Blogging the Gotham University Crisis

Tatiana Flores

I woke up the next morning, a while after my alarm should have gone off. For a moment, I panicked, kicking the covers off and jumping out of bed. How could I sleep this late? i was late to class! It hit me like a sledgehammer, sending back to sitting on my bed. Right, the whole 'we might blow you up thing if anyone gets in our way'. Held hostage by a crazy clown, a schizophrenic former DA, and a doctor who almost made Mengel look sane.

Almost, it is hard to beat a Nazi.

Experimenting on mental patients did come close.

I made myself a cup of coffee, one that was three quarters creamer and one quarter coffee. I threw some sugar and honey in for good measure. It was sweet enough, but still had a twinge of bitterness at the end. I flipped on the television, and changed the channel to GCN. They were showing video of Arkham Tower, some news helicopter flying close by. It zoomed in on a window, focusing on a design.

I wanted to hit somebody.

I wanted to find the kid that had drawn that, slam his head up against the window, and scream at him. You're going to get me killed! How could you do this? Are you really that stupid!

Some idiot higher up had taken black paint or nail polish or something, and drawn a crude bat. There was no way that would go over well. I grabbed my laptop, and got ready for a post.

So it appears we've got an idiot in the Asylum. Whoever the jackass is that painted the Batman symbol on his window, you're going to bring some serious shit down on all of us. If you take it off now, maybe you can escape unscathed. But if you keep it up? You're putting all of us at risk. If they see that, they could kill you. They could kill any one of us, just to show you what your little rebellion could cost.

I am not going to die for your stupid mistake.

Find whoever put that stupid symbol up and take it down before that moron gets us all killed.


I posted it, then grabbed some protein bar from a cabinet. There was really nothing good on the TV, flipping from news to cartoons, and back again. I finally settled on some Discovery show about how different things are made. Insulation looks a lot like cotton candy, but after seeing that, I want to see my cotton candy being made. I don't want a mouthful of glass. I just zoned out, probably for about half an hour, before my computer dinged. Someone had commented on the post. I didn't recognize the user name, but I didn't care.

Who are you to order me around? Batman will come for us, and you just want us to sit back and let them do whatever they want. For all we know, you might be in league with them. I for one do not intend to take orders from some person in league with the Joker!

It felt like someone had just slapped me. How could he think I was in cahoots with them? He doesn't know you, he might not even be a he. I had to resist every urge to type back an angry reply, to put on the caps lock and go full on comment battle on his ass. But then I remembered one of the 'Internet Rules'.

Don't feed the trolls.

Luckily, someone else didn't.

Or hadn't even heard of the Internet rules.

Oh my God, are you stupid? Why would she be writing this if she was? Take the bat down before they come up there and kill you. How could you antagonize them like that? That's like, suicidal or something.

I snickered at that. At least someone was coming to my aid. I looked back to the television, which had a camera trained on the painted window. I could see a kid come forward, some lower classman that glanced nervously out of the window. He looked around, but left without erasing the bat. Some reporter began to speak.

"Now, you just saw one of the brave Gotham University students come toward his window, the Batman symbol an act of defiance against the terrorists that have taken over his school. Other students have been clamoring for him to remove it, but he still lets it show as a rallying sign."

Or, you know, a death wish.

I didn't have much time to think about it, as my door was quickly kicked in by the guard from the hallway. I panicked, flipping my laptop closed and flailing on the couch in shock. Behind him came two people that I definitely did not want to see.

A lanky, black haired man who's eyes moved quickly around the room, settling on Gloria's door.

And a tall man in a purple coat, his painted face a thing of nightmares.

It was the Scarecrow and the Joker, both in my room.

I really only had one thought in my mind.

Oh fuck me.

AN: Thank you all for reading! And (possibly) reviewing! I want reader input.

I want you guys to help write the blog posts, or perhaps direct me to some. It could be anything, psychological analysis, beauty tips that use things from your refrigerator, how to make toilet wine. I want you guys to help me out.

If you're interested, leave a review and I will contact you through a PM.

So! Leave your reviews!