I don't own any of this as you know. This is just for fun. Hope you enjoy.

You'd think that the happy energy around the north pole would always be there. That was not the case at all. It was Christmas eve and the only thing in the air was panic and chaos.

For once, Jack wasn't the cause of this chaos. He frowned when his attempts at playing with elves and yetis didn't work. Why didn't they want to play? He sat in his box watching the elves move in a panic back and forth getting the last of the supplies ready. This... this didn't feel like home at that moment.

The other Guardians were busy on this night too. Many kids to put to sleep and to collect teeth from. Bunny was busy too, getting his tail in gear to make sure everything was starting to get ready for Easter.

Jack sighed and flopped back into the box. He looked at the storm clouds that were swirling around the building. It looked like a snow storm was coming. It was dark, almost like a warning. He didn't want to be here anymore.

Then an idea popped into his mind. Jamie! The boy would be happy to see him, even in his small form. He grabbed onto his staff, pulling it close to his chest and slowly open the window. The wind gust in fast, taking the ice child up in it's hold. In the span of seconds, Jack Frost was nowhere to be seen.

And no one took notice.

As Jack drifted around in the air, he couldn't help but watch the moon. Nothing. There was no response from the Man in the Moon. The child closed his eyes tight. Not wanted, how could he be? The others wanted him for a bit, but when the time came they left him. Left a child, a lonely child, all by himself. Jack was one child against many. He was smart enough to know that they couldn't watch him all the time. He wasn't the only child in the world. But it still hurt.

He opened his eyes as he made his way back to his home. Bare feet skitted on the lake a bit, causing a blast of cold air to dance around, frost fractured around in a beautiful design. Flakes of frozen water seemed to stop for a moment in the air before falling back down.

He was home.

Jack dug his feet into the snow by the lakeside. The snow felt safer here, more... pure. He kicked up a foot sending more flakes into the air before giggling. Fun, this was the fun he was missing.

Dragging his staff on the ground he ran around, forgetting about going to see Jamie. He jumped around, he then flopped over and made a snow angel, before getting up again and running. Spinning around, more snow fell from the sky. His plights of glee echoing through the trees.

With a soft "oof" he flopped down in the snow and sighed. His chest moved fast up and down from the playing in the snow. The sky was slightly overcast, but the moon peeked through the clouds every so often, as if to keep an eye on him. He watched it back, smile slowly fading. What... was going on? He didn't understand why he was like this. He wanted to go back to normal.

His eyelids became heavy. He'd sleep here in the snow then find Jamie in the morning. It didn't take long for the boy to drift off to sleep.

It took even less time for Pitch to find the sleeping boy. With a tilted his head, he picked up the sleeping spirit and slowly start to walk away.