This is a story about a sim named Eliza. She lives in a super tiny house in Twinbrook. Rated T for death, romance, and language.

My name is Elizabeth. Eliza for short. I just moved from across the street because our house was an ancient burial ground and we were running short on cash. We went from a gorgeous home to a dump surrounded by water. I know Player can use cheats but they refuse to because their computer crashes and we weren't saved. And they won't fast forward for the same reason.

Today, we were busy. Mom went to her work at the hospital (she's an organ donor, just starting out) and Dad works as a firefighter (he has been doing that for a while). My sister, Eva, was dancing dramatically in her room when I walked in to her favorite kind of music, soul. She is a really boring teenager who is always locked in her room, never coming out for any reason. My brother, Patrick, was swimming in a pool surrounded with a fence. Weird, right? He still is right now. I just got done eating my bowl of cereal and I think it was leftovers because it tasted gross. I started doing my homework when my mom burned some waffles and the stove caught on fire. Everyone was freaking out when I saw the fence around the pool disappear. My brother climbed out and then complained about being hungry. The fire department came and put the fire out. My dad wasn't one of the firefighters though. After Player replaced the burned stove, mom made a bowl of cereal instead. When night came, I was tired so I went to bed along with the rest of my family. I share a room with my siblings and Mom and Dad get the other room. About 2 o'clock in the morning, Patrick and I were awakened by the loud sound of a radio. Eva had gotten out of bed and turned the radio on full blast. Although the sound was so loud, my parents sleeping in the other room didn't wake up. We yelled at Eva until she got angry and went back to sleep. I couldn't fall asleep again so I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal out of the fridge. Mom had placed her laptop right next to the chair so it was impossible to sit in the chair and eat my food. So, I put the cereal on the floor and sat on the couch until morning.