The couple had quickly finished their work down in the lower levels, hastened by the prospect of the Professors demise. The equipment and documentations well and truly destroyed, Brick finished securing the final unconscious scientist to an equally unconscious security guard. Blossom had been adamant that none was to be hurt beyond what was necessary, and assured Brick that they would be locked up so none could ever get access to the information within their heads on the Antidote X.

Brick sullenly agreed, knowing full well that he could finish off these measly humans later if the worst came to worst.

They had proceeded to search each level up for the Professor. It wasn't till the last floor did they hear the distinct sounds of shouting and the occasional retching cough. Blossom hurried to the door that was left ajar as Brick choked out the second guard that had been guarding the doors entrance. He came over to peer through the crack along with her.

The room would have been quite light had it not been for the filth that coated the windows like tar. Men were stationed either side of the small room while a woman paced the floor. A solitary chair sat in the centre if the room in which a slumped figure was positioned.

"What more do we need to do to you, Professor, to get you to cooperate? We had your daughters confined alone with the most ruthless men in the city. If you don't see fit to let us on in that brilliant mind of yours," the woman turned giving him a disappointed expression. "I cannot protect them from what those men will likely do."

Bell circled the Professor, "it only takes one phone call." She ran a hand through his darkened hair. Blooded soaked. "Are you sure you won't help us, even a little?"

The Professor remained as silent as stone. Tutting, Bell yanked on his head before shoving it to the side so he almost toppled entirely from the chair. A man stepped forwards, threateningly. Bell held up her hand. "Then it seems like I have no choice."

Blossom held her breath, ready to barge right in there if that brutish man took another step towards the professor. "Blossom, dear. Please come in." The Professor jerked up as if electrocuted. Blossom chocked in surprise. She stood up and steeled herself, face a mask, her nerves crafted from steel.

"Stay here. Wait for an opening," she whispered, not sparing Brick a glance as she pushed open the door.

Bell smiled over at her, extending a hand. "You took your time."

"I had other engagements. Bigger fish and all that," Blossom spoke flatly and strong.

Bell's features twitched but nothing else displayed her irritation at Blossoms blasé response. "What a cruel daughter you are. The Professor should have smothered your ungrateful self in your sleep as a babe."

"As I'm sure your mother tried to do countless times." Blossom stared unaffected by the situation. "Release the Professor and you may receive a merciful sentience from the judges of Townsville court."

Bell let out a crackling laugh, catching both the Professor who jumped as if whipped and her bodyguards watching the exchange with great interest. "What threat do you possibly appose me? You're neutralised!"

Blossom remained silent.

"Besides, once you are out of the picture I will have none opposing me. The city will fall under my order, its precious heroes nowhere to be found."

Blossom remainder rooted in her spot.

Bell's men raised their guns at Blossom who made no reaction. Even if she was neutralised, she had many a gun pointed her way over her life. It scarcely fazed her. "After all, taking out the leaders renders the troops useless..." Bell smiled, "don't you agree?"

Blossom took in a deep breath and did the one thing that may just as well label her as crazy and qualify her into the mental hospital facilities. She decided to trust Brick would have her back, and she dived for the Professor, pulling him down to the floor as shots rained fire above their heads.

Bodies dropped to the floor in pools of blood but Blossom kept her focus on her father. He was gripping her hand silently, her other holding his head down. When Blossom finally did look up it was to see Brick throw down an empty gun to the floor, his eyes wild with adrenaline.

"B... Blossom," the Professor spoke so softly. Pained.

"I'm here. You're alright," she soothed. She stood, helping the Professor back onto the chair where she could inspect his wounds. Nothing too severe from the looks of it, maybe a broken rib or two, but there shouldn't be any internal bleeding. To be sure, Blossom was about to instruct Brick to go and call an ambulance when an enraged holler made her skin jump at the pure emotion behind it.

"No! No, you cannot take this away from me! I'm so close," Bell screamed. She had been protected by one of her men; his body lay at her feet like a discarded piece of clothing. She raked his body for his weapon but upon discovering nothing she threw caution to the wind and charged the startled Powerpuff.

Blossom stumbled back and braced for impact. She collided with Blossom at a surprising speed, knocking her back to hit her head off the low set windows. Bell was filled with rage beyond comprehension and proceeded to bash Blossom off the rattling glass. Brick had ran to assist her when it happened. The inevitable crack.

Blossom knew what flying was. She had been able to do it since she was a mere baby, feeling the strange lightness that illuminates your very being, her father chasing her and her siblings around the room in a panic. This... This was falling. Fast, and unexpected, and inevitable. A fleeting thought occurred to her, not that she was going to die, but whether the city would find out how she had died. Death by common criminal... She hoped her sisters could forgive her for such a death.


In an almost dream like state, Blossom questioned who had called for her. It didn't matter. She was falling to her death.

Without warning, arms encircled her. Shifting them awkwardly in the air, shrinking around her, compressing her against it. What...?

The impact knocked the air from her as pain took its place. It radiated from her back up her spine to her head and back down to her hips. And yet it should have been much worse. Gasping and groaning, Blossom realised whose arms she was nestled in, who had so foolishly protected her. She tried shifting to the side and raise to her hands and knees but the arms held tighter.

"Shit," he growled through gritted teeth. "Stay-Ugrgh... Just stay still for a... ah minute." Blossom tried to relax but being held against someone so injured wasn't exactly an ideal situation for the person injured.

"You need medical care," Blossom argued. Again Brick refused to release her, and again she stopped once she heard his groans of agony. "Brick." His rattling breath beneath her ear worried her. He coughed, blood gracing his lips. Droplets sprayed the side of her face.



"Get me down there!" Buttercup demanded.

The boys were too stunned to see not only Brick bursting out after Blossom but also seeing him hit the floor like a mundane... To be hurt like he was... It was surreal and it took a hard punch to his face to knock Butch from his daze. He looked back at the frantic Buttercup, who was absently shaking her injured hand, the one she had used to hit him. She had broken it.

"Get me down there! Are you fucking deaf?"

Butch obeyed silently, lowering to the ground.

"Blossom!" Bubbles cried rushing over to peer down at them. "B-Blossom a-a-are you okay?" She bubbled, tears falling at the sight of the blood pooling around them. She didn't know whose blood was more prominent, but the sight alone was making her dizzy.

"Blossom, what... What the hell is going on here?" Buttercup shifted on her feet, her fear for her sister turning into anger.

"Professor," Blossom meekly pointed towards the window she had crashed from. Looking up made her nauseated so she quickly closed her eyes. Bubbles flailed her arms and looked at Boomer who took the signal to go and retrieve him.

"What the fucking fuck- just-" Buttercup fumed. "Can you get up so I can knock you back onto your ass?" (Translation: Are you okay? Can you get up by yourself?)

"Brother..." Butch stood off to the side a few feet from Brick. He didn't know how to react, what to say. This was his big brother, the strongest most feared man in all of Townsville, and he was collapsed on the floor bleeding out like a fucking human.

"Don't... Start," Brick coughed.

"... You look like shit."

Bricks lips twitched.


"Professor," Bubbles hiccupped. He was cradled in Boomers arms like a small child, his face bloody and blue. The extent of his injuries was more shocking in the light.
The Professor smiled weakly but his eyes widened, "Buttercup, b-behind you!"

Turning, Buttercup scarcely had a chance to dodge the first attack. Bell swung again, the blade nicking at Buttercups clothing as she twirled and backed away from each wild swing. All the while Bell was raving, "no! No! It can't end like this- it was supposed to be mine!"

All of a sudden the blade was aimed at Blossom helpless on the ground. With a cry, Bell had lunged, blade catching the evening rays. Buttercup had moved accordingly, without thought, so when the blade sunk deep in her arm she was blinded by anger so fierce it took only one hit of her fist to incapacitate the psychotic woman. BC growled, forgetting that she had already broken her fucking hand on another fucking moron.

"Buttercup!" Blossom tried to move to her sister's side along with Bubbles but Brick groaned and held tighter. She was some sort of pain relief and was temporarily paralysed against her counterpart's side, well, more on top of her counterpart's body.

Buttercup gingerly avoided her younger sisters probing fingers. "Its fine, Bubbles. Don't worry over it. I said stop!"

"How can I stop worrying?" Bubbles demanded, tears still brimming. "My entire family keep finding ways to get into trouble and injure themselves!" Buttercup felt guilty staring into her bright blue eyes and gave in, accepting the loving inspection. "You need patching up, stitching, bone reconfigurations and setting. There should still be a first aid kit in the house-"

"I'll take her."

The group fell silent for half a beat in surprise.

Butch frowned at the sceptical and astonished stares he was reviving. "What already? I was just offering."

"I'm okay, I don't need any-"

"Go with him, BC." Bubbles was their resident first aider in their group, having spent so much time learning all there was to know about medical care. Blossom had spent a decent amount of time researching the basics, while Buttercup was more the learning from experience type. So if Bubbles said it needed to be taken care of, it needed to be done ASAP.

"Blossom, I don't need-"

"You'll go with him or so help me when I get up from here, not only will I make you clean up the disaster zone Bell left behind in the house you will also have to clean that pigsty you call a room!" Buttercup paled at the harshness of her sister's tone. Blossom knew how weak their bodies were suddenly put under Antidote X, and even Buttercup was realising that she needed to be treated soon as she was beginning to feel the effects of blood loss.

BC stared at Butch for a long moment, whom crocked a cocky eyebrow to further annoy her, before conceding. "Fine." She reluctantly allowed Butch to lift her up, surprising her again that he chose the bridal style without question with an almost hesitant gentleness, and flew her off to get patched up.

"Professor, can't you reverse the effects of Antidote X sooner?" Bubbles had enquired during the exchange between her sisters had transpired.

"Y...yes, but I need my equipment."

"And that was all smashed," she mused, wiping away tears from her cheeks. Everything was going to be fine.

"Although..." The Professor began but had to pause to rake in a rattling unsteady breath. "I did keep a small concentration in a soda can in the little fridge in my lab."

"That's why you never let us take a drink from there!" Bubbles giggled quietly.

"I had to be creative with you girls around... so you didn't... come across my stuff by accident. That was... was less lethal so its position didn't need... to be as strict but still weird enough to be overlooked." He smiled absently at the memories of the girls as children, running around and causing so much bother. People complain about being a single parent of multiple children. Try having multiple children with superpowers, a true nightmare to behold at times. Tantrums usually resulted in getting parts of the house refurbished.

"I'll go get it, you take the Professor to the hospital to get seen to," Bubbles reassured but paused. She couldn't leave the injured alone in the middle of the street.

"Go," Blossom called.

"I'm not leaving you hurt alone."

"The quicker you get the vaccine, the quicker we can heal up." Blossom reasoned. "Boomer," she commanded, "you can take both the Professor and Bubbles along right? To the hospital and then the vaccine. Go."

Boomer felt really weird about taking orders from a Powerpuff and as if sensing his perplexity Brick ground out, "do... as she says." And with that they were gone.
Blossom listened to the distant sounds of cars and mindless chatter. It was like they were in a secluded bubble, so disconnected from the normal world. Blossom felt Brick's chest huff in short bursts, resisting the agony that must he coursing through his very being and from making any pained noises. "Brick..." He made a noise.

"What were you thinking?"

"... I..." His breath shuddered. "Ugh-I wasn't."

Blossom frowned, gently stroking her fingers across the arms that held her so tightly thinking. She closed her eyes, her vision fuzzy from the repeated hits to her head. "What idiot jumps out of a window after an enemy?"

Brick made a noise that could have been considered a laugh had it not been accompanied by groans of indescribable pain. "I... I would have t-thought... A smart girl like you..." He breathed deeply, pushing past the pain with sheer will. "Would have figured... That out by now."

"Figured what out?"

He paused. "You're not... My enemy... Red."


"There you are," Bubble happily declared, removing the needle from Blossoms arm.

"Thanks," she smiled rubbing her arm. She never liked needles much. Bubbles grinned at her and went over to Buttercup who was still a little sour at Blossom for

threatening her with cleaning and was not bickering with Butch as usual.

It wasn't long till Butch and Boomer had returned to bring Blossom and Brick back to the down ridden laboratory to get them administrated with the counter vaccine for the Antidote X. Brick had healed miraculously once his blood had worked out the Antidote X, all his injuries were now minor inconveniences in his eyes. He seemed anxious to get away, get his head cleared.

Blossom walked past him, indicating for him to come with her for a moment. Sceptical but cool as ever, he followed her into the kitchen where she turned on him with a serious expression. "Thank you. You not only saved my sisters and the Professor, you also got injured saving me." He remained quiet, curious to what she was leading towards, "for your help I offered to do anything."

"I remember."

She pursued her lips and nodded, determined to keep her promise. No matter what his request.

"You will do anything." He said it as a statement. It was fact that she was committed. Anything.

He walked up to be towering her. Gently, he trailed her jaw up to her hairline where he ran his fingers through the silky strands that were not still clagged together with blood. They both needed a shower. "Anything." His voice had dropped, becoming soft. Blossom swallowed. She nodded. He tilted her head up and leaned down so they were brushing noses. "Anything..."

Blossoms eyes grew heavy. She was indebted. The deal. Anything.

"Forget it."

Blossom blinked in shock. "What?"

Brick leaned back against the countertop, hands in dirty pockets. "I don't want anything."

Baffled by the sudden rejection, Blossom went to object. "But we had a deal."

Brick smirked at her resort but grew serious again. "I wouldn't want anything from you if you were only under obligation." Brick turned to go back to his brothers.

"What would be the fun in that?" The last part he almost said to himself.

"I don't understand."

"Forget it." He walked away.

Blossom furrowed her brows. "Wait."

Brick stopped but did not turn.

"I accept. I'll go on a date with you."

At that, he did turn with a sly cheeky grin on his lips. "I never asked you to."

"Yes you did." Brick recalled the library and his smile fell. Funny, he used to be so good at working his mask and yet this woman... "Dinner. 8'oclock."

He observed her, checking if she was serious. Those intense rose eyes stared back at him, challenging him to meet her, to follow through with his claims to want to change. For her. "It's a date."

Blossom nodded, like a business transaction had just been closed and not a date invitation. "And maybe after we can talk about you giving me your whole world," she raised a teasing brow at his expense.

Blossom had expected him to become shy about his words, they sure as hell embarrassed her when she thought about them, or to brush her off. Instead, his face darkened and an adult seriousness took hold. "I look forward to it." Rather than making him flush to disperse the awkwardness he had turned it back on her so her cheeks were aflame.

Coughing, she gestured for them to return. On the walk back Brick realised something. Now that he had broken the 'no courting the Powerpuff's' rule that meant his brothers were free to do as they wished. This could get messy.

"Y'know, you've still got to return that car that you borrowed." Blossom chilled light heartedly while Brick seriously questioned whether the saying 'women never forget' was actually true. If so, he was certainly screwed. Maybe it wasn't too late to turn back?

"None's going to miss it. It was a hunk of junk-"

"Brick," Blossom warned.

"Alright, alright. As you command, Red." Brick turned to her and gave her a graceful bow which Blossom shook her head at and joined her sisters. What had she gotten herself into?

Brick watched her, smiling with her sisters, and couldn't believe her beauty. Yes, she was pretty, but her real glow came from within when she smiled and was happy enough to emit that inhuman shimmer. He'd spend his whole life keeping that light from the darkness he once inhabited.

I won't waste this chance, Red.

Trust me.

D'waaa, everybody's happy! Was this worth the wait? *embarrassed* No?... Okay.

I've noticed that I have a bad habit of making it all bleh at the end, but trying to summarise can be quite hard... Yeeeaaah. And the treat of cleaning would freak me too out, BC. And you wouldn't even have your powers to help you.

What do you think? Would you remain silent like the professor? Accept a date from your once believed enemy? Break your hand against a morons face? Think I should have quit when I was a head? :') Let me know.