Okay so here it is! First chapter of 'the Throne of the Royals' from Zuko's perspective. I hope you enjoy, I'm a little rusty considering I haven't written from a male's perspective for quite some time but I hope it's fine. Please review, criticism is needed and loved, so please leave some. Tell me what you thought and review if you want more!

Chapter 1:

I threw my head back against my bedframe and sighed loudly, resting my face in my hands. I was breathing heavily and my forehead was slick with sweat. I closed my eyes, catching my breath. It was just a dream, I told myself. It was just a dream. My breathing finally slowed and I took a deep breath. I heard a knock on my door and I straightened up.

"Who's there?"

"Dinner is served, your highness." The muffled voice of one of the maids came through the door of my room. I raised an eyebrow, dinner? I had slept in far too long. I combed my fingers through my hair and ignored the maid as I heard the scrambling of her feet outside of my door. I was hungry, but I wasn't ready to face my father.

I grabbed for my robe and briskly pulled it on. I straightened up and stood in front of the mirror. I stared up at my reflection and my hand travelled unconsciously to my scar and I gritted my teeth together and dropped my hand.

I finally opened the door to my room and walked out into the long hallway. I shut the door behind me, and inhaled deeply before making my way downstairs. I walked down the stairs, trying to calm down, it was just a dream, none of it was real.

I arrived at the dinner table and silently took a seat to the left of my father, across from Azula. Mother smiled warmly at me and I tried to smile back, but I couldn't help feeling my father's glare burning through me. Azula looked up at me briefly before a small smirk passed across her lips and I trained my eyes to stare at the food platter sitting in front of me.

My father cleared his throat and I looked up at him, but didn't meet his eyes. "As you know, Prince Zuko, you are now of age to choose a bride."

I swallowed and tensed up visibly as he continued speaking, "Your mother and I have spoken about it and we have found it appropriate to choose your own pianist that will play for your balls."

I was allowed to choose my own pianist but not my own wife. Typical. I could feel my father's questioning glance and I nodded at him, motioning that I understood what he had said. My mother leaned across the table and took my hand.

"Zuko, my love, your father and I don't want to put any pressure on you…" She looked up hesitantly at father before looking back at me, her face straining to keep a calm expression, "We trust you to know who you would like marry, but it is only suitable if we still throw a series of balls to honor the occasion. You can choose your pianist after and audition."

I nodded, expressionlessly, at my mother and began eating my dinner, despite the fact that my hunger had subsided. Dinner was tense for the rest of the time and I tuned out as Azula began speaking about her duel training.

I finally excused myself from the dinner table and left without another word. I walked up to my room but didn't go in. I sighed. I didn't want to get married, it was honestly the last thing I needed. I didn't want to be tied down to anyone, it was far too much work and I wasn't up to the task of dealing with it. I knew father had his own plan in mind; he wouldn't get me married just so there was an heir to the throne.

Quite the opposite actually, he would get me married so he could stay tied to his throne for longer. I shook my head in mock disbelief; he wouldn't get me married unless there was something in it for him. Mother on the other hand, I smiled faintly; I knew mother wanted whatever would make me happy. I knew if it was just her, she wouldn't force me get married if I didn't want to. But even mother couldn't help me out of this matter. With father around, mother got very little say in matters.

I felt sorry for mother, having to put up with a man like father, but it wasn't just mother who had to put up with him, it was the entire Kingdom in fact…including me.

"What's wrong, Zuzu?" Azula's voice, placid as always, interrupted my thoughts. I didn't face her, "What do you want Azula?" I spoke, my voice on edge.

Azula strolled over so she was standing in front of me. She stared down at her nails coolly before looking up at me again, "You should really learn how to talk with women with more respect. One of the requirements as Prince is to get a wife, don't forget."

I glared at her and watched as she strolled away, each stride filled with superiority. I shoved open the door to my room and pulled off my two half swords that were mounted on the wall. I pressed them against each other and slid them down into my sheath. The swords had been a gift from my uncle, now passed. I pushed away the painful memory of my losing the man who had acted as more of a father than I ever had.

I changed into my dueling clothes and then jogged down into the corridors and into the dueling ground. The group had already met up there, I sighed in relief. Nothing better could take my mind off of marriage then dueling. I joined the group and I slid into the conversation. Jet walked up to me and I set my jaw in place as he walked over to me.

"Zuko!" He bowed mockingly and nothing would please me more then to knock the ground out from beneath his feet. I raised my eyebrows ever so slightly at him, acknowledging his motions. "Duel?" He asked me and I held back a glint of pleasure as I would have the chance to bring my thoughts to life. I nodded at him and I looked over at Haru who tossed me my shield. He did the same for Jet and we both took our place in the dueling ground.

The rest of the men surrounded us and I inhaled the deep smell of victory, which was slightly denser on my side. I took my stance and I waited, on the balls of my feet, waiting for Haru to signal us to begin. Haru seemed tense and I didn't blame him, he was close friends with both Jet and I and he knew just how much Jet and I got along.

"Go!" He bellowed and Jet swung right at me. His sword hit my sword as I tore through his swing. I brought my sword out from under his and swung up, close to his face, Jet took a step back and a smile pulled at my lips. Taking steps back was the last thing you wanted to do.

I swung at Jet again and he ducked, barely missing my swing. Jet leaned in close to me and brought his sword from under him, I easily stepped aside and swung as I stepped. I heard Jet grunt and my eyes gleamed as I saw the fierce expression crossing Jet's face. He swung at me and I blocked swiftly with my shield, while Jet was distracted, I brought my sword from under my shield and swung with all my strength.

Jet ducked briskly and I had to hand it to him, he was the closest anyone could get to meet my level. I turned my heel abruptly and Jet swung aimlessly and I smiled as I turned and swung him, he fell to the ground. His body making a loud 'thump' as he hit the ground and rolled over. I licked my lips and held back a smile as I stuffed my sword back into the sheath. I threw my shield onto the platform and rolled up my sleeves as I held my hand out for Jet.

His eyes glinted with anger as if he blamed me for how easily I had beaten him, but he took a hold of my hand and I pulled him up. I walked over to Haru as I stretched out my arms. Haru sighed heavily, "Zuko beats ass once more…"

I chuckled briefly. Haru then stood up and dueled with Chan. I watched as they dueled. I shook my head. Chan needed to stay on his feet and Haru needed to learn to aim. I lied down onto my back as I took a swig from my flask. I stared up at the sky; the darkness had already begun to envelope the sky. I watched two more duels and I stood up again and rolled my shoulders which were feeling slightly stiff.

"I'm facing next!" I called out. The duel ended and I faced Aang, the boy that was one of the workers or something along those lines in our estate. He looked up at me nervously and I narrowed my eyes at him, he would be no challenged at all. I held back a chuckled remembering when Aang and I actually used to be close, I swallowed hard, that was before it had happened. I pushed the memory away from my mind and took my stance. I put on my game face as Aang positioned himself.

"Go!" Ling yelled, another one of the boys from the dueling group. I contemplated whether I should go easy on this kid or not, probably not, I told myself. I swung hard and fast right at his chest, but he was quick. He ducked beneath my sword and brought his own sword around and swung. I held up my sword blocking his swing and I twisted his sword in mine and then I pulled out and struck, Aang blocked with his shield.

I frowned. He was better than I expected. I inhaled sharply, I would finish this dink off faster than he could step. I swung, full power, at his shield, but he moved aside and twisting around, knocking me off my guard as he swung. I barely blocked his swing with my sword. My eyebrows drew in and I swung around and Aang dodged once more. I could feel everyone's eyes watching us. Aang usually never dueled; I myself hadn't seen him duel before.

I turned on my heel and swung backhand towards Aang's face directly. A brief expression of shock overcame his face, but he ducked quickly and missed the swing my centimeters. I exhaled deeply as Aang swung and I blocked him. Pull it together, I scolded myself. I couldn't actually be having trouble with fighting someone like him.

Aang swung faster than I could notice, and I dodged it by seconds. I glared at Aang. I set my jaw in place; he would really get it now. I threw my swing at him and it hit his shield with a loud clash. I didn't wait for him to rebalance as I swung again. Aang brought his sword from under his shield and he swung at my feet, I jumped right as he pulled his sword out and swung at my upper body. I stifled a gasp as I leaned back and dodged the swing.

I heard a few whistles from the small crowd watching and my anger got the better of me. I swung with all of my power, right at Aang, not holding back anything and it hit right against his shield and he dropped right onto his ass. I threw my shield onto the ground immediately and stared at Aang in shock, he didn't seem angry or hurt. He gave me a brief smile before getting back up himself.

I cracked my knuckles as I walked over onto the platform again. Haru clapped me on the back, "That was close."

I shoved past him to grab my flask. It was not close; I was just off my game. Haru turned to face me, "I'm serious, I thought we finally found someone who could whoop your ass."

I shook my head and took a swig from my flask. "I was off my game…" I said as I wiped my face with the back of my sleeve. "I won anyways, didn't I?"

Haru just shrugged, not wanting to argue with me. He turned back to watch the duel between Jet and Aang. I narrowed my eyes as Aang seemed to float across the duel ground. I took another swig from my flask before closing it and setting it next to me as I leaned down lazily on my elbows, watching the duels continue. The last duel was with Haru and me. I whipped him up within minutes and he left the ground scowling. I grabbed my flask and began making my way back inside.

I saw Aang walking ahead of me towards the corridors and I held back a scowl as I jogged up to him. When I was by his side, he turned to me and gave me an acknowledging nod.

"I didn't know you knew how to duel." I said to him.

Aang shrugged. "I guess I just learned on my own."

I gritted my teeth together. What a numbskull. I narrowed my eyes at him as he walked ahead of me faster, obviously noticing my anger. I stood out in the darkness for a while, staring up at the moon. It would have been a beautiful sight, but I was never very fond of the darkness and the moon. I paced back towards the corridors.

As I reached my room, I heard one of my maid's scurrying up behind me. I sighed loudly in exasperation. I really despised my maids, especially since they were all vulnerable females who needed to understand I wasn't interesting in them. I didn't turn to face her as I heard her approach.

"Your majesty." Her voice was out of breath. I held onto the knob of my door, waiting for her to finish so I could go to my room. "There is an important meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning in the throne room."

I closed my eyes. Great, another meeting that reminded me of how little rights I had as the Prince. I nodded and pushed open my door. I threw my sheath on the ground after pulling out my swords. I mounted my sword back on the wall and collapsed onto my bed.

I wasn't tired, quite the opposite, I had slept in for far too long today anyways. I sat down on my bed, facing the balcony. It was at these moments that I missed how my life used to be. When my father wasn't caught up in being King. When my mother would speak with me freely and when Azula…I sighed, Azula had always been the same. When my uncle was alive. I touched my scar, before I had my scar.

I now lived in fear of speaking up against my father, for I knew the consequences could be permanent. Very permanent at that. I stare out the glass door leading to the balcony. If I ever did get married, it had to be with a woman who I trusted. Nothing mattered to me more than trust. But I knew I wouldn't have my first choice in marrying, it would be my father's choice in the end.

I would just have to look and act charming and please every girl in every ballroom, I would just have to flirt and toy with all of the women in the Kingdom, just for my reputation. I turned over in my bed. It was true that I could have any woman I wanted and it had nothing to do with me being conceited. It was true, what type of woman wouldn't marry the soon-to-be King of the most powerful Kingdom? But I didn't want a woman who was in love with the throne.

I sighed and I turned onto my back, I didn't want a woman who loved me either, in fear that I would one day end up like my father. The last thing I wanted was to deprive a woman like that. It didn't matter much to me, because it the end I wasn't interested in getting married. I knew that it had everything to do with the fact I didn't want to become my father, although that was who I was taught to became as a child.

I closed my eyes and tried to push all of the thoughts away, but how could I? Sooner or later I would have to get married and face life right then and there. My pianist was the last of my worries and I didn't see why mother insisted on having auditions, it was far past me. Couldn't we just hire any old pianist? Piano all sounded the same anyways; I didn't see why it mattered. I guess mother wanted me to have some say in my marriage.

I rested my head in my hands as I stared up at the ceiling. My entire life I was taught to be someone I didn't want to become, but I really didn't have a choice. Mother had tried to give me an ample amount of freedom but I rarely left the estate. Father insisted it was better if I didn't converse with the lower classes, which I never really understood but never had the guts to question.

My thoughts drifted back to my marriage. I t made me feeling distraught just thinking about attending all those balls to choose one woman to be my bride. It seemed strange, but I didn't have much experience with women before. Other than mother, Azula and this one girl who I used to be friends with named Toph, I didn't speak to many women.

I had this one girl who I did like, she was the daughter of a wealthy landlord but father had broken off my relationship to her once it had started. It made me feel nervous despite how confident I acted when I was up in the balls dancing with the wealthiest women from all around the Kingdom, but it made me feel guilty in a way. As if I was just leading them on, because I had to act as if I was interested in each and every one of them, even the snobby and fake ones.

After the incident, I broke off my connections with everyone and had lost everyone I was close to at that moment. It was a sickening thought, but it was my father who had done it to me, and to this day it was still difficult to face him every day without the same fear that had petrified me for so many years.

I sighed and grew tired, surprisingly. I rolled over onto my side and drifted off into my usual troubled sleeps.

How was that? Hope it wasn't that bad… Review for more!