last to walk in. He smiled. "Any chance we can beat the Crap outta him?"

The broken Speedster smiled. "Be my guest."

"How about we celebrate with some cookies?" M'gann cheered. "I made some yesterday!" She ran outta the room and was back in a minute, balancing a platter on her hands.

Everyone cheered and took one.

Wally smiled and looked at his team. "Thanks guys."

Total crappy ending. I know. But I was sick of looking at it being unfininshed. I'll probably redo it sometime in the future, but for now, I hope you liked it! Thank you to all of you amazing people for reading and reviewing!