Disclaimer: Hello! Yes! This story hasn't stopped! Don't worry! I'm just very slow at writing things! Lol! So, anyway, review positively please! Thank you! You know I don't own anything Zelda! So, let's go! And, again, so sorry for the long wait! Let us go! :D


Nick's PoV:

We arrive in Hyrule Field. Ganon is nowhere to be found... Though, all of a sudden, a fire ring surrounds me, leaving Saria, Dr. Lanford, Maria, and Ma outside of the ring. I know I can do this... Don't let being whipped bring you down, Nicholas Mumford! I know you can do this! "Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Nicholas Mumford, the new chosen Hero of Time! Do you honestly think you can beat me?! Ha ha ha! That's a gag!" Suddenly, Ganondorf, in my step-Father's body, appears in front of me in the fire ring. He snaps his fingers, and two swords appear out of nowhere... This is so unfair! I don't have a weapon to... All of a sudden, a sword appears in my hands. (No, it's not the Master Sword, so don't judge. :P) "Are you ready for this, boy?" I nod with determination and courage. I can't believe I have the courage to do this! "Let's play..."


Ganon charges after me with his swords. I side-step out of the way, and when Ganon's back is turned, I stab him in the back with my sword. Oh my Goddesses... Did I really just do that? When I hurt Ganon, I'm hurting my step-Father! "Ganon! Can't you get out of my step-Father's body, so that I can't hurt him?!"

"Must I?" He turns around and asks. He has a wicked grin on his face.

"Yes!" Then, my step-Father falls to the ground, and what looks like black steam rises out of him. The steam then forms into the real evil Gerudo King, Ganondorf. He was a lot less threatening-looking in my step-Father's body... But, it's better this way, because my step-Father doesn't have to get hurt! While his guard's down, I charge at him with my sword. Though, he snaps his fingers right away, and the two swords disappear out of my step-Father's hands and into Ganon's. As soon as I'm up to him, he backhands me with his right sword. I fall backwards, only inches away from the flames of the fire ring.

"Nick!" Ma cries. She has tears streaming down her face. The others look scared and worried.

I get back up and charge for Ganon again. This time, he grabs my sword out of my hands and flings it outside of the fire ring. I gasp. The sword lands right beside Ma and the others. "Ma! Throw me my sword!" I holler at her. It was a mistake to take my eyes off Ganon and over to Ma, because Ganon takes this time to backhand me. Though, I don't think it was with one of the swords... I think it was with his actual hand. Once again, I fall back and land near the flames of the fire ring. I see Ma pick up my sword with both hands and throw it. It lands in the centre of the fire ring. I see that Ganon's eyeing it. So, before he can do anything, I get up, feeling slightly light-headed, and run to the sword. Though, with feeling slightly light-headed from the backhand, I lose my balance right before I can reach my sword and fall to the ground. I extend my right arm to grab my sword, but Ganon kicks it, so that it slides at an incredible speed, spinning like a boomerang, out of the fire ring. "Crap..." I say silently to myself. One of Ganon's swords disappears, and he picks me up from the ground, lifting me up by my hair. I hang on to it, so it's not so painful. "Put me down! No!" I shout.

"Nick!" I hear my Mother cry again.

"So, new Hero of Time, it looks like I win..." Ganon says with a wicked smirk. Suddenly, the sword's thrown back into the fire ring. Only this time, it hits Ganon in the side of the head, which makes him fall down to the ground, effectively dropping me to the ground. I run and grab my sword, but before I can attack him, Ganon disappears and reappears behind me. I'm then clubbed in the back of the head with the hilt of his sword. I collapse to the ground. My vision, blurry. I try not to lose consciousness... If I do, my family, friends, and Hyrule will fall into the hands of evil. I keep that thought in my mind, as I try to stay conscious. I sense that Ganon's about to hit me again, so I roll out of the way of the sword, grabbing my sword in the process. I stand up on my two feet, and Ganon tries to slash me with the sword, but I manage to block his attack with my sword. He keeps slashing and slashing at me, and I keep blocking and blocking his attacks. It's my turn to retaliate. I start slashing and slashing at him with my sword. Of course, he blocks the attacks with his sword. I manage to slash across his body, just as he puts his guard down for a few seconds. "Gah!" he shouts. "You'll pay for that, you little brat!"

"Oh, yeah?! Just try to hurt me, you jerk!"

Ganon jumps in the air and tries to bring down his sword on me. I side-step out of the way just in time. Again, I use this time to stab his back. He cries out in pain. Then, unexpectedly, his left arm flies up and hits me in the face, knocking me down to the ground. Instantly, Ganon's on top of me, with his sword in-hand. "Any last words, boy?" I hear my Mother screaming outside of the fire ring. My mind's racing. I have to act now!

My sword is just inches away from my right hand. I manage to reach it, without Ganondorf noticing. "Yeah! Goodbye!" I shout, and I stab him in the heart. He stands up, screaming in pain.

"You... brat!" he barely shouts. "Someday, I'll get my revenge on... you! In a next life!" He falls to his knees, clenching the sword in his heart. After a few seconds, he falls to the ground. I think he's dead... I slowly saunter over to him. I'm shocked. I can't believe I just did that... The fire ring slowly fades. Ma and the others run over to me and hug me. My Mother hugs me the tightest. I still stare at the lifeless body, still shocked at what I did. I saved Hyrule, yet I killed a man...

"My baby... you did it!" Ma exclaims with tears in her eyes. Suddenly, I fall to my knees, screaming. "Nick?! Honey, are you OK?!" I'm holding my chest. It's screaming in pain. "Nick?!"

Suddenly, a child's voice is heard, "You did it, new chosen Hero of Time. I'd like to thank you for saving Hyrule, since I wasn't there to do it. Now, since the evil Gerudo King is gone, it's time for me to come back to Earth..." What? Was that Link, the original Hero of Time? Why would he come back to life?

Suddenly, yellow sparkles come out of me and surround me. After a few seconds, they move to right in front of me. My chest stops hurting. The sparkles form a human figure, about my size. Suddenly, the sparkles slowly turn into an actual human form. He gets more solid. Oh, Nayru! He looks exactly like me! Only, he has two blue eyes and blonde hair! "Oh my... Link?!" He nods. "What...? What are you...? How did you come back to life?!"

"My spirit was inside you. Since you awoke as the Hero of Time, I came back to life." My eyes widen.

"Link... Oh, my baby!" Maria runs over to Link and hugs him so tightly, I think she'll break his ribs.

"Maria..." he says. They both hug each other tightly. Maria does nothing but bawl. Saria's over to Link and hugs him almost as tightly as Maria. She, too, cries. Dr. Lanford does the same thing. My Mother picks me up from the ground and holds me in a tight embrace.

"Promise me something, sweetie... Don't you ever go hurting yourself like that again! Promise?!" Maria's just so happy that Link's back with us.

"Don't worry. I won't. I promise." Link says.

She pulls him away from her and says, "Your cuts, your gash, and your broken ankle... they're all healed! It's like nothing's ever happened!" She pulls him into a tight embrace again. I can tell he's relieved that, not only to be back on Earth, but to have all his injuries gone. I'm not sure what happened that ended his life, but I know now that everything will be OK. "Come on, let's go home," she says. Dr. Lanford picks up my step-Father, and we all head back to my house. We all get on each others' horses. Ma and I are going back to the Kokiri Forest, too. And we all head back there... I can't wait to see Leah's and the others' reactions to Link coming alive again!...

As soon as we arrive in the Kokiri Forest, all of the Kokiri look at us. They all widen their eyes, as they see Link on the back of Maria's horse. They all run up to us, cheering, "Link! You're OK?! You're alive?!" Maria stops the horse, and Link gets down. They all pile on top of him and knock him over. Leah and Mido run out of their houses, and they look like they're wondering what's going on.

"What's going on?" Mido asks. All of the Kokiri finally leave Link alone, and when Mido sees him, he runs, shouting, "Link! Link!" Link just gets up from the ground, when Mido pounces on him, knocking him down again.

I can see Leah looking over here, shocked and surprised at Link's arrival. She runs over here, calling, "Link! Link!" Then, she joins Mido with the crushing of Link on the ground. Finally, they both get up off of him. He dusts himself off. Leah hugs Link tightly, never wanting to let him go. "You came back... How did you...?"

Link and Leah let go of each other, and he says, "Since I passed away, Nick became the new Hero of Time. My spirit was within him. As soon as the King of Evil was defeated, my spirit came out of Nick's body, and I formed into me again." Leah just smiles and hugs him again. After a few moments, Leah separates herself from him and decides to kiss Link on the lips. They hold each other close. I knew this was going to be a happy ending...


Years later, Link and Leah got married and had a family: their twins, Moriko and Avalon. They live in Hyrule Castle Town, and so does Leah's Mother. They visit Nick, who's in Hyrule Castle Town, also, and Mrs. Mumford and Nick's step-Father, in Hyrule Field, often. Nick's now married to a beautiful girl he met in Hyrule Castle Town, named Shara, with two kids. One's named Lincoln and the other is named Leanna. Maria has been long since married to Dr. Lanford. They had another child, also named Lincoln... Lincoln Harold Lanford. They'll never forget their experiences together. And they live happily ever after...




A/N: Holy crap! Yay! I'm finally done Cope! ^_^ *Does a cartwheel* (Actually doesn't, because I can't do cartwheels, especially this late at night...) Once again, so sorry for the long wait! At the end, where it's said, "I knew this was going to be a happy ending...", I got the song I'm a Believer by Smash Mouth in my head, because Donkey said that at the end of Shrek, then that song started playing! That song actually suits this story... Well, review positively please! Thank you! I'll be uploading a new chapter for What if? soon, so keep an eye out for it! ;) Well, see ya!

- Young Hero of Time