The last chapter. Hope you all enjoyed reading this story, thanks so much once again. I love you all sooosooosooo much :)


I leaned against the glass panel of the balcony, staring at the night sky. My thoughts were scattered. What if this wasn't right? What if the entire Kingdom fell because of my decisions? What if they didn't like my decisions? What if...what if I turned out like my father? That question prodded my like a sore spot.

"Zuko, what's wrong?" I turned my head and Katara stood in front of me. I sighed and cupped one side of her cheek, "It's nothing, go to sleep." I said to her softly.

She rolled her sapphire eyes and leaned against the glass panel, mimicking my pose. I looked at her, "Katara," I sighed, "You'll need your sleep for tomorrow."

She shook her head, "So do you."

I took her hand. She was still as stubborn as she always was. I stared into her eyes and she met my gaze with the same intensity as the first time we ever met eyes. She leaned in towards me eagerly. Her eyes shone brightly. She was still so beautiful. I stroked he cheek with my thumb, "Sometimes..." I sighed again and stared at her, "Are you happy here Katara?"

Her eyebrows drew in slowly and she crossed her arms over her chest, "Is this what you've been stressing over?"

She sighed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Why wouldn't I be happy? I'm here. With my family. My friends. You." She took a step towards me, "That's all I need Zuko."

We were both still so young. I only being twenty one and Katara being twenty, it was a lot to ask, becoming the Queen and the King of such a powerful Kingdom. But together, we were working together to restore the peace that had once rested in this the what if's haunted my thoughts.

I combed my fingers through my hair, "What happens if tomorrow doesn't go as planned?" Tomorrow we were announcing that the Kingdom will start a restoration movement. A plan Katara and I had worked on for three years now together. The Kingdom would begin collected monthly expenses from the upper-class and distributing the expenses among the lower-class creating some form of a balance. A balance that had been lost ever since my father ruled.

"Zuko…what always happens when our plan's don't work?" She smiled up at me and then bit down on her lip, holding back a laugh. I knew what she was referring to. Out invasion plan. Spirits, that plan had sucked.

I brushed my lips across her forehead, "Where would I be without you?"

She shrugged, "Probably still moping around this estate."

God, I loved her so much. I chuckled and pulled her towards me, wrapping my arms around her. My heart pounded as I kissed the line of her jaw and trailed my lips down her ear. She sighed unevenly and that was all the consent I needed. I wrapped an arm around her waist to pick her up, just as the door swung open. We pulled apart abruptly.

I cursed under my breath. Our daughter Kya strolled in, trailed by Hakoda, Sokka and Suki's son. Kya looked more like Katara than me, which made me love her even more. She was only two years old but acted much older, which I blamed Katara for. I watched as Katara grabbed both of them and hugged them.

I walked up behind her. Normally, I would be annoyed with whoever interupted my free time with Katara, but I could never stay angry with Kya or Hakoda. I looked them over, ""Why aren't you two asleep yet?" I asked them with my 'fatherly' tone as Katara referred to it. I looked over at her and rolled her eyes. I laughed and winked at her as I grabbed Kya.

She giggled, "We were playing!" I set her down as Hakoda threw play punches at me. I picked him up and tossed him over my shoulder. He laughed loudly and pounded at my back as we ran around the room. I watched as Katara scooped Kya up in her arms and walked over to our bed.

I tossed Hakoda onto the bed and he laughed loudly. Suki ran into the room, looking bewildered. She sighed, "There they are!" She smiled at me apologetically as she scooped Kya up and took Hakoda's hand, "I'll put them to sleep," She said, obviously noticing how exhausting Katara looked. I kissed them each on the forehead after Katara and watched as they left teh room.

I flopped down onto the bed next to her. Katara sat down next to me. I grabbed her arm and pulled her down so she was lying in my arms. She shivered as I kissed her nose. I grabbed the covers and pulled them over the both of us. I kissed her forehead, brushing her hair back. She smiled at me, her eyes closed.

I leaned in and kissed her and she sighed against my lips. She wrapped an arm around my neck and kissed me back. My heart raced next to hers and I smirked as I grabbed her and pulled her so she was lying on top of me. I kissed her harder and faster and she dug her nails into my back.

"I love you," I spoke against her lips.

She smiled, "I love you more." She pulled back for a moment before I tugged her back down and kissed her.

There was the sound of the door opening and in an instance, I heard Katara's gasp and she shoved me off, but I didn't budge. She pushed me harder and I rolled right off the bed, landing with a thump on the floor. I groaned as the lights flicked on.

Katara peeked over the bed at me and burst out laughing. I narrowed my eyes at her as she hopped off the bed as Sokka strolled in. I pushed myself off the ground, brushing my robes off. I glared at Sokka, "Does anybody knock around here?"

Sokka made a disgusted face, "I don't think I really want to know…"

Katara straightened her dress, "What do you want Sokka?"

He shrugged, "Suki's trying to make me help her bathe Hakoda."

I rolled my eyes at him, "He's your son Sokka. You need to help Suki with something. She's always running around like a maniac trying to keep Hakoda under control."

Sokka shrugged again, "You guys have any food in here?"

Katara snorted, "This is a bedroom, not a kitchen."

He held up his hands in defeat. "Do you mind if I stay in here until Suki puts Hakoda to bed?"

I opened my mouth in protest but Katara just laughed, "You're horrible Sokka!"

I sighed and walked over to the balcony, "Will you and Suki come tomorrow?"

Sokka nodded, "Wouldn't miss it."

"Have you heard anything from Aang and Toph?" I asked Sokka. Toph and Aang had gone on their honeymoon after their marriage. Sokka nodded.

"They'll make it just in time for tomorrow."

I nodded. I watched as Katara slipped past me towards the balcony, I grabbed her waist but she smacked my hands away. She shut the glass panel and stood on the balcony on her own. Sokka looked up at the clock, then yawned, "Well Suki should be done by now. See ya later."

I wasn't watching him as he left. I watched Katara out in the balcony, leaning over and looking out at the night sky. Tomorrow would be the start of a new beginning. And although there was still so much wrong with my life, I learned to ignore it and think about all the rights. My mother was never located, just like Azula. I still struggled with my past. I was still afraid I would turn out like my father.

But as I looked out the balcony at Katara standing there, I knew she would always be there for me. We would be there for each other. We would make it through all of this, we always did. It was a while before Katara finally slipped in next to me. We were both exhausted so my plans for the night were kind of ruined, but as long as she was in my arms, I didn't mind.

"I love you," I whispered into her ear.

"I love you more," She replied.

I smirked, "I highly doubt that." And with that she fell asleep in my arms. I listened to her breathing and then settled in myself. Five years had passed since i had first met Katara. So much had changed. So many people had been left behind. But...I realized...all was well. It really, truly was.