My Best Friend the Prince of England

Summary: Taken Kidnapped Edward Cullen future Prince of England is found by Isabella Swan and strike a friendship unlike other. Will these two stay friends or will puberty take a force at them? And what happens when both Edward and Bella fall in love but Edward has an Arrange marriage to attend to? Is all lost for these two lovers or is running away the solution?

Disclaimer: Don't own anything and stuff mentioned is either not mine or in my imagination.

Bella's POV

"It had been reported that the Prince of England 5 year old Edward Cullen had been taken Kidnapped at around 2:34 pm Pacific Time, no evidence on how or who did it has been found" the reporter said on TV.

Dad turned off the Television and sat back down on the table, I looked up at him, "daddy" I said, he looked at me and smiled his brown eyes twinkled.

"Yes Isabella" he asked me. He picked me up and sat me on his lap. Nana and papa swan were here too, "where's England?" I asked curiously.

He smiled while my grandparents laughed, "why don't you ask Nana she was a flight attendant back in the day" he told me. I jumped off his lap and walked over to Nana; she was already standing up and walking up to my room where a map has been placed.

She picked me up, "here is England, little Bella" she pointed to a small country that was next to a green place.

"Is mommy there?" I asked her. Her smile turned sad, "im afraid not honey," she then sat me down and walked me back downstairs.

"Daddy where are you going?" I cried out to him and hugged his leg, he picked me up and kissed my cheek, "I and Papa have to work," he explained. I knew what that meant, it meant that he and Papa went away for a while then came back.

We go through this process every morning, "you're coming back right?" I always asked him.

"Why don't you help me make cookies Bella?" Nanas said instead then lead me to the kitchen.

"Can I go outside and play?" I asked Nana, we finished making cookies.

"Yes, but stay in the yard okay" she advised me. I nodded and took a few cookies with me.

I sat in the ground eating my cookies when I heard a noise coming towards the woods. Me being curious I went to go check it out.

"Hello!" I called out. No answer.

"HELLO!" I shouted out hoping some might have heard.

"It's rude to shout you know" a voice said around me. I turned every direction trying to find the voice.

"Whose there?" I asked…around spinning in a circle.

A boy around my age with hair the color of a penny, and eyes greener than the forest around us.

"Hi im Bella, what's your name?" I asked excitedly and curious at the same time.

"Im E…Edward" he stuttered, his tummy rumbles, "are you hungry?" I asked.

"Of course you are, you tummy just rumbles," I said hitting my head with my hand.

"Come," I said holding out my hand, "Nana is going to make lunch and she makes the best" I said gloating.

"Here" I said handing him the remainder 3 cookies.

"Thank you Bella" he said while munching the cookies on one hand and holing my hand with the other.

"You have a weird voice" I stated.

"im from England not America' he told me.

"Nana told me where England was….and I asked her if my mommy was there too" I said rambling into nothing.

"And is she…maybe my mommy knows her; cause I know all the mommy's know each other" he advised.

I shook my head, 'no she's not in England"

I led him through the woods and towards the yard, "Nana! Nana!" I kept yelling out.

"You shouldn't shout, my mommy said it's rude" Edward said finished his cookies.

"Isabella what is it?" nana said outside sounding worried. "How many times have I told you not to shout child im not deaf," She finally noticed me…and Edward.

"Who is this Isabella?" Nana said sounding like a mother worried about her child…or at least that's how I seen the mommy's at preschool talk to their kids.

"Nana this is Edward, I found him lost in the woods" I explained as best as I could.

"Well come along Edward, I'll run you a nice bath and lunch is almost ready," she said.

"Thank you Miss Nana" Edward answered politely.

"Just Nana honey, none of that Miss" Nana said joking around.

Once Edward was in the bath Nana told me to call Papa and tell him what happened, I did as I was told.

I waited for Sue to pick up, "hello forks Police station how can I help you?" she asked nicely.

"Hi Sue its Bella" I said happily. Sue was nice and pretty.

"Hello Bella is anything wrong or should I get you dad for you?" she asked me sweetly.

"Can I talk to Papa please,' I asked her, "it's very important" I said in an important tone.

She laughed; "sure you can sweetheart" the line went into hold as Nana said it would.

"Bella how many times have we told you child you can't…." Papa started explaining again, but I cut him off.

"I found a boy with hair the color of a Penny and eye the color of the forest and he said his name was Edward and I brought him to nana and she said to call you and I am and…" I rambled on.

"Hold on honey…did you say you found someone in the woods?" he asked not getting it.

"Did I not just say that?" I asked him in a smart tone.

"Where is he at Isabella?" he asked. I heard him getting up and moving around.

"He's taking a bath because he was dirty" I answered him.

"Im on my way okay" he said.

"Okay, bye" and hung up.

"Who were you just talking too?" I jumped from the voice behind me.

"Edward you scared me" I was blushing and so was he.

"Im sorry" he was still blushing.

"Come I bet your hungry" I offered him. He took my hand and I led him towards the kitchen.

Nana made Spaghetti, Edward was in his 2nd plate when Papa came through the door.

"So where is the boy?' Papa asked. Nana went and kissed his cheek; she led him towards Edward and cleaned his mouth.

"Is your name by any chance Edward Anthony Mason Cullen?" Papa asked.

"That's a long name" I stated. Edward nodded.

"Yes sir" he said timidly.

Papa smiled, "don't worry you're gonna be okay" Papa reassured him.

"I'll call Charlie and have him call," he told nana.

"Just sit tight, your highness; we'll get you to your mommy and daddy in no time" Papa replied with a smile and left the house talking into his phone.

"What does your highness mean?" I asked no one in particular.

"It means royalty Isabella" nana told me.

"Bella!" I yelled as she left the room

"Do you wanna play?" I asked Edward. He looked at me and nodded, "you have a pretty crooked smile" I commented.

"You have pretty brown eyes" he told me back, I blushed.

"Thank you"

"When will my mommy and daddy get here?" Edward asked daddy again.

"They will be here by tomorrow morning" Charlie told him, me and Edward both let out a yawn.

"Time for bed you two, let's go" Charlie told us.

We went to my room, "why do you have this?"

"It's a map of the world" I told him.

He rolled his eyes, "I know that but why?" he asked again.

"So can know the places my mommy visits" I told him getting into bed.

"Where is your mommy?" he told me getting into bed with me.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know, Good night Edward"

"Good night Bella"

Was the last thing I heard before going to sleep.

Quote of the chapter

"every girl needs a guy bestfriend"

Review I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas on the new story

Be Breezy