A/N: So I'm compiling all of my pieces for HiJack Week here for you all! :) Hope you enjoy! Each are based on the prompts on the Tumblr blog, and each of the chapter titles are the prompts. Most are rated PG, but there are some Teen ones. I'm keeping the rating K+ however. Just be warned!
Day 1
Hiccup reached to the helmet on his head, pulling it off as his long hair fell out. He shook it to its usual messy look, only half-satisfied. Nervousness entered the pit of his stomach, but he swung his leg back over the bike, stepping off gently. A streetlight flickered on; Hiccup looked past it, the electric buzz adding to the symphony of the street, at the sun beginning to fall past the horizon. Hiccup appreciated the longer nights that arrived with winter, taking his time to bask in the cool air.
He took a breath – now or never.
His prosthetic leg tripped over the curb.
He landed on his side with a curse, scrambling back up quickly. He brushed himself, seeing no severe damage, although he could already feel the bruise on his hip starting to build up. A quick look down the street confirmed that no one saw his blunder, and he huffed, setting his shoulders forward with a determined stance.
He marched up to the dull red door of the house. The mailbox set into the wall simply read "Santoff Claussen", and it nearly overflowed with papers. The sight stunned Hiccup for another moment, and he gazed around him at the singular home. Above him arched a small patio roof, and below him the walkway up to the door was laid with brick. The letters sprawled across the rusty colored surface. Hiccup bent down, gathering a few up.
To: Santa Clause
Santoff Claussen – North Pole
Burgess, PN 570
With his eyebrows furrowed, he looked back up at the house, letting his gaze drift around it. Santa Clause, he wondered, then that means… His eyes fell on the oriel window protruding on the front of the house. Snowflake designs embroidered the thin curtains, made transparent by the yellow lighting shining through the window. Dark shapes of pillows on the window seat littered the bottom of the frame, but dominating the picture was the silhouette of a person, a familiar figure – thin, male, with a cowlick of hair sticking up at the front, and bony shoulders not yet filled in to their width. As Hiccup watched those shoulders shook with a quiet laugh, and he felt that piercing stare on him.
A small smile quirked at the corners of his mouth, and Hiccup raised a fist to knock at the door, drawing his attention back to the wooden entrance. His knuckles barely tapped at the paint before it swung open, pulled back by a large, meaty hand.
Hiccup's eyes widened as he trailed that hand up the even larger arm decorated with tattoos, to the face of a very menacing man. A large white beard bristled in intimidation, hiding roughened cheeks and chapped lips, and hard blue eyes bore down on the poor boy, bearing a strong familial resemblance to another.
The silence stretched between the two, and Hiccup nearly broke from the tension. He snapped his eyes away first, flicking them down to the letters still in his hand.
"Oh!" he thrust them out at the man's chest, "Here's some of your mail. There's… a lot of it."
The man only glanced down at the letters, before replying, "I like to get own mail, thank you." His voice was gruff, and carried a strong Russian accent. He accepted the mail from Hiccup anyway, tapping them into organization on his palm. "You must be Hiccup."
"Ah, yes, I am. It's nice to meet you, Mister…"
The big man held out his platter of a hand, and said, "I am North. It is a pleasure to meet you also. Jack has said good things about you."
Hiccup took the hand, attempting a firm shake, and his eyes widened at the words. As a blush crept slowly across his cheeks, he stammered, "H-he did?"
North's eyes narrowed. "Yes. It remains to be seen."
"Excuse me?"
A sharp tug at his hand pulled Hiccup forward until his nose nearly touched the Russian's. The piercing blue gaze of fractured ice burned fiercely with a threatened rage.
"I warn you now," the man hissed, "If you hurt my Jack, you will be skewered on sword like Russian shashlyk. Это понятно? Understand?"
Hiccup only nodded, a frantic bobbing of his head, his green eyes wide with terror.
"Okay, okay, North, I think that that's enough intimidation for one night," chided a light, familiar voice that instantly washed over Hiccup with relief.
A white mop of messy hair poked out around North's large belly. The pearly white teeth sparkled, but not nearly as bright as his eyes, the same ice blue as North's, if only warmer. His face radiated with a pure joy, his cheeks flushed a tinted shade of red.
Jack stepped out from behind his guardian. "Hey, Hiccup. You look nice," he greeted, soft gaze checking over Hiccup's ragged coat and beat-up brown pants.
Hiccup followed the boy's eyes downwards, meeting his shoes, and noting the brown sandals with thick brown straps wrapping over his feet. They matched his tight brown jeans that shaped his thinly muscular legs, leading up to hug his hips. Hiccup had to tear his eyes away, but just made it an inch higher. Jack wore his usual blue hoodie, only of a different selection. It opened up down the middle, the silvery zipper blending into the frost design the traveled down the seams, threaded through the hems. Underneath, a white shirt shaded with snowflakes covered his chest, the pale fabric seemingly fading into Jack's neck, traveling up the milky white skin to his beaming face. His snow-white bangs, soft as down, lifted from his forehead to frame his vibrant features, full of life.
For his credit, Hiccup only stared for about a minute, before he managed to find his breath again. "Beautiful," he murmured, barely a whisper, only a wisp of air shaped by his lips.
Jack blushed, bending his head down to hide it before peeking up at Hiccup through his bangs. "Really?"
The reply caused Hiccup to snap out of his daze, and he blinked away his confusion as his mind caught up with his speech. "I-I meant – You look nice too," he stammered, his mouth quirking into a smile, his freckles scrunching up to reveal his dorky buckteeth.
At that moment, North cleared his throat. "You two, eh, no… touchy-feely, no?"
This time Hiccup's face flushed, while Jack laughed, throwing his head back as he snorted. "No, North, I promise."
"And where are you going?"
"I don't know," Jack shrugged, "Hiccup said he had a surprise, right?"
The brunet's hair bobbed as he nodded quickly. "Yep! Don't worry, Mr. North, I'll have your nephew back by ten."
The old man cocked his eyebrow, scrutinizing the teenager in front of him. Finally, he grumbled, "Fine. Just be sure to be safe." His eyes looked pointedly to the motorcycle parked on the curb at the end of the walk.
"Yes, sir," Hiccup replied automatically. "I'll protect him with my life."
Jack felt the nerve to chuckle, "I doubt it will come to that. Stop worrying so much North." He reached up with his signature smirk on his face, patting North on the cheek.
The big man brushed the gesture off, a small smile hinting at his face. "Bah, fine. Go, have fun."
Jack beamed, "Love you, North."
The man only grunted, turning back into the house. His form disappeared, and the door shut loudly, leaving the two teenagers on the porch.
Hiccup looked plainly at the fading paint, chipping on the grain of the wood. His fists balled up in nervousness, and he could feel Jack's eyes freezing his head.
"Are you okay? We both saw you fall on the curb. How's your leg?" the white-haired boy asked, breaking the silence.
Hiccup's head snapped up, and heat suddenly rushed to his cheeks as he looked into the concerned gaze Jack delivered him.
His voice caught again, but he managed to mumble, "I-it's okay… Just a scratch…"
Jack shrugged, dropping the subject. Instead, he turned to head down the steps. "So…" he began, seemingly oblivious to the green eyes trailing over his broad back. "What's this surprise you wanted to show me?"
"Oh, nothing much…" Hiccup followed him down the walkway, falling in stride behind the other boy.
Jack scoffed, "You, my friend, are the infamous Hiccup "Horrendous" Haddock the Third, the most adorable kid in Burgess able to pull off riding a motorcycle and still date a guy like me. Anything you have is more than just 'much'."
A small roll of shoulders accompanied the snide comeback: "Well, I don't know about infamous, but I'm definitely able to pull of the motorcycle."
"Just barely," Jack shot back, his playful smirk decorating his face again, tugging at the corner of his mouth. He stopped next to the motorcycle, patting the back of the seat tentatively. "So we're going on a quick ride, to where?"
"You'll see. Stop being so impatient." Hiccup grabbed up his helmet, and handed Jack another, less beat-up one. "Your uncle is definitely okay with this, right?"
Another shrug, just a silent comment. "He's just been protective since… you know…" Hiccup nodded; he knew. "Did you mean it?"
Hiccup double-took, "What?"
"That you would protect me," the words slipped out awkwardly, almost doubting. The shape of "protect" softened, unsure of itself until it was too late, and Hiccup wanted to clutch Jack's shoulders, hold him close, and just reassure him constantly that he spoke the truth.
Instead, he only said, "Yes, I did," and mounted the bike. He gestured for Jack to sit behind him.
Hesitating, Jack slipped onto the back, sliding down to press against Hiccup's back.
"You comfortable?" Hiccup asked, a cocky smile forming. He felt the miniscule nod of Jack's face resting against his shoulder, and started up the engine. It roared to life between their legs, alive and beating. "How fast do you want to go?"
He could sense the smug little grin plastering Jack's face, the boy's faint freckles dashing on his cheeks. "Faster than Aster on the freeway."
Hiccup laughed, "You're going to kill us!"
"You're the one driving!"
Still chuckling, they took off down the street, dust blowing behind them on the wind in the night air.
Reluctance trailed their footsteps as they climbed the walk to the red door. It almost burned like a fire in the night, signifying the end of the day. Lightning bugs drifted in front of it, setting the romantic air. Hiccup almost sighed at the feeling, imagining the sound of a running fountain running through his mind to complete the setup.
Jack looked down at his feet, his sandals scuffed from dirt and his jeans slightly worn. Despite the obvious damage, he grinned like a maniac, trying to hide the redness on his face. He kept his hands in his pockets.
"I had a great time tonight, Hiccup," his voice sounded, soft and sincere.
"Yeah, I did too. Sorry… about Toothless, I mean. He usually doesn't run that fast–"
"Are you kidding?" Jack exclaimed, suddenly staring Hiccup full on. "He was amazing! Hiccup, I would go horseback riding with you every day if I could. I loved it!"
"You really mean that?" Hiccup asked. He never expected this, and yet it caused the happiness within his chest to finally overflow.
Jack stepped forward, and took his hands, clutching them like a rare experience. "Yes, Hiccup, I do," he said, his blue eyes sparkling. He beamed, and the urge to kiss him then and there almost took control of Hiccup's body.
He decided to take a chance, but said, "You are so beautiful."
The pale boy's neck shrank down, trying to shield his face. For a fearful moment, Hiccup reached a hand up, but stopped when Jack's smirk snapped up.
"You know… I think that North is watching from the window."
Hiccup glanced behind Jack at the window, and sure enough, the bulky shadow of Jack's uncle filled the glass frame.
"Yeah… he is…"
"You know what would really make him freak out?" Jack asked, his eyebrow quirking.
Hiccup stammered, "W-what?"
Jack leaned forward, and murmured, "This."
He traveled closer, and Hiccup found his gaze trailing to the boy's lips. They were almost as pale as the rest of his skin, only just darker, and thinly delicate. He almost feared the prospect, the aftermath, and so he closed his eyes, waiting. He felt his own mouth slightly pursing, and leaned forward himself.
"Too bad," Jack breathed, and Hiccup's eyes snapped open, "I don't hold out on the first date."
"Goodnight Hiccup!"
The door shut, leaving the poor Hiccup standing alone, still processing the last moment in his mind. A firefly blinked, the streetlights buzzing their electric current, and a final breeze blew through his hair, ruffling his bangs like a caress, leaving him to wish for just a little more time.